Taco Bell

Was she overreacting?


>They've been putting estrogen and trackers into Taco Bell
I'm fucked

this would probably get a lot more attention on reddit

unironically, maybe you should talk to your therapist about the fact you seek attention so heavily it's a serious problem

Yes. It's a (stupid) joke.
I hate Taco Bell and never eat there myself, but for real reasons, not just fake outrage over a stupid commercial.

wtf i love taco bell now

it's not the illuminati it's the bellimati get it right bitch

You seem equally attention seeking.
>Anyone wants my opinion
Why even respond?

i'm guessing the pyramid on the back of the $1 bill killed her father? and raped her mother?

wtf i'm literally pooping right now delete this

I used to work at a taco bell. Now two of my former employees and myself are all trannies. It probably was the food. Be careful

i love it when pissed off middle aged women think that a business will go under without their patronage.

like how will TBell survive without her 17$?

im sure you're joking, but there are people (republicans) who are seriously worried about losing their sexual identity. like, they have no self-confidence.

I am right wing as they come and I KNOW that I'm better than you.


Post feminine benis pls

>worried about losing their sexual identity. like, they have no self-confidence.

The majority of the loony alt-right and hardcore homophobes have a suppressed sexual identity, i.e. they're closeted gays.

$80 for fembenis

Honestly it seems like a lot of them are more afraid of embracing their sexual identity

>if you're arachnophobic it means that you must secretly be a spider and/or want to fuck spiders

>arachnophobes often get caught spinning webs in airport bathrooms while fucking rent boys with their pedipalps

Imma buy two cheesy gordita crunches next time to make up for her and her hairdo

who told you!

>is some faggot on social media overreacting for clicks

> projecting this hard
Speak for yourself next time soy boy.

>I hate Taco Bell and never eat there myself
how do you hate it if you've never eaten there?

inb4 I can just tell its gross, cause i'm an idiot

People who say they have a phobia != people who have aforementioned phobia

this guy gets it

>the latent homosexuals come out of the woodwork to project their homosexuality onto others
like clockwork lmao

The majority of the loony homosexuals and other degenerates are extreme narcissists, which means they project themselves onto others. I know this might be hard to wrap your head around since you're a fag, but some people have zero attraction to their sex. Crazy, right?

>Ramming fast food into your gullet
>Doing business
Pathetic self important slag, do one. Illuminati symbols on your currency, burn it.

I miss old Taco Bell.

What is "False Equivalence" for 200$ Alex?