How do I eat slowly? I always eat like I am late to somwhere

How do I eat slowly? I always eat like I am late to somwhere

Develop an eating disorder.

Chew each bite exactly 50 times then take a sip of water. Repeat until depressed and exhausted.

Put less food in your mouth.

people with diabetes also drink a ton of water with their meals

Who cares. If you can't to lose weight just eat less.

Eat lower density food, with only whole plant ingredients, no extracted oils or sugars.

Make your food less convenient to eat, Smaller bowls/plates. Drink more water.

Get distracted by activities.

but eating faster than everyone else is how you win the meal

eat spicier food

>How do I eat slowly? I always eat like I am late to somwhere

just... dont do dat... fag
a thread died for this.

Does this imply I process less calories from the same amount of food if I just eat slowly?
Why would I ever do that, and where the fuck is credible source for this dogshit?
because this sounds like a whole load of barnacles.

just fucking stop and take the time to fucking appreciate the textures and flavors in your mouth, i fucking hate people like you.
my ex used to scarf down any food i'd buy or make her and it'd fucking piss me off, fuck your kind.

^This. Judging by the picture this is just another one of the million distraction ideas fat people focus on to avoid doing the one very clear thing they should be doing if they want to lose weight:
You're not fat because of carbs, you're not fat because you eat until you feel full and skinny people eat until they stop feeling hungry, you're not fat because of HFCS, you're fat because you took in more energy than you used and thermodynamics is a real thing.

So I read somewhere you’re supposed to chew each bite 30-50 times before swallowing. Is this true? I usually do about 10.

it depends on what you're eating

Try mindful eating, or distract yourself with something else while eating

mad af

I want to be the opposite. I eat really slow in social situations, and I always cover my mouth even though I chew with my mouth closed. Teach me to speed


I used to eat very slowly then i went through basic training and learned to eat multiple plates of food in under 10 minutes. Really stuck with me because i often find myself wolfing down my lunch and work and getting disgusted stares from coworkers. If it's not something work savoring i just inhale it because food is fuel first and foremost.

It says if you eat slower you're more inclined to drink more water and feel full before eating as much. It is total bullshit though, people who eat fast eat more because they don't realize they're sated until it hurts.

mindful eating is a good idea, but I think eating while distracted is what may trigger a lot of over eating behavior.


Yes... rest... in peace... mchicken... thread...

>a thread died for this.
A shitty week old thread that was on its deathbed.

nothing wrong with eating like a machine if you burn it with lots of activity.
I used to have to eat until my stomach felt like it was going to explode 4x a day, just to maintain weight

1. Split your meals into more mealtimes.
This will make your digestive system always have something to work on rather than going hungry to a meal.
Don't let yourself become hungry, take a snack sometimes.
2. Eat with someone and socialize.
This will distract you a bit and make you take longer to consume your meal.
3. Always have snacks with you, like a fruit or buns, knock yourself out.
4. And last, if you want to accomplish this you need to be self aware and stop yourself from literally swallowing the food whole if this is the case.

I don't get what this is trying to tell me. Eat slower to drink more water?

>mfw I either take 3 minutes or 2 hours to eat a meal
>No in-between

Unless I intentionally try to, I would 100% default to one of these, with the former being the majority.

yea i always sucked my food down like a vacuum because growing up we had family dinner every night and my dad was an asshole so id eat as fast as i could to get away from the table and go back to my room. i still eat like that out of habit.

my only suggestion to fix this is to have a strong as fuck drink with your dinner. for me i always felt like having to sip a super strong drink along with eating food made me eat slower.

Eat while watching something. Like YouTube. Not like drying paint.

I don't know how slow eaters can enjoy their food. It sounds pretty gross chewing your food up until it becomes a tepid slop sloshing around in your mouth.


It's so fucking easy yet fat people always manage to make it so god damn complicated.

By actually stopping to comprehend and appreciate the flavors rather than the sensation of stuffing your face, fatass.

Tell me more about your "slow metabolism," excuse making fat-user.
Sure is an awfully strange coincidence how no children in sub-saharan Africa are obese and no children there have access to a regularly consumable surplus of calories.
But I'm sure that's just because they have skinny genetics, not because calories matter.

i once almost choked to death on a chocolate easter bunny

i've lived in crippling fear of eating for the last year and it takes me about an hour and a half to eat a full meal, and about 1 liter of water, /sip/ped in between each bite

you could try that.

I'm a slow eater but its less that I eat each bite slowly and more that I take longer to fork up each bite.

You could try chewing more. I tried this this but usually scarf my food otherwise I will be late somewhere. Because of this I've grown reasonably afraid of choking. It's apparently super easy for humans to choke when they're eating as opposed to other animals.

i eat slow because I always watch tv shows/movies when I'm eating.