How many copies do you guys dare me to preorder?

how many copies do you guys dare me to preorder?

imagine the look on johns face when he learns Veeky Forums single handedly got his book on the best seller list as a prank

buy 500 and have a public burning

fuck off john

>imagine the look on johns face when he learns a bunch of autistic morons on the internet made him rich just for the sake of a shitty joke

wouldn't be the first time

>burning books
>for any reason

kill yourself

a thread died for this

book burning has a long and respectable tradition.

so what's this book about? turtles?

it's the worst crime of humanity that can be committed.

Burning books is lit as fuck

not liking book burning is a spook

t. John Green

>le freeeze peach
Fuck that.

Thank god that summer is almost over.

>media gets ahold of the story
>wonder what makes the book prank-worthy
>intrigued people buy the book
>more moneys are made

>unironically saying freeze peach
your not going to make it


Haha, you're actually from reddit. Nice digits though

>a bunch of autistic morons on the internet made him rich just for the sake of a shitty joke

Why not? A bunch of autistic morons on the internet elected a president just for the sake of a shitty joke.

All of them