Are normies right to fear the Nietz?

Are normies right to fear the Nietz?

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They're right to fear a culture which encourages misreadings of him

Pinker is a jew.

fuck off shills

Yes, yes, Nietzsche shared the same social views and race, homosexuality, and transgenderism that we hold today. So did Marx! How convenient! Sage for /pol/bait


>You're misunderstanding Nietzsche!

Is there a bigger meme?

this desu
t. a literal fascist



Who in their right would write a book shilling the Enlightenment today?

Its like selling solarbeds in the fucking sahara

Why do people always like to make some reference to Nietzsche when talking about the far right. Aside from possibly Spencer I can almost guarantee that nearly everyone else has never read Nietzsche, let alone a philosophical work. You can't have a good reading of something you have never read or have only heard via some quotes you read on the internet.

>Nietzsche is bad because he influenced the modern version of something he prominently disowned in his own time
His sister ruined the Nietzsche name.

>Aside from possibly Spencer
Spencer has actually produced a lot of content about Nietzsche, including podcasts with Bowden.

More than half that Vox article is the author reluctantly admitting that Spencer's interpretation is right

You can't be a follower of Nietzsche and support democracy, it's not a heiriachial system. While you can argue that the Nazi empire did do a lot of anti-Nietzchian things, for instance anti-semetism. It is much closer to Nietzsche's vision than any country today.

Original Nietzsche was recognized as a Nazi philosopher, which made it extremely bad for your reputation to cite him. Kaufman kind of cleared his reputation by pinning all the blame on his sister, which is why we can talk about him today. The fact is though that Nietzsche still reads very much the same even when you remove the edits his sister made.

"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

The fruits of Nietzsche's labours are people like Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida et al, each of which is a fraud and demi-god.
This is not to disparage Nietzsche who, himself, is a formidable thinker if not a little misinformed, however, the post-Nietzscheans are all in one way or another clueless.

The only thing normies and non-normies alike should fear is the justice of God. Repent, sinners.

I love how it tries to smear him as a mediocre intellect, omitting his very impressive academic resume.

Are you claiming that Nietzche's sister is in fact a scapegoat?

I'm not usually one to wash Spencer's balls and he has at times gotten on my nerves quite a bit, but he's an intelligent guy with a respectable portfolio of work (mostly from back before anyone knew who he was). And though he gets shit on by literally everyone, he's a really good PR person for white interests. I watched him on some black pastor's radio program this morning and kept thinking how all pro-white people should be grateful that this guy is getting this stuff out there and putting a face behind white interests that's reasoned, smart, and willing to get trounced relentlessly by both sides of this growing conflict. That takes a lot of guts.

>When Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead,” he meant that science and reason had progressed to the point where we could no longer justify belief in God, and that meant that we could no longer justify the values rooted in that belief. So his point was that we had to reckon with a world in which there is no foundation for our highest values.

>The alt-right skipped this part of Nietzsche’s philosophy. They’re tickled by the “death of God” thesis but ignore the implications.

Wait, aren't Richard Spencer, the alt-right, white supremacists and /pol/ all NOT ignoring the implications? By implication of their white supremacist far-right beliefs, they are anything but following Christian-rooted beliefs. That's why everyone outside of the alt-right sees them as vile racist scum.

Can you take this jewish perspective to reddit, please? This is a European culture board. Pro-white groups represent normalcy and a historical center, your beliefs are the extreme ones and most of what you're trying to push on others didn't exist prior to 50 years ago.

>Stop interpreting books in different ways: the article.

I thought there was no right or wrong answer to interpretation (within reason). Just like I or anyone else who reads books, we learn things or realise profound ideas in them that other don't notice (or have a different interpretation of). Richard Spencer is no intellectual heavyweight, neither is he dumb; to suggest that to adopt Nietzsche's ideas you must also adopt all or none of the ideas in each book and follow what the man himself believed is stupid.

The same applies with Marx. "Capital", and 'Marxism' is a manufacturing-era critique of capitalism that has been allegorised and hyperextended by the left far beyond its time. It is still so relevant today because the main ideas of Marx have been extracted and modified, and the the rest have been shedded for being outdated or flat-out wrong. Today the lower-class has iphones, reasonably comfortable housing, easier jobs, cars, internet access, and all the information in the world at their disposal. The proletariat today are baristas and retail workers, which is nothing like those of Marx's time.

Spencer is a legitimately well read guy

The first quote triggered me as well. Pinker shows his weak understanding of Nietzsche here. For Nietzsche, 'science' and 'reason' were not the reason for his unbelief. For him, life was creating your own values, and letting a God, or even science or reason guide you is an example of slave morality.
Spencer understands Nietzsche better than Pinker because he does not project an Enlightenment science-and-reason idolatry on Nietzsche.

It's interesting how the left treats Spencer like some leader or founder of 'the alt-right' when most of the 'alt-right' never even heard of him until the whole nazi salute scandal. It's like they're desperate to grab onto some figurehead or spokesperson. They can't really fathom that their far-right bogeymen are an amorphous collection of miscreants with no ideological basis besides a rejection of modern liberal humanist values. I've never really read a good analysis of the 'alt-right' by anyone from the left (or anyone in the mainstream, for that matter). Probably because they seem mostly interested in using the far right to implicate Trump in some fascist white supremacist conspiracy. Spencer, as a tangible figure and unapologetic white nationalist, is probably the easiest target for them. I would also guess that liberals feel very threatened by him in that he is reasonably well-educated and eloquent and does an ok job of making white nationalism seem like a respectable political position, to the extent that that's possible

>The fruits of Nietzsche's labours are people like Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida et al
I'm making a face

>the left treats Spencer like some leader or founder of 'the alt-right' when most of the 'alt-right' never even heard of him until the whole nazi salute scandal.

You know Spencer coined the term "alt right," right? And I'd also wager, partly due to the aforementioned, that most who considered themselves alt right had most definitely heard of Spencer before that scandal because he's been at the center of it since he coined the term.

Spencer is controlled opposition. That's why he gets so much attention.

I can't tell if this is role playing or a genuine subhuman.

Beware of anyone who makes this statement authoritatively, and assume they are a jewish shill trying to divide and scare whites. Given the historical precedents, I wouldn't be gasping in awe if it turned out to be true, but find it highly unlikely. If he's some kind of agent, he'd more likely be one working in the interests of what's left of the WASP elite inside the halls of power.

I wasn't convinced myself until I saw he was on Israeli tv.

Lmao, nice b8

He's a PR guy for white interests who goes on all kinds of shows and called out the double standard of jews promoting ethnonationalism for me but not for thee in that interview. Not buying it.


>this is what white supremacists actually believe

I don't know. The fact that they let him on at all is highly suspicious. Also just the fact that he became famous so fast seems unnatural to me and not all the coverage on him was negative at first.

>white supremacists
Hello r*ddit.

Define subhuman, you rabble.

Pinker may be our salvation if he doesn't jinx us with his boundless optimism. He may jinx himself:

"In seventy-five jaw-dropping graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise, not just in the West, but worldwide"

>Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Hardcover – February 27, 2018

>February 27, 2018

>The fact that they let him on at all is highly suspicious
Why? He compared wn to zionism in one interview and said he'd probably get along with Netanyahu (because they're both nationalists). That might be the reason they brough him on. Anyway, Jews probably have a greater than average interest in far-right politics (perhaps a morbid curiosity for some).

You know Jared Taylor did an interview in Japanese with a Japanese tv-channel? Is he nip controlled?

>Also just the fact that he became famous
He's been a major figure in pro-white circles for a long time. As to his rapid rise to mainstream fame around the election, that's probably because the media tried to associate all Trump supporters with wn yet it backfired and he out-manouvered them.

He goes on any show that will have him on so the Israeli TV is not surprising. But he's never allowed on mainstream TV and has made increasingly fewer appearances on channels like RT than he used to so I just don't think this theory holds any water. His rise in fame was also largely predicated on Trump. Like I said, he's a PR guy that makes white interests look favorable; if he was a jewish shill he would be doing the opposite.

Zionism is not at all the same thing as ethno-nationalism

Of course it is.


How is it not? You're not JEWISH are you user?

Most people don't know or don't care about this, and to properly explain what Nietzsche is about you'd need a thourough understanding and the ability to keep someone interested in your philosophical soliloquy on Nietzsche and what he really thought.

If I were to get into reading Nietzsche. Where would I start, and what order of books would I read. I've heard a lot of talk about him, and want to actually see for myself what he wrote.

Steven Pinker is a dunce Enlightenment memes are something to smash. The notion that one can read Nietzsche 'properly' is the actual bad reading of Nietzsche, as if his intent wasn't for people to force their Will. No, pacifying liberal platitudes and the status quo is not an expression of the Will, it is a suppression of it. Perhaps the 'alt-right' began as something genuinely transgressive, but it has fallen into the same nonsense as the liberals. Not one of them is a sincere fascist. On the other hand, there are plenty of stupid teenagers (which Pinker essentially is, despite being grey, like all humanists) that claim him to fit their mould. He did not. Nietzsche despised reason, and science beyond purely practical means, and humanism, and the humanist's notion of progress. Yet he also despised slavish traditionalism, identitarian nationalism, vulgar crowds (which both sides are incredibly guilty of), and socially-approved contrarianism (yes, the contarianism of the 'alt-right' is a very social one, their beliefs to some degree are very popular and if not, are popular within a group -- a true contrarian is an enemy of all and the greatest of iconoclasts.)
But, what. Post-modernists claim him as their own; national socialists and socialists in general claim them as their own. Despite him hating modernism, nationalism, and socialism! No Lover of Man may rightfully claim him. Humanity is something to despise, to overcome, to smash, not celebrate.

If u really want to get N. start chronological

read in this order; read either kaufmann or hollingdale translations

The Birth of Tragedy
Untimely Meditations
Human, All Too Human
The Gay Science
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
The Genealogy of Morality
The Case of Wagner
The Twilight of the Idols
The Antichrist
Ecce Homo
Nietzsche Contra Wagner
Will to Power

>listening to what the mullet man has to say about anything beside linguistics

thought lit was less retarded than that lmoa

Not even Nietzsche understood Nietzsche

Muh God, muh God! Anyone who doesn't follow my weird and unpopular version of Catholicism is a pleb! Something something postmodernism

>let's try to define exactly what a man that spoke 50% of the time in poetry and metaphores

>which is why we can talk about him today.
Gross. European detected. We can talk about anything we want over here.

/pol/tards aren't alt-right, people who follow spencer are.
spencer just took advantage of the memes and groupthink propagated in /pol/ to get more followers and bring his ideology into public view.

Why this order? What's the point of reading Zarathustra before BGE and GM?

The article is unintentionally correct about a couple things. Nietzsche was NOT a resentful traditionalist, he was sort of a right-wing progressive--he wanted to forge a society of the future, not return to provincialism and indulge the alt-right's fantasies of nationalist fervor and #tradwives. Blood and soil? Absolutely not. The European aristocracy that Nietzsche considered himself a part of was never an honest reflection of the genetics and geography of the races it ruled. The gulf between the masses and the gentry is what allowed for nobility.

But Nietzsche was also an undeniable anti-egalitarian who rejected ideologies, especially those that claim to promote the common welfare like socialism or social democracy. The center left Redditism of Vox, its simpering faggot sarcasm, its feigning of empiricism and objectivity, its innumerable listings of racial grievances, its need for mass approval, all that would have been repulsive to Nietzsche

So much of the alt-right is nothing but resentment of the absurdities and provocations of egalitarian liberalism. I sympathize, maybe I've even fallen into that trap more than once myself, but the alt-right will die unless it recognizes that that shit is fucking psychic poison and it's the reason why they're an embarrassment right now. I don't want to conflate Spencer's views with those of bitter NEET Trumpists on Veeky Forums like the Vox article does, but it's hard to deny that his interpretation doesn't encourage them. At this moment they don't seem to have anything to affirm or create but a vague notion of "white" identity, MS Paint comics, and old paintings they looked up on Google images. That's not Nietzschean

>wow just wow, another effortpost by a butthurt jew who hates white people.

I find it funny how the man who said "There are no facts, only interpretations." did such a thing. At the same time it makes his work last.

"Christianity is still and all the best piece of ideal life that I have really known. I have followed it since I was a child into many nooks and I think that in my heart I have never been scornful against it ." - Nietzsche

It's chronological, dipshit

The weak should fear the strong.

someone explain this meme to me please

Interpretation is a contested, contradictory, and warlike field of maneuver. For no other writer than Nietzsche could this be more important to keep in the front of your mind at all times.


isn't this just chronological
and philosophy in the tragic age of the greeks needs to be one of the first 3 items on any nietzsche reading list desu

>implying you understand why he disowned it
were he born later, he would clearly have been very close to fascism. if you believe any different you are a fool

it makes me so mad that nobody understands anything about nietzche's thought, how can all of you be so retarded?

What makes you think your interpretation is any better boyo

>"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."
Plebs BTFO eternally