Be raised in a conservative protestant American home

>be raised in a conservative protestant American home
>be told communism is the work of Satan and Marx was a raving lunatic
>grow up not really understanding 20th century thought and world events
>read Marx at 20
>it all makes sense now

Other urls found in this thread:

What makes sense? Marx or your parents?

I assume 20th century events make sense

Was Marxism just a Catholic conspiracy to destroy Orthodoxy in Russia?

Marx, I have finally opened my eyes.

The twist is that your parents were right all along

reddit is leaking again

>religion is the opiate of the masses
probably not

This is a good step towards being patrician, but please don't post here until you've moved past Marx. Marxism is an important stage in the development of any intellectual. It's happened to all of us. However, it is not the last step, and if you happen to stop there, you don't belong here.

That section is actually fairly sympathetic to religion, though - opiate is used to relieve great pain

>religion is the opiate of the masses
why doesn't he get made fun of more for this?

It's not meant to be sympathetic. It's meant to illustrate that religion is something people only use as a coping mechanism because the real world is so shit.

>tfw hate capitalism for causing greed and exploitation but don't want to be a Marxist lefty cuck

what do I believe in?

You're an edgy kid who is driven by internet narratives, the most intellectually worthless narratives out there.
Stop listening to people on the internet and read books instead.

This is what happens when you listen to Veeky Forums, you end up literally vomiting ideology while recognizing it's not in your best interests to do so.

Now read Nick Land and Walter Benjamin and realise linear time itself is a bourgeois illusion

let's hear a jest then, if it's so easy to pick apart

>read books instead

What books?

>think for yourself
>please tell me what to think for myself

Its weird OP, the strangest thing.

I don't identify as a communist, I've never read any communist works of literature, and the only knowledge I really have of communism is in a historical context and how it related to the shaping of modern society.

For some reason though, people insist on calling me a communist. I have never even uttered the word communism advocating it or even discussing it. Can you help me out, what did they mean by this?

You probably exude some of the same (typically negative) traits people associate with teenage "communists".

>give up on religion
>dive into another system that appears to provide all the answers
Marx was good as a critic, but not so good at providing realistic solutions. Read more history.

I can never understand the U.S conservative mind, how can they reconcile Christianity with capitalism, and demonize things such as socialism

Pointy beard, maybe?

How does one go about "exude"-ing traits? I dress in name brand clothes (polo, dockers, nike, etc) am generally unassuming and I don't really talk to anyone about politics at all, let alone communism [which i don't even know enough about to discuss anyway?]. I'm not wearing any communist icons and I've never owned any. I just don't get it.

Learn some economics

>be me
>fedora atheist who fell for the stoic meme
>read marx
>realize stoicism just enables class collaboration
>read kierkegaard
>mfw christian commie

Because Christ never discerned between two economic systems that were created thousands of years after he was born and have literally nothing to do with individual spirituality you pretentious faggot.

Critical thinking makes you seem menacing, and most people think communists are menacing and thus relate them to you.

Do you have long hair? Are you quiet? Do you smoke weed? What kind of music do you listen to?

pathetic excuse of a (((philosopher))), religious people cannot think
read Camus instead

>not really, I have no problem talking to people
>actually no, used to
>classic rock?

So, I'm being associated with a political affiliation because I exercise rational thought about general situations? What's menacing about that? I like to think most people think rationally, but that's probably not true...

>pretending conservative American protestants are the ones reading Marx and becoming commies
>not jews and catholics which are just jew-lite

wow. look at all those beautiful catholic countries that are totally not shitholes and totally not complete assbackwards

Catholics...when will they ever learn?

protestants were a mistake

Then I have no idea man.
Actually if you genuinely talk like that I kinda see it

This is a christian board, back to r/atheism

If it were possible for catholics to actually think for themselves they would realize how retarded they actually are. Maybe someday. One can hope.

Poland and France are okay


what? do you speak like you type? I sure as hell don't.


Now if only Marx didn't glue his weirdo philosophy onto his insightful economic analysis...

>italy, spain, poland, new zealand, argentina

you're fat aren't you?


>mfw christian commie
The true Veeky Forums tendency

oh well, in that case, I'll completely revise the insinuation since this wise user proved a success rate of 1/50. And saying France is okay is a bit of a a stretch there pal. Everyone hates the French.

Unless it's like a professional e-mail or something, I think I do type like I talk, but maybe that's just me

being a communist is the cringiest thing ever. it's the coldsteel of political ideologies.

lol. catholic fag can't face that he's a mouth breathing fucktard who has no part of his brain capable of intelligent thought. quick, run to your priest and ask him for another good comeback. God knows you can't, and he won't, let you read any.

what the fuck's a coldsteel?

But user, I like the French


>christian commie
peak patrician

That pope is the worst thing ever to come out of Latin America after reggaeton.

Christian Communism, for when one failed ideology isn't enough

I don't see the relevance here

Je t'aime aussi user

I said that being a communist is cringy like that picture. you have poor reading comprehension

>he doesn't like reggaeton
virgin spotted

You didn't say the picture was cringy in your first post though

normie spotted

your reference sounds so niche that I can only imagine how cringe the type of people who would get it are

>he's not part of the accelerationist 2000's revival scene

fuck off
its posted on several Veeky Forums boards all the time its not exactly niche

Whether or not its just you... it ain't me.

Man that was fucking good.

fucking sudaca get off my lit


When I was a depressed nihilist I thought religion was retarded. When my life finally began coming together and I could smile without it being forced, just being pleased with my lot in life, I began to look on with fondness at religion, or at least, religious tradition, which for me was the first step to engaging Christianity with an earnest intrigue and appreciation.

You might call it a blogpost but my point is just that, it is not something that people "only" do for such and such a reason; especially not just for merely coping with the state of things. I had to learn to find beauty in things on my own before I could appreciate the Church, which is diametrically contrary to perceiving that "the real world is so shit".

Take your communist shilling to reddit.

remember this is an alt-left board


Anyone have the screenshot from the lefty Reddit where amke plans about to subvert our board culture? This shit has been proven.

>Not being a Christian stoic

You were so close

This new pope is total dogshit. He probably sucks off muslims children instead of christian children.

Threadly reminder that metaphysics and aesthetics are more important than politics as politics itself is grounded in metaphysical presuppositions of reality.

Therefore we should say that Veeky Forums is an idealist board.

lol reddit commies show up here all the time thinking they can make this their base of operations on Veeky Forums, but they slowly get discouraged by learning we're really not interested in ideological debate, nor as academically inclined as they had previously imagined. They typically get bored and leave after a day, or they slowly give in and join us.

No it isn't.

the only thing Veeky Forums is is a christian board

I can't believe some people don't understand this.

Try again

Politics is just the practical application of aesthetics as they relate to material conditions

>actively supress a socialist revolutionar because of "da joos"
>get cucked and murdered by the fascists you idiotically decided to ally with
The Strasser brothers were the biggest dopes in post-WW1 Germany.

remember that the term alt-left is just a meme


>mfw Strasser didn't take over the NSDAP in a coup and kill hitler
Imagine this timeline


I've unironically thought of writing that as an alt-history novel

Will you be my qt french gf (male)?

I wonder if there is a way to divide capitalism from consumer culture? Making small scale capitalist society that doesn't thrive off constant growth, but aims for sustainable populations and use of resources. Yet still rewards individuals for their work and contributions.

Anything that isn't materialist filth.

It's called Christianity, user.

Distributism more precisely.

No, that's the Catholic version that is just Communism-lite and the reason many Catholics are basically commies and their countries are shitholes today.

Catholics aren't Christian. I'm not talking about distributism at all. Not at fucking all.

well obviously consumerism is just an attitude, change the attitude keep the system.

Watch this for starters