So I just read that anglos don't have mantecados and polvorones

So I just read that anglos don't have mantecados and polvorones

what the actual fuck is this true? what do you people even eat during christmas?

I made sufganiyot for Hanukkah. Not everyone is a Christian, user.

Post disregarded.

"Christmas Dinner" is usually just a rehash of Thanksgiving. Lots of cranberry sweets, puddings, some kind of big fuckin bird.
I don't know anybody who does it though, my family just has a nice midwest/texmex style brunch with chorizo con huevos, biscuits and gravy, bacon, has browns, sausage, and mimosas

I love mantecados and polvorones. Do you have any recipes for them? They're a little expensive to buy in the US as they have to be imported.

I'm not christian, user, it's just that here in Spain if you go to any shop after mid-November until late January you can find polvorones everywhere, and it's like the best thing to eat during the whole chirstmas season

I didn't mean just during the dinner, but your family dinner does sound nice

Now that you say it, it's probably one of the few things I've never tried cooking, I'll look up some recipes, or just call my mother, she probably knows one

International Christmas dinner thread?
It's hot as fuck here so we all get together in a room with air conditioner and have cold food while Dad gets way too drunk and we play the what relative cries and ruins Christmas this year bingo
Next morning we turn on the news and watch all the people who injured themselves have being drunk and stupid, 2014 was the coolest year because people where so loud a polar bear in the local zoo died of stress

Your mother's homemade recipe, if such a recipe exists, would be wonderful.

I used to not enjoy roscos de vino as much, but I've grown to like them.

She's probably sleeping right now so I'll ask her tomorrow morning, if she does know the recipe I'll post it with the same op image

I'm finnish and what the fuck is this blastphemy?

Isn't it great?

>have cold food while Dad gets way too drunk and we play the what relative cries and ruins Christmas this year bingo

That sounds quite funny, where do you live that it gets so hot in December but there's a polar bear in the local zoo?

Anyway my dinners usually involve a a lot of horrible singing, my father making the worst jokes I've ever heard, a fuck ton of meat with some cheese sauce because my mother can't say no to me, everyone else eating crab and prawns, and my favourite: one returning member of the family who will probably not stay for long and is unlikely to come back next year

Pretty much the best sweets, they are made with lard, sugar, almond, and flour. Then depending on what exactly you're making they can have chocolate or lemon or some other stuff. They have a pretty nice texture that barely holds together and crumbles as you bite them, easily turning into a paste-like thing in your mouth if you take too big a bite.

We don't have them, but bakery-running immigrants do!

I always bring some to my Mom's on Christmas

Spanish christmas butter cookies

>what do you people even eat during christmas?

It's ok, we gave them a little pool to swim in in case it gets too hot

>not making tamales for Christmas

>Not taking advantage of the fact that the holidays are one of the only times of the year where you can spend most of the evening passed out on the couch with your belt undone and no one hassles you about it.

Dirty filthy jew goto sleep in an oven. You are literally not welcome on this website. Bitch.

What are those springroll things on the left? I can only describe the wrapping as a carpet of pastry.

this is a pleb texas christmas dinner
t. british expat who lives in texas and discovered texans cant cook and just eat mexican food and shitty buiscuits and white gravy

I source ingredients for weeks in advance and cook a full on spread. I try for at least 8 dishes for the main meal (roast beef, sage sausage redonion stuffing, potatoes au gratin, sauteed brussels sprouts, roast butternut squash, brown sugar orange cranberry sauce etc etc).
for dessert this year i premade english christmas pudding soaked in brandy to be served with cream and gingerbread coated in dark chocolate with orange zest.
all to be served with mimosas, mulled wine and beer for the lads.

Americans dont really do xmas dinner, maybe in the northeast they do but not here. It's cool though because it means everyone comes to my house to eat the feast I make, which makes it all worth the effort. I'd also rather not eat thankgiving type food since it all tastes really bad. fucking marshmellows on sweetpotatoes. fucking ritz crackers and crea of mushroom soup mixed with green beans, just fucking lol at american food.

On the dessert/drink side:
>Pies (pumpkin, pecan, apple, etc.)
>Cake (yule log, at least in my family),
>Eggnog (thick ass milk and egg alcoholic drink), >Truffles

On the savory side usually:
>Roast ham, chicken, turkey, goose, pork, beef

But Christmas dinner really depends on the family in question. Italian-American families will have Italian Christmas food, Polish-Americans will make pierogies and other shit, Mexican-Americans will make tamales, etc. etc. Christmas food is a lot less set in stone than Thanksgiving food, and even that changes a lot based on region/background. But I'd say most people have pies and a roast of some kind.

Also idk why but I'm not the biggest fan of mantecados or polvorones, I prefer turrón by far. I lived in Spain for a few years and just never developed a taste for them. Too dry and crumbly imo. Semana Santa sweets are best desu.

>redonion stuffing,

Oh look everybody, I'm from britstania and use pretentious french words so people will think I know how to cook since my 2 year old nursery school britstanianian babble gets ridiculed.

Whats it taste like?

T. Småkager

>Not everyone is a Christian, user.
oh look, a jew reminding everyone hes a jew. I think ive met you before.

High fructose corn syrup, mostly. Also pink slime

this is good advice.

>british expat
>I magically know more about your own cuisine!
Don't you have some spotted dick to choke on?
I'm not in texas, and if you think biscuits and gravy is shit then you've never had it made proper at home. You're like every other smug yurofaggot and new englander who has never had proper sausage gravy and can't fathom that it would ever be good.

you're the one eating eggs, hash browns and glorified bread on the biggest feast day of the year. dear lord what a lazy and simple diet, why are you even here?

>biggest feast day of the year
Thats thanksgiving you uninformed faggot. Get our of my country.

Southernfag here, I disagree with you. Biscuits and sausage gravy is one of those things you have to grow up with. Otherwise it doesn't look good, it doesn't smell like anything but sausage and pepper, there's no herbs or spice in it.

I've never met somebody who'd never had it and didn't like it after trying it.
It looks like somebody puked on your plate, sure, but its fucking delicious.

Same, a nice cold fruit salad and watching who was the first baby of the year in Crónica tv is great

I've had thanksgiving in 5 different households in 3 different southern states, I even ate a thanksgiving meal hosted by some rich maryland lady who lived in england and it all tasted like shit... so you cant blame it on people being poor and not knowing how to cook... it's just shit food pairings.

So I just read that Gaikokujin don't have Christmas cake on Christmas day. What the FUCK do you people eat during Christmas for dessert?

is that shit good user


anglos call them shortbread, hoss.

>i uh....i had...uh....some....foods....its....not...yknow...uhh
Learn to fucking type you 12 year old shithead

Coffee and protien bars. Maybe lead if someone decides to spread the holiday fear.
>t. Cop


Shortbread? Nice but I'd rather have a homemade Christmas cake. We (my family at least) tend to eat Christmas cake towards near year's. On Christmas day itself Christmas pudding and mince pies are enough.

It’s spanish not mexican you uncultured swine

t. liberal palestinian

Shortbread is nothing like it, I've no idea why people translate it as such, if one bites a polvorón expecting to taste shortbread, they'll be quite surprised

this post is so hilariously russian

Oy vey these insensitive goyim it's like a second holocaust

doesn't matter what you think either tastes like you fucking autist, polvoron IS a derivation of shortbread.

Yes, anglos Christmas traditions are trash. They don't even have filhos, or celebrate all twelve days of Christmas until the epiphany, and they celebrate Santa (Satan), trees, and yule logs instead of making the holy creche the centerpiece symbol of the season. Awful desu senpai

>Not eating torta de Santiago
It's like you don't want to be blessed by the Holy Moor Killer

>and they celebrate Santa (Satan)
well the catholic reverence of saints is idolatry so you're not wrong


Did you mean Tarta de Santiago? I eat that whenever I actually visit Santiago de Compostela

>it doesn't smell like anything but sausage and pepper, there's no herbs or spice in it.
Just because you cook from a box doesn't mean that everyone else does.

No Santa is not a saint. And reverence to the lives of those who dedicated their lives to Christ is not idolatry. We do not worship them. We heed their examples and meditations on scripture and ask for intercedence on our behalf or meditate on the examples set forth by these very wise disciples of Christ.

Torta and tarta are both correct depending on dialect.

hmm I usually use torta when talking about pic related, didn't know it's used for tarta as well

>literally means saint
nigger do you even saint nicholas

Reverence of the saints is literally just rebranded paganism. Roman Catholicism is Christianity using ancient roman religion as a template to make it easier for the romans to swallow. Live in denial if you must but the truth is the truth.

Interesting. I know a Galician expat who sells them as torta, but I don't remember what the cake shop in Compostela called them when I bought one there (the lady was most proud of the tetilla, she was a plump older lady with a bright red face who giggled with so much delight she could barely get the translation out). There could be differences on torta/tarta within Galicia itself, though, due to the common usage of Castilian, Galician, and Portuguese and the resulting muddled up patois of the locals. On an interesting side note if you order a torta at a Mexican taco truck in California you get a ham or steak sandwich on a bun.

Lol. Saint Nicholas was an early Christian saint and Bishop from Anatolia, whose feast day is celebrated within the Advent season of every Christian faith. He has nothing to do with the Santa Claus depicted on Christmas day and has only recently been attached to the santa myth through proximity of the real saint's feast day.
Recognizing that you can learn from the examples of others who came before you and that there are people who share remarkable, extraordinary relationships with God is not the same as Roman Paganism. They may have adopted some organizational or aesthetic representations, but this is not the same as being substantially the "same thing"

This is actually the opposite of Santa who has been dressed the the red garb of a Bishop, but whose traditions and actions are firmly rooted in Germanic Paganism.

the fact that a saint got co-opted by capitalism doesn't mean he's not a contemporary representation of that saint, and to liken him to satan is hilariously hyperbolic

Whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable with your deviant heathen denomination, bro.

>The fact that greed, avarice, and marketing made a composite out of a Christian saint and a pagan elf so they could misdirect a holiday season about the birth of Christ into a season of wanton expenditure where the primary lesson taught to children is that they DESERVE gifts simply for doing the right thing has nothing to do with Satan
Lol dude the great deceiver got you again. Satan worked through man to turn the 3rd most important holiday in the Christian calendar into THE biggest day of avarice in the world.

It's the moneychangers in the temple my man.

Lol what is one of the oldest Christian traditions deviating from? All the Orthodox churches have saints too. It's revisionist Protestants who deviate and are the true deviants.

The fact it's the oldest doesn't make it the purest, especially considering the number of concessions it made to the original Christian dogma so pagans would have an easier time adjusting to it. Several post-catholic revisions are a refinement of Christianity without the excess that weighed Catholicism down.

For Christ's sake, have you ever set foot in a Catholic cathedral before? The amount of gold ornamentation betrays an obsession with wealth that puts the Jews to shame. A catholic is really in no position to criticize anybody for obsessing over wealth and avarice. God doesn't see a penny of the money the church soaks up.

>I know better than all the religious councils and church fathers because I read the Bible at Sunday school

Most of that stuff in cathedrals were either donated directly to the church or commissioned with funds donated to the church over CENTURIES. when you're around long enough you accumulate nice things. Simply having these things is not avarice. Although, I do admit the Catholic Church is not pure or without sin and fault as no institution ran by man can be. Which is why it's important to remember and honor saints because among them are some of the best Christians of all time. It's unlikely you or I will meet a truly gifted religious teacher in our time so to not keep record and reverence of the great teachers of the past is nothing short of religious amnesia.

Kill yourself kike

I don't claim to know better than people who consider themselves professional christians, but I do believe that refusal to criticize is willingly blinding yourself. The catholic church is rife with corruption and has been for centuries, and its obsession with displays of luxury is an enabling component of that, whether it's bought or accumulated. Anything other than minimal materialism in both the church and the congregation is an incorrect execution of christian principles and indicates a serious flaw in the dogma.

Oh, great. Another food which the "chosen ones" have taken from their host country (heebs are complete parasites) and pass off as their own. Truly, they are a rootless, international clique which must be put down.

lol so mad i was drunk you carby kike

>teehee i was jus drunk xdd disregard how much of a dipshit i am! p-ples dont make fun of me!

ayy international frugalist haters cooking club

dude ur so mad ur carrying this into the next day even though the convi has changed. american thankgiving food is shit. eggs and bread are a trash christmas dinner. you're probs a fat spic or 56% mutt fucking chorizo huevos on christmas... what about abuelitas tamales?

What you're referring to is known as asceticism and there is a very strong tradition of this in the Catholic Church as well, in fact some of my favorite saints were ascetics. One thing I often encounter with people with a limited personal experience with Catholicism is that they interpret it as being one thing or having hard, blunt stances on things across the board when this is rarely true. In fact, if you think about it a Catholic priest, and I'm not even talking about a brother of a religious order, is probably the most ascetic of all modern Christian faith leaders. They are supposed to lead a life of celibacy, modesty, and service. They wear the simplest clothes possible and usually live in a modest home provided by the congregation. Their days are filled with masses, service to the sick and elderly, as well as the poor. In fact this is how all members of the church LIVE. They do not own those fineries that you speak of. They merely don and use them an hour or so each day to enact the holy mass for the people. Priests, bishops, Cardinals, and Pope's are merely custodians of Christ's Holy and Eternal church. Granted there are good custodians and bad ones, but that is no reason to abandon or blame the institution they are charged with.

Good people under a corrupt ideology don't redeem that ideology.

Sorry, I should say institution, not ideology. I don't object to the ideology so much as its execution.

The reverse of your statement is also true. But there is no such thing as an infallible ideology. Every ideology is influenced by man and so shares his inherent shortcomings. Never believe one that tells you that an ideology is perfect.

The same rules apply to institutions. Which is why I never try to win religious discussion by attacking the shortcomings of my fellow Christians. We are all sinners. I only profess the positive virtues of my faith.

I see, I've only been to Santiago a few times and have always lived in Madrid ('cept for a few years when I was a teenager and my family moved to Almería) so I guess it's less likely that I'd know about that little quirk of their dialect

>On an interesting side note if you order a torta at a Mexican taco truck in California you get a ham or steak sandwich on a bun
Absolute madness

im not even the guy you started this shit with i was just observing that you're a dumb ass for feeling that you have to justify yourself the day after with some shit a 14 year old would say on an anonymous image board

It's not your shortcomings I'm questioning, it's those of the institution itself. If something is flawed or worse, it shouldn't be excused on the grounds of the good done by individuals within it despite those flaws. It should be pulled up on it and questioned, especially by those within it.
I'll admit my initial remark about idolatry was just an intentionally inflammatory statement, although it was in response to the ridiculous claim of santa claus being satan. Given what we've just hashed out, I feel there's a case to be made for the notion that a commercial perversion of Saint Nicholas is in no way a representation of the spirit of goodwill and kindness he embodies. Neither is it the case that every single individual who recognizes Santa is ignorant to his origin and indulgent in the consumerism and entitlement of his modern day parody-self.

Back at ya man. I'll file this away under good, earnest conversation on Veeky Forums. We should probably stop being this off topic before we trigger some tismo tho.