Why don't vegans hate casual sex if it kill innocent sperm and eggs?

why don't vegans hate casual sex if it kill innocent sperm and eggs?

Because the animal based product is extracted from the source with consent, also sperm and eggs are not sentient.

You should at least put some effort in to your baits.

Vegans dont care about humans.

Because they are libruls and love killing babies, you ignorant fickface.

vegans be pro-abortion. But eating unfertilised egg shat out by mentally retarded chicken be immoral.

>cows don't consent to being milked

City slickers dont know that cows enjoy being milked user. If they somehow found out they'll just say "well muh factories"

The next step is usually
>muh cow rape

every vegan i know who is 100% vegan 100% of the time seems to be weirdly OCD.

like the reason that they don't eat meat is some kind of weird cleanliness thing.
anyone else noticed this?

>I like being healthy
>user, you're so weird, and possibly have a mental condition

More like "I won't eat eggs because it's like the chicken period and it's unclean"

and my buddy's housemate freaking out about an untidy kitchen when there's like two plates on the side, but she'll come in when we're cooking steaks and say how delicious it smells

Or like a Trump voter seeing two guys kissing and getting so enraged he commits mass murder? I think you're the crazy one, pale male.

Vegan = halal?

>bringing up politics for no reason

Ease up on the soylent.


That's really really not how science works at all

Why is honey bad tjen?

That would make you a mass murderer due to the amount of cum you guzzle, cocksucker.

because they are incredible hypocrites

>stealing from innocent bees

There are things pointing towards the sugary water they usually get as a substitution not being quite as good for them as honey. But they produce much more than they need anyways so you could just skip the last harvest if you want.

That's a very American thing to say, fatty.

I have a lovely duckette that gives me and my family eggs, and we take good care of her.
Is consuming these eggs wrong for vegans?

>Being this insecure
Dumb soyboy.