What do you bean fli/ck/ers do with the extra juice in this...

What do you bean fli/ck/ers do with the extra juice in this? There's not enough to be considered a real soup like regular ramen.

I just mixed mine up with some rice and the rest of the fried egg I dumped on top of the whole thing. I have a bucket of water and tissues standing by (for my anus).

Should I have just dumped it out?

If you cook it correctly, there should be no extra juice.

Well F that. How's anyone supposed to eyeball "8 spoon of water?"

You don’t have spoons in your kitchen?????

Can you eyeball 1/3 cup of water? God damn, dude, it's not hard to convert units of measurement. I aced making these noodles the first time.


>I aced boiling noodles the first time

Well done idiot, your parents must be proud of you

Is this the hot noodles from that noodle challenge?
Literally just got off the phone with my ex and she was telling me about them because she knows I love hot food.

Who the fuck cares?

I do because I asked you fucking dildo.

Yeah the challenge is to stuff them up your ass and then set up a gofundme for your doctor's visit. All your Facebook friends will really like it.

I don't know about any challenge but I saw someone posted something with this where a young black woman threw up in a sink after eating it.

I mean who cares about you having a phone call get the fuck outta here gay boi no one gives a shit about you

They are, unlike yours.

It's because black people can't actually handle spice

This. The spiciest thing they willingly eat is flaming hot cheetos

yes but they aren't even hot, ate a 4 pack of them already. they aren't hot, only like 8,000 scoville.

>y....you shut up

Nice comeback retard

I actually don't care for the noodles, I only like the sauce and Samyang is starting to sell it separately.

It's a fucking "fried" noodle you mong, you don't make a soup with samyangs

Even if you put too much water in you just cook it until it reduces you total mongoloid

>Criticizing for making ramen noodles"wrong
>Slurs poster using slang for Asians

No one can figure out what's wrong with you, but happy holidays all the same.

>Criticizing for making ramen noodles "wrong"
>Slurs poster using slang for Asians

No one can figure out what's wrong with you, but happy holidays all the same.

It's not supposed to have extra soup you mong. Source: I'm Korean