Let's say I'm a 19 year old liberal arts student from a suburban town who spends his days painting...

Let's say I'm a 19 year old liberal arts student from a suburban town who spends his days painting, listening to Bob Dylan, getting coffee with friends at 3am, going on walks through the woods either thinking or listening to podcasts, and occasionally taking LSD.
What books would you recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:


How To Kill Yourself Quickly and Efficiently


you're everything I hate



I'd toss Roger Shattuck's The Banquet Years at (you). Take it from there.

Are you a cliché?

>haven't had sex in two years

Thank you for the honest and helpful reply.

1 out of 8 ain't so bad.

Book I think you'd actually like: On the Road
Book I think you actually need to read: Fear and Trembling

Do yourself a favor, save this post and look at it in 6 years, it will make you cringe, user.

you know it doesn't make you smart when you successfully troll low-iq's right?

>haven't had sex in 20 years



why would you even get coffee at 3am... are you a fucking farmer?

There's nothing special about this guy, so I'd recommend asking it for not special people
>What books would reddit recommend?

Yeah bro Hunter S. Thompson rules good rec

People 'round here would reccomend Stoner (its not about weed), Crime and punishment, and infinite Jest

>took on slave morality of antinatalism just to excuse protracted virginity



Op when you do these things you are supposes to not even realize you're living an aesthetic. That's the essence of coolness. Heidegger says that in "On the Essence of the Cool: Coolness from the Greeks as 'Schole'"

I recommend you get off Veeky Forums and research yourself instead of having plebs like me tell you what to do and read.

The other day i lay in my friend's bed and post-coitally talked Deleuze at her. Before that we drew and did drugs. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to off myself?

Fight Club, loser

Is this some sort of meme or are you unironically that low-brow?

Well? I had a life not unlike the one described when I was a kid. Sweet times.
The book rec'd made its initial splash in the late 60s among those who were in the position (you) find yourself in right now. After reading it I became interested in back copies of the Evergreen Review, Jarry, 'pataphysics, etc. Ultimately one lands in the place John Lennon was, Bob Dylan was, and their lyric writing attains a clarity, a logic, a history that makes it even more enjoyable. Two other titles unrelated but that appealed to me when I was 18, 19..
Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Berman's All that is Solid Melts into Air.

Hey, post above directed to (you)

I know someone identical to you. I'd recommend sorting your life out.

Some greek here and there

I'm lost as to what the fuck is up with these lame comments calling you a loser. That kinda lifestyle is some hip shit as long as it's unpretentious. Lit is probably packed with middle aged losers, pay these benighted barbarians no heed. They probably just vent about their mediocre office cubicle jobs and fat wives here.
Books I recommend are Jitterbug Perfume by Robbins, Fiesta by Hemingway,and Nadja by Breton. Colorful and stimulating books. The guy who recommended Stoner was also on point.

but user thats what condoms are for

girls arent that scary try talking to some uglier ones

The Journal of Albion Moonlight or Sleeper's Awake

(not op) honestly other than him likely having pleb tastes and doing most of that stuff to fit in with a certain crowd that seems like a life well sorted

The Bible, just so you stop being an edgy motherfucker. Don't choose the King James version, find a good Catholic one.

Good Catholics only read the Vulgate, heathen. The King James is the only translation in English that captures the beauty of the text. If you want something literal, read the NASB or get a nice Interlinear Bible.

Meme, of course

Though I don't see what good Fear and Trembling would do OP anyway

sounds like user's having fun and enjoying being 19.

Idk. Ask your friends at Reddit.

Tom wolfe

>i can't read the room
90% of the people here are college age or mid 20s