Rib Bones

I read that eating bones is solid source of calcium so I am following my dog and doing my best to hurt this rib bone. Every now and then a little bone scrapes off with teeth. I just wonder how much calcium is in here and is it worth all this work to eat it.

I think bones are usually just used for broth or ground up and processed

Nigger what

I usually make broth but this is actually keeping my mouth occupied and taste pretty good.

chewing the bone it good for you

Hold the bone like you're smoking a cigar. Have some fun with it.

Im sucking it like a dick, it helps the bone cum off on my teeth

if you want to eat the bone, then pressure cook it into broth and eat what's left of the bone afterward. it'll be crumbly and a lot easier to eat

I cooked the ribs and then put the bones in my beans over night. Now I am sucking the calcium off. I am afraid of breaking my teeth if I chew too hard.

stick it in a coffee grinder and snort lines of the powder

That might calcify my pineal gland

My rib bone

doges bone. We started eating at the same time.

You can't eat cooked bone.
If you wanna try bone. Get some sam gyeop sal.
The meat cooks fast enough so the bone doesn't, making it soft and edible

Don't give your dog cooked bone!
It'll splinter and hurt the dogs digestive system!

I thought that was for chicken bones? This is a beef rib.

All bones splinter when cooked.
Unless you want your dog to tear a whole in its esophagus then buy proper bones.

I don't think you're supposed to let them have bird bones cooked OR uncooked.

well shit, hope she ok

Dumbass. They use freeze dried UNCOOKED bones. Uncooked bones are safe

Dogs can eat raw chicken.
Lot's of people feed their dogs chicken necks and shit

put shoes on and kick her in the belly and see if anything pokes out. the Ol'e pregnancy test they call it.

no, I hope your dog is ok too. Mine have eaten solid wood doors, the contents of a trash can and lots of each others shit. I am sure she is fine.