My definitive feelspost

I'm unspooked as fuck. I see myself living in a meaningless world. I see people as disgusting. My jealousy comes out of nowhere and it disgusts me due to it making complete sense.

>see guy around my age with his hot gf and they look at me with that "Aw, look at the ugly creature" look
>get madly jealous and randomly the thought, "the best revenge is a life well lived" goes through my mind
>realise as I'm thinking it how pathetic and spooky it is, the coping mechanism of a genetically deficient organism
>see someone reading a maths book
>feel hatred for them because they might think they're smarter than me

Guys I'm not going to lie, being unspooked is tough as fuck. I worry that marketers and advertisers are trying to take advantage of me.

I have no life philosophy. Work on many things? Work on one thing? Do what I enjoy? Do what others say is important? I have no clue. I want to do 50 things at once. I see all sides. I started reading more recently and worry about "reading myself stupid". I try to remember what I read when sitting on the train and although I know the condensed outline, and see this as enough, I get annoyed for not remembering perfectly.

I am an ugly beta male who has never had female attention, even at the age of 26, has had no social life since 18, and became the ugly loser loner that nobody talks to within two days at work. Seeing attractive women everywhere is torture when I know they have lives on easy mode, consider me a disgusting non chad, and have 50999 tinder matches.

If I spent all my time doing all the shit I'm supposed to do, I'd have no time for anything. Everyone else is a fraud. Everyone else is either a woman who gets everything handed to them or a normie who glides through institutions while being judged by their clones.

My spiritual malaise is entrenched and I refuse to sprinkle Christian (or any other) sprinkles on it like the low IQers, pseudo intellectuals, and the frauds.

It's really unbelievable to think that I could ever get a gf or sex with anyone other than escorts. It's demoralising seeing women with their bfs because I missed out on all of that back in university and school and my early 20s, which means any future example of it, as unlikely as it would be, would be based on the woman trying to get beta bucks. It has already been confirmed that I am an ugly reject of society. Imagining myself with a girl at my side that isn't constantly judging me as a beta loser, desperate to walk away, makes me see it as unbelievable.

Other urls found in this thread:

All advice is useless and designed to convince the giver that all of their successes were down to hard work. "Be social. Go to dance clubs / hobby clubs an hit on women." But that would be utterly transparent of me and would make me look desperate. This isn't 1950, nobody does this stuff.

"Go to clubs or pubs alone / ask out random women." Nobody does that. That's socially unacceptable stuff that nobody does.

The real way is that people are normies and instantly feel connections with other normies. At the start of all new jobs / universities, there is a small period where normie social circles connect to each other. People meet each other through social circles at parties / pubs / clubs which are somehow pleasurable when you are a normie who knows they will never be laughed at by other normies. And women also skim Chads from Tinder. That's all. Non-normies need not apply.

I am disposable and on the social scrapheap.

I don't give a fuck. You're not literature. Kill yourself.

You're just spooked in a different way. No one is looking at you; no one is trying to make you feel inadequate by reading a math book. Fuck. Your jealousy doesn't make sense, and it's in all likelihood another so-called coping mechanism.

>"reading myself stupid"
I have no idea what you could possibly mean by this.

For as much as you like to talk about how much you hate normies, you sure want to be one.

You quit coffee yet? How about junk food? I'm not a Brit but I get the feeling that living in London is a lot like living in NYC. As in, if you're not looking to claw your way to the top spot at some ad firm while spending your weekends drinking $15 cocktails, then you'd probably be better off living somewhere else.

>You're not literature.
Implying he isn't. Dude is a character.

Chad is ENJOYING LIFE while you WORRY about being HARRIED by PSEUDS

>I'm unspooked as fuck

>it's one of these threads again

Either write about it, or realize your pussy was more shallow than you anticipated

The thing you quoted is from Schopenhauer. It's a truth that lit will not accept.

I quit junk food just over two weeks ago with somehow no effort.

I'm not super familiar with Schopenhauer. Care to elaborate on what he means further? Is it just the old "lived experience is more valuable than book learnin" thing? In which case, I kind of agree, but sounds like you're not getting much done in the way of living, either.

You are retarded for comparing yourself with others. Because you will always lose. And then use that dissapointment to be a victim.

You are the guy from yesterday right ? What kind of job are you doing ?I'm a bit curious.

Let's really fuck with this guys perception by throwing him a massive surprise party with disguised hookers to flirt with him.

escorts don't take brown men

And their existences will soon be indistinguishable.

Guys, sitting in my favoured train station. Did nothing all morning except go to the gym and give up on reading manufacturing consent because it's so fucking boring. I think I have escaped the net of the pseuds.

Sure thing, buddy. See you tomorrow.

>ctrl + c
>ctrl + v

Don't worry OP, I get paid thousands of dollars a year to do just that. Also come here and laugh at you.


there will always will be people better than you, you are just using it as an excuse to never even try at anything.

We need to stop replying to these posts. Even if your advice could help people like this (it never does), there's gonna be another losing needing their diaper changed tomorrow, too. It never ends.

>paying a civilian to slowly destroy your institution and reputation from the inside out
>can't really do anything about it
>other than make posts on an imageboard you think he goes to

I can understand the impulse to hang yourself. This must be the most abhorrently embarrassing, horrifying thing that you never imagined could ever happen.


Half your post is ramblings about pussy LOL

Dude get some balls, work out, eat healthily

Hooooly shit

You think everyone else around you is leading a fulfilling purposeful life? No
Even the pretty sluts are miserable

Life is lacking inherent value in the modern age and climate, yours included, so FUCKING make it valuable to yourself instead of accepting that like a bitch

OP here. I'm in a famous London park that has been filled with modern art sculptures during the summer. Chads and Stacey couples are everywhere and my subhumanity is in stark contrast

There is a good reason for working in customer service at least once in your life. You're socially withdrawn, probably out of shape, and with poor fashion and hygiene to boot. You're a failure because you've yet to realize that socializing is a game and you never even tried. You are neurotically fixated on the possibility that people don't like you. Take responsibility for your condition and make some changes to your habits, fuccboi

>I quit junk food just over two weeks ago with somehow no effort.
Lol why do americans put shitty food on the same level as fucking fentanyl? It's literally just food.

>damage control

just call me Rainsford

It's a well-known fact that OP is British

What's stopping you from killing yourself? You know your life is pointless and you're going to die alone and unloved. Why not get it over with now, instead of prolonging it?

you're not unspooked. you just think being unspooked means not caring about anything which is a bad way to go about living.

it's about caring about YOURSELF.
caring about the way you look, wanting a gf/friends and wanting to use your brain isn't being spooked, it's the exact opposite.
some people could take this to mean being a sociopath but the way i see it we all want people around us we can care about and trust.

in the end it's not complicated and you don't need stirner or any philosophy. we want good for us and those we care about. only thing you're missing is effort and action not words on a page.


Op thinks he's some enlightened man but this entire thread is about him being envious of guys who get pussy lol

heh underrated

nice blog faggot

Nobody thinks you're disgusting user, they just don't know or care that you exist, you're just a random stranger in their peripheral vision. Put yourself in their shoes, when's the last time you looked at a random stranger you thought was ugly or repulsive, and I mean REALLY looked at them for an extended period of time, and ruminated on how much better you were than them and how pathetic they were?

The point I'm trying to make here is maybe the reason you don't have a gf isn't because you're unnattractive or pathetic, maybe it's because you don't go out of your way to make yourself noticed because you THINK you're unnattractive, and thus see calling attention to yourself to be a pointless excersise. Everyone is attractive to SOMEONE, but no girl will even get a chance to become attracted to you if you hide away and avoid attention all the time.

Take it from a guy who, until just recently at age 22, couldn't leave his house for more than a few hours without having a serious panic attack. I used to psychoanalyse people and imagine all the horrible shit they thought about me, and in every case where I incidentally got to know those people more, I was wrong on every single level. That crippling fear of judgement and feeling of being a worthless outsider was completely fabricated in my head, but what I found is that in reality, almost everyone is inherently selfish and are too busy worrying about their own bullshit and their own anxieties to give even the slightest fuck about you, unless you're in an intimate relationship/rivalry with them or something.

Now that's not to say that you're the same as any normie, you're probably like me and pretty much everyone else here in that you're autismal or have some kind of disorder that makes it harder to socialize, but the important thing to note is that it's just a hindrance, not a death sentence. Be like a cripple in a weelchair trying to climb a flight of stairs, it's hard and you'll look like a jackass but it's not impossible.

Oh and I'm not trying to be inspirational, I'm just saying I've gone through what you're going through and I've also seen it in a lot of other people. What I'm saying is you're a victim of self-limiting beliefs more than anything.

>I used to psychoanalyse people and imagine all the horrible shit they thought about me, and in every case where I incidentally got to know those people more, I was wrong on every single level. That crippling fear of judgement and feeling of being a worthless outsider was completely fabricated in my head
>What I'm saying is you're a victim of self-limiting beliefs more than anything.

I was thinking on this scene while I was reading your post

please do not kill your self



at least i'm better than people who watch anime

Shit, I really need to give that show a watch, it's been sitting in my backlog for years now.

The final unspooking comes when you realize that living without spooks doesn't add any value to your life whatsoever, so you come full circle and deliberately spook yourself again in order to function as a happy normie.

>"Go to clubs or pubs alone / ask out random women." Nobody does that. That's socially unacceptable stuff that nobody does.

Clubs no but there's literally nothing wrong with talking to girls in a pub or coffee shop. I do it all the fucking time.

I don't know what 'spooked' or 'unspooked' means, but you sound spooked my friend. Spooked by reality.

Just kill yourself.

stay mad homies

well ain't that just a kick in the head

>I am unspooked
>gets triggered by a couple's appearance
