I'll talk to anyone about anything

Hey, Veeky Forums.

What's up?
Read anything cool lately?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool is so last year, most interesting things are hot now.

No, i woke up at 8 am today and still haven't left the bed 12 and a half hours later

That's cool.
I mean, err...

I mean, if I it need to be explained, make better threads...

Sounds like depression or something.
I've been staying up a lot, through the night and going to sleep at like 8 PM the next day. Gives me pretty crazy dreams.

There's no such thing as a good Veeky Forums thread. If I had put any effort to say/ask something interesting, there'd still only be shitposty replies and the discussion, if any, would revolve around a superficial reading of the same dozen authors Veeky Forums has been circlejerking over for years.

How do I accept being ugly, retarded, scrawny, and perverted?


Overcompensate through extraordinary achievement.

shitposter detected

Yesterday went to a Party and I slep with some girl
But literally, just sleep, cuddling
It has been so much since I felt how sleeping with another person is, is so different.

Also rereading Ulysses

Wht do you think Veeky Forums acts as your diary?

The characteristics I just listed obviously disqualify me for extraordinary achievements.

Sounds nice. Never really did something like that.

But they're also probably greatly exaggerated, aren't they?

OP said he wanted to talk about anything
I already have a diary desu

cool is not anyrhing, kys

It's kay, I'll talk about your lives too.

I tried keeping a diary but never stuck with it.

Sorry to satbut nobody cares about your half-written life, buddy.

Be the most perverted retard you can be. Be proud of yourself in a sick, twisted way.

That's not true, my mom cares.

How is literally everyone in lichess better than me?
I've been playing for 4 hours and still can't even get a draw.
At one point a guy blundered away his queen and I had a +12 advantage and then lost.

your mom lies, I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but that's most probably a fact.

I'm 25 and still working minimum wage

itt diary shit

How dare you, she is a nice lady.

What makes the real intrinsically more valuable than the fake, in the case that the fake imitates the real better than the real itself?

My entire life is one huge failure.

real makes for a much more engaging pretense, mate

How big of a meme is Nick Land and are his later writings all that egregious even because Fanged Noumena is kind of amazing

you solved the riddle. But in the generalities, is the fake better?
To rephrase, what use is searching for the truth when the falsehood has a more engaging effect?

>Fanged Noumena is kind of amazing
you best be meming


Just finished Barthelme's 40 Stories. It was cool. I liked The Machine.

I'm trying to finish my short story. Been working from 5-9 and 7-10 every day for the last week. At the end now. Protagonist is headed into the forest under the delusion that her father is there, but when it gets dark she turns back.

Not sure how to make it compelling.