First pork chops

First time making pork chops.
What you think?

nice sear

Looks good, well done!

Tasted good, too c:

pretty good. the tiny trees can go. I do not like bitter.

You didn't fry it until it was like the sole of a shoe. You're already ahead of a lot of people.
Enjoy your chop, buddy.

Tiny trees didnt get overcooked, no bitter at all.
Bitter can go to hell.

that's why you dunk them in melted cheese

They are making fun of you because it looks like you boiled it to well done

did you ever consider researching what a sear is or what that word means

>not raising the piglet to maturity
>not slaughtering it youself
>no butchering skills & bought at store.
>no cutting skills and puchased pre-sliced package of pork loin

you literally took it out of a pack and heated it up in a pan..

Idiotic post , there is no sear you fuck. Looks like he boiled it then poured sauce on it

well done indeed


try harder next time

Where tf is the bone?


Looks like you steamed or boiled it until it turned into rubber. Fucking trash.

you need to properly marinade pork chops + cut them in small pieces then fry them fast in hot frying oil

no other way to make pork chops

> faggots all afraid of some cancer flavors

triple dubs nigga


Marinate it in apple cider vinegar and put a mango chutney on top next time.