Itt guilty pleasures

itt guilty pleasures

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Is that artwork by the Anamalia dude?

Those stories were awesome don't you feel guilty about it user

Thoughts on rowan?
I'm considering going back and reading them all again though since I don't remember anything from them and they occupied a huge part of my childhood, especially the artwork.

Literally defined my childhood

I have a certain fetish.

What is up with that order? Either do it chronologically or line them up to spell D-E-L-T-O-R-A.

>line them up to spell D-E-L-T-O-R-A.
going off of what?

the first letter of the name of each of the gems on the covers

Kurt Vonnegut

I read My Little Pony fanfictions.

name them. Diamond is a freebie.

I don't consider reading pulp a guilty pleasure. Frankly I don't even understand the concept of guilty pleasure beyond eating chocolate cake when you should lose weight instead.


I don't feel guilty but The Dark Tower

oho. I'm impressed

As an ex-horsefucker I knew these were a thing but holy shit. Are those all different volumes of Fo:E or are they the same book?

Harry Potter. I read it when I'm miserable.

I haven't read it in about a decade, but it was intensely whimsical, which I miss. The sequel was alright.

The two on the right that are more plastic-y are in fact the same book but split in two parts for portability.

The two on the left are two copies of FoE. Printed like Bibles on thin golden trim paper. Great quality.

I can post other pics tonight once I am home if you want.

lmao this faggot watches steven universe


Steven Universe is a great show, /pol/poster.

Go back from whence you came!

My closest to "guilty pleasure" is these books. It's based on a webcomic called Heavenly Nostrils about a girl and her unicorn.

It looks pretty girly but honestly it reads more like Calvin & Hobbes with less political cynicism. Genuinely enjoy them.

You tend to see people using the unicorn or the little girl for reaction pics from time to time actually.

not a /pol/poster, user

shh the show is a guilty pleasure of mine shhh

pearl is my waifu

Check'd for 14.

You have good taste, user. HN does cheer me up when down low.

> he likes the jew-nosed, helicopter-parent, lesbian cockblocked space rock


Your waifu is not special.

> implying Pearl isn't enough to get people turned on by the jewess nose
> missing out on all the jewess qts


daily reminder that SU is trash:^)'s not "that" bad.

you are using your time to read something that you know is bad
time is a limited resource thus wasting it is not positive


It's like those Halo or Diablo books.

You seen those SuperBunnyHop videos about video game novels?

I remember seeing Assassin's Creed, Starcraft and Warcraft novels in Waterstones once as well. I'm sure it's fun work if you can get it, but unless if you're a die-hard collector for vidya memorabilia, there can't be people who think this stuff has literary merit, can there?

Honestly, many Warhammer 40k novel have a lot of merit on their own.

The Ravenor Saga I read years ago was awesome pulp for teenage me.

>feeling guilty about Deltora Quest.
I've got the entire first series in a single hardcover book, that shit is great.

My mental image of Jasmine was and still is pic related

So because time is a "limited resource", you never have fun? Thinking about time in this sense is sure to fill your life with a lot of anxiety and fretting, but to each their own.

Obviously I don't read pulp because it's inferior literature. I read it because it's fun. Which is not to say there's no fun in better literature, but it's fun of two different kinds. With higher-quality lit I engage with it more, reflect on it more. With say a spy pulp novel I just read and enjoy the scenery.

>time is a limited resource thus wasting it is not positive
You sound like the life of the fucking party. Luckily, going to parties is a waste of time.

>So because time is a "limited resource", you never have fun?
i just explained the concept of guilty pleasure
i have never said that you shouldn't do it

actually i have not seen his videos about video game novels
i came to resident evil back in a thread here on Veeky Forums
>Read the book the poster after you posts

it really depends on what you want, some of these can be nice to read but none will be anything groundbreaking.
i would not put the 40k books into the same category as video game novels

Lol, I imagined Leif as Cloud, Jasmine as Tifa, Barda as Barret, and Filli as Kuriboh.

Fuck the anime sucked.

Wasn't one of the characters named Barba? There's a stick puzzle in the first where they need to turn twelve into ten or some such thing.


Should add that Deltora Quest is what got me into reading.

Lapis lazuli

Didn't even have to look them up, I fucking love deltora quest

Still read shared world Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons fiction from time to time because I loved them as a kid and I like Star Wars and DnD. I don't feel particularly guilty about it.

Why did I watch all of that shit video

I always imagined them as the characters in Golden Sun

sure m80

I like this series.
Wish I had the others.

I think I read some pirates of the caribbean books about teenage jack sparrow and friends at an age when I was probably too old to be reading them. they were fun though

To learn not to watch shit cartoons (^;

Japan made an anime out of this but I can't find it anywhere.
I would have some fun watching that out of nostalgia senpai

I briefly went to Japanese public school, I remember seeing posters of the anime on the wall in the library and wanting to find a way to watch it

It's on youtube, m8s.

thanks buddy.

kill yourself dude, seriously

dude i read those in middle school
come on

Here you go, lad.

I could forgive you for reading it but 5 physical copies is too much.

Funnily I can easily sell them back to 600$ a pop. So it's also an investment.

Technically, it's:

> 1* 2-book version of Fallout:Equestria (2nd print round)
> 2* 1-book version of Fallout:Equestria (3rd print round)
> 1* 1-book Fallout:Equestria - Pink Eyes (a side fic)
> 1* 1-book Past Sins (a different fanfic)

the surplus copy of the third printing round is for a friend.

I read YA novels in languages I'm learning for practice

I don't have pictures because I pirate them, I'm sorry

What languages are you learning? If you do French, I can forward you to some good YA books.

I'm not learning French yet but I'd appreciate if you shared nonetheless.

>page 901
>middle of book
Wew. That's actually a pretty impressive length for a fanfic.
>"Chapter 20.5 contains intimate content"
top heh
>600$ a pop
Goddamn. Not surprised tho; I've seen ponyfags pay thousands of dollars on custom made plushies

This looks better presentation-wise than some editions of "serious books". Makes me want to read some of this stuff.

>there can't be people who think this stuff has literary merit, can there?

People read video game novels because they like the world and want to know more about it. They're reading for pleasure. This actually has some virtue in it, the main target for this sort of thing is 13 year old boys who are reading less and less. If they can serve as an introduction to enjoying the medium, I support them.

Fallout:Equestria is basically a crossover between Fallout 3 and My Little Pony. The length is 620,295 words. You can find it here:

At Bronycon last week, a dude dropped $1,800 on a DayBreaker plushie... so yeah!

I'm not sure I'd actually enjoy them though, since I haven't watched any MLP, nor played Fallout

I think you can get into it without knowing both. It'll be weird at first of course. But it's enjoyable.

> "rien ne nous survivra", by Maïa Mazaurette

The title translates to "nothing will survive us". It's a post-apocalyptic book about how the French Youth rose against the "old people" and sacked many French cities.

The story takes place in a Paris under siege by the EU and UN forces. The youth there is fighting over ideology, ideals and scraps to survive. Things like rolling your cigs with the painting from the Louvre Museum happens.

The book itself has been written near a decade ago but funnily it's very in the zeitgeist with all the alt-left, alt-right, revolutionnary taste to today's newsfeed. People will criticize the book because it's written by a hardcore feminist, but it is still an interesting read.


got any recommendations and how was past sins

If you like adventure and are not against HiE, look up for the user DungeonMiner on fimfiction. I really liked his "The Harmony for All" trilogy.

The Cupcake Chronicles by milesprower06 is the fanfic that got me into the fanfiction circle. I'd recommend it too.

I like reading Star Trek novels in between more Veeky Forums oriented stuff.

Most of them are pretty good and capture the spirit of the franchise. I can post recs if people want them.


>It's longer than Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, The Recognitions, Moby-Dick, The Brothers Karamazov, the Bible, etc etc

What a glorious world this is

>I can post recs if people want them.
Sure, go on...

I would start with the Crucible trilogy, which is a sort of retrospective based on City on the Edge of Forever - the best TOS episode. It was written for the 40th anniversary, and it's unrelated to the greater 'lit-verse' of Star Trek.

Fanfic is still literature. And because we engage with it through a medium that was already meaningful to us, it's even more relevant and profound. Subjectively.

>non-fanfics are just fanfics of our lives

t. diablo

> Fanfiction is the subjective end game of post-modernism. Self-reflection.
