What does Veeky Forums think of the best beat writer?

what does Veeky Forums think of the best beat writer?

burroughs wasn't really a beat writer. some of the group generally accepted as the beats hung out with him when he was living in Paris, but Burroughs was doing his own thing and was blithely unconcerned with jazz, playing the bongos, wearing sunglasses and beret and reciting free-form poetry to hipsters in cafes while saying "maaaaaaan" every third word.


talentless hack


mans shot his wife and got away with it. developed a raging heroin addiction and profited off it. fucked young dudes left and right and didn't suffer consequences. came into this world a privileged member of high society and left it as a druggie degenerate who did some writing on the side.

I never got a beat vibe from him. I don't even really approach Burroughs as I do literature. To me he's like the written equivalent of industrial music.

>Burroughs wasnt a beatnik
>Keroac rejected the term

is the only real beatnik Allen Ginsberg?


Junky was originally published as a thriller/shocker

naked lunch and soft machine are great. junky and queer were trash.

>best beat writer
it's like being the the smartest retard or the fastest cripple.

the only real beatnik was Maynard J Krebbs, baby.

you forgot to mention that he liked cats.

None of the beats are beats, right anons? Pic related

fuck the haters. Burroughs is fucking awesome. Check out Cities of the Red Night. That book is one of the wildest rides you can take. The suicide theme park where people kill themselves in spectacular fashion, only to be ressurrected in the morning and do it all over again... totally awesome imagery in those passages.

I need to get some ebook versions and get some pictures ready for threads like this. Everyone just says "He's a junkie faggot, lel". So what? Are we, the posters of Veeky Forums, so virtuous that we can't read the writings of people we find morally objectionable? Reading a book shouldn't be virtue signalling, it isn't about showing off how morally cultured you are.

I like this guy.

Trout Fishing in America is one of the funniest books for me.

I think he was either a very good shot or a very bad shot


My former boss used to live by him (and his endless string of young ... men) and she said he was an "old school gentleman at heart" despite his personal habits

I like his book of essays, "The Adding Machine" as well as "Exterminator" and "Junky."

>Never interfere with a girl boy fight


literally what does it matter if he did some morally objectional things, he was a phenomenal writer, and his honesty and determination to tell the whole truth is what made his writing so good. Honestly I think its admirable

Trigger dicpline lacking. What a rebel

Ferlinghetti is the beatest shit I've ever read

>>Keroac rejected the term

Kerouac did however solidify the term "beat." He just objected to the popular misrepresentation of the "movement."

Oh well. People like to think he was fatally embittered by his unfortunate popularity. But, as Burroughs said, he was at first a young guy drinking beer and watching television with his mother, and then he was a slightly older, fatter guy drinking beer and watching television with his mother.

>I don't even really approach Burroughs as I do literature. To me he's like the written equivalent of industrial music.

You should read Nova Express and "The Third Mind" on cutup method.

Naked Lunch is probably the closest thing I've come to bare exposure of a person's soul.


>the beats
Who cares? Get lost, boomer.

He was basically a 13 year old boy living out and perfecting his fantasies his whole life, and yet completely untouchable.

Good or bad doesn't ever enter into it.

Which is why none of these millions of hacks spewing out garbage dumps of acclaimed pulp will never touch him.

Brother... may I have some oates?

you're damning him with faint praise