What can you tell me about Haruki Murakami?

what can you tell me about Haruki Murakami?

Author of kitschy magical realism YA for girls you want to fuck in spite of their total lack of a personality

He looks like a teacher I once had.

One day when the students in his Japanese culture class managed to get him riled he burst out that Australia had no culture.

He was right but, what a cunt.

He writes YA but gets a free pass because of trendy magical realism

His early work was actually kind of solid but he's become overblown as fuck.

He's also past the point of being completely normie-tier. I didn't realize until a few years ago that Barnes&Noble/etc have an entire row dedicated to him, more than any other Jap author (and plenty of respected American authors to boot).

then the fuckin nip can go back to his own fucking country then, can't he?

Follow this and you get pretty much all his novels.

>he burst out that Australia had no culture

Dude, tell me about it.

>X country or place has no culture
These argument is only ever used by the most psuedo of pseudo intellectuals when they lack a real argument.

A people cannot exist without a culture, it is impossible.

I don't think I've ever wanted to fuck a girl because of her personality.

Terrible driver, will make peepee in your coke if given the chance

Have you ever heard of hyperbole?

I really like him. His early stuff was pretty fucking good and comfy.

I get the feeling that he'd be a pretty beloved cult writer in the vein of BolaƱo if publishing houses didn't shove him down our throats 24/7.
His main audience consists of gloomyfags in my experience.

Care to give example where you see magic realism in his works?

Kafka on the Shore and Windup Bird Chronicles

Yes but what exactly in them.

good for 2-3 books

Japanese here.

This man, in my country he is nothing

I come into each one of these threads just to see this reply. I don't understand why I find it amusing.

His early books are pretty good. Bits and pieces of his later stuff are solid, but he's always a nice enough read.

Can anyone here recommend me some better modern/current Japanese authors?