Uni/College Thread

Had a successful thread like this the other day:

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
>Do you enjoy it?
>What are you currently reading?

I honestly can't tell you how much better my life has been since I entered pinkycord

These threads is just an outlet for students of 'prestigious' universities to inflate their own ego and delude themselves that their alma mater actually matters in life.

Trinity College Dublin/ Classics
A Man Asleep - Georges Perec /The Persians - Aeschylus

>Trinity College Dublin/ Classics

uhhhhhmmm latte machiato please?

University of St Andrews, second year Classics
The Education of Henry Adams

Economix @ Ell Ess Eee
i'll have a uhhhhhhhhh big mac

"Oi! I asked for these chips EXTRA SALTY, I wanna spake to yor manager!"

>university of guelph

>Amherst; English and Math double major
>yes, but it's very stressful
>the wizard of loneliness

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
Some typical university in Germany, a specialized MSc within Computer Science
>Do you enjoy it?
I absolute loathe it. In fact I have sent out applications for nurse apprenticeships. I won't even bother to make use of my BSc in CS.
>What are you currently reading?
Modern Culture- Scruton
The book of disqiet - Pessoa

It does matter if you measure how worthwhile it was by income thereafter and/or quality of education


> Graduated a year ago with two master's
> Finance
> It was a financial drain and I don't like the job prospect and the state of the industry in my home country
> The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand

Hey, I went to Trinity. What year are you in?

I'm doing a Phd in Oxford now in genetics

First day of writing class I namedropped Joyce.

I am in second year.

I might do a masters in Library and Information Studies after graduation, if they take me.

Ah, we've had very little overlap then. I finished my final year there in 2016.

You'll probably get it. Trinity are really good about letting people who did their degree there into Masters programs. I wasn't even interviewed for my masters there while all of the non trinity folk were.

I took a creative nonfiction course with David Wallace at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of cass our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself.

Namedropping Joyce in a writing class is like namedropping Trump in a political science class.


Me too but I'm in the blinndergarden program

Nice, Blinn isn't so bad. I went there for a year

>Pratt Fashion Institute
>Fashion Design
>Key of Solomon

I'm a straight guy by the way. Also a huge disappointment to my family. Also realize I probably can't go anywhere because I'm not connected with any big names.

What's wrong with Joyce?

University of Kansas/ History

University of Kent
Computer Science and Networks

I regret not going to oxford for classics I had the grades. Still, a lot of money.

>straight guy in fashion
Are dateable females abundant? thought on this for a bit

>mathematics and russian at public uni in va
>petersburg by andrei bely

Oh, and Histories by Herodotus

In the UK you can literally get employed into prestigious grad schemes because you went to Oxbridge etc. It matters a lot.

white male

Southampton, Law.
I guess. It's not the best law school - it's not the worst. I'm only there to be able to work afterwards, rather than any other lofty ambitions.
T.S Eliot's poetry is my current focus.

Rutgers University (new Brunswick, fuck newark)

math. Just was offered to join the honors class for mathmatical reasoning. Feels good man

Don Quixote

Always surprised by the number of classicists in these Uni threads. I am one too, same uni as OP

A literature board has a high concentration classicists and you are shocked? No wonder you only got into Cambridge on the lowest grade boundary course there is

Queen's University (Canada), doing Philosophy and Classics
Yeah, I guess. I love the school and the material is great but I have some regret for choosing not to go to Toronto or McGill. I was originally doing a different program and the phil faculty at those schools are a lot more prestigious. Our department head was a prof at Oxford, but most of the faculty is kind of lacklustre.
The Origins of Political Order by Fukuyama

>he got tricked into going to the farmer school

Anyone here at Imperial? I'm there for CompSci. It's a STEM uni so I think I might be alone here? None (literally none) of my friends read fiction.

i got pooled too

'sup brainlets?

I'm studying a double degree in finance and journalism at Monash University. My main aim now is to find a decent job at a bank whilst secretly hating my reality.

Oh yeah, and I just finished Portrait of a Lady, and I'm now rereading select poems from Leaves of Grass.

People at ICL are so weird

Former HUD Secretary Julio Castro got into Stanford with a 1210 SAT. For all I know you're a Mexican who had mediocre grades.

Why do you keep posting this? Are you obsessed with status or something?

BA in English with Supporting in History at Waikato Uni (NZ)
I was, in my last semester for the degree now and I feel tired and want it to be over with. Still don't know what to do after I graduate though.
Reading the KJV Bible, I've been very slow with it. It's been like a month or two since I've read it and I've only just finished the first Book of Kings. Beautiful book though.

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
Cambridge Anglosaxon Norse and Celtic
>Do you enjoy it?
feels like im wasting my life
>What are you currently reading?
st augustines confessions and st jerome shit

got into a russell group uni by the skin of my teeth lads (2 grades below offer) feel like an absolute brainlet

I only posted this twice. Last time I incorrectly said it was Juan Castro and I wanted to correct myself the next time there was a uni thread.




Plato's Dialogues, currently Meno

Welcome to the water kid.

>making mistakes
well, we can be sure you wouldn't get into stanford

another New Zealand lad. I'm at Auckland for Law and History. What's the faculty like at Waikato?

Not been to Auckland so I don't know. I'm assuming it's no where near as good. Waikato isn't really impressive but it's sort of comfy, there's a few lecturers and professors I like studying under as well so I don't mind. Hamilton is so dull though, I come from Tauranga so I'm kinda used to going up the Mount or going to the beach if I get bored.

Any reason in particular why Waikato?I mean lectures at Auckland are probably no better than anywhere else in NZ, but academic performance gets recognised pretty well so that's good i guess. I pretty much picked Auckland just because I live here already, and everyone else i knew was going there

University of Oregon
English Major
Yeah, I like it. I like to read and I've had some good teachers.
I'm not gonna say what I'm reading right now.

University in Argentina, studying math and physics. I absolutely love what I study.
I'm currently reading Seneca's dialogues and The Hobbit for like the 3rd time. So cozy.

It was cheaper and closer to home. Plus they offered me $3k scholarship money because of my NCEA performance. Also I'm not very good with cities, I used to live in the UK and I always hated them.

Plenty of ASNC'rs do alright for themselves. Whata the problem? You're not that robot from Jesus college are you who always goes to McDonald's on his own?

>who always goes to McDonald's on his own?

is this another one of those normie things i periodically learn about, like when my friend told me that it's "not normal" to wear comfortable sneakers and couldn't explain why

or when they get really upset if you don't have a cellphone

is going to mcdonalds alone some kind of normie faux pas?

I don't see a problem with wearing comfy sneakers or going to McDonalds by yourself, which either means your friends have strange opinions, or that I'm a robot too

I dress like a tramp to uni, idc, I'm there to study not to impress pseuds

The thing that you don't realize is that one of the most important parts of going to a good university is impressing pseuds so you have connections later in life.

Oxford, French and Russian
Not started yet.
Phèdre - Racine

this. A degree from a good uni is good and all, but being at Oxbridge/some other prestigious uni means having the opportunity of making friends in the right places. You could be mingling with a future Prime Minister for all you know (depending where you hang out).

imperial college here

fuck you oxbridge cunts

currently reading: Homo Deus


Harvard University extension school for government. Shits alright but school in general in such a scam

>caltopia 2017
>it could be better, too many annoying cs kids
>surrealism in latin american literature - melanie nicholson

Not Harvard or Oxbridge is it though

If the sneakers are hideous then comments from friends is probably to be expected

Not having a cell phone is objectively unusual

Going to McDonalds on your own is not strange unless you do it everyday, in which case it outs you as a loner and person with awful diet

Anyone here know if the University of Glasgow is any good? Might be doing physics there

True - he is either a lucky darky or a priveliged white kid

Cornell in New York/ Information Science (data concentrating in data analysis of literature and text)
Yeah it's pretty cool
Light in August by Faulkner

I'm a 20 yo freshman for English, been in Dublin for a year.


Best in Scotland I guess. Can't go too wrong with physics at one of those top schools.

>Universidad de Chile / Medicine
>Kind of
>The Solitude of Prime Numbers (Paolo Giordano), Essential Cell Biology (Alberts, etc)

Physics at Edinburgh, St. A or Glasgow is worthwhile. I'm currently doing Physics at Edinburgh but people (my friends from school) who went to Glasgow seem to be happier than the ones who went elsewhere.

>Do I enjoy uni: No, I never have.
>Currently Reading: Just finished Stoner two minutes ago. Going to read Ivan Ilyich next.

Pratt fashion institute
Fashion Design
It's fun. I'm a white straight guy so maybe I've dissappointed my family but it's all good. Won't ever have a job though ;^) not sure what I'm doing here because I'm not rich or know any rich guys in the biz
Gelmans Poetry

Biology/University of Toronto
The Republic - Plato

University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine/MD
The Republic - Plato

You don't know that he isn't a Mexican

>Where are you studying/what are you studying?
University of McDonald's/double majoring in Burger Systems and Fry Theory
>Do you enjoy it?
It's alright, except when my professor makes me clean the bathrooms
>What are you currently reading?
McDonald's: Behind The Arches

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Faculty of Philology (major - translation from native to English and vice versa).

Well, I really like what I'm studying, and there's like 2 from 40 teachers that are... acceptable, and make my day, because I haven't seen any better.
Otherwise, it's awful. When it's rainy, there's a pool in front of the biggest amphitheatre, because the roof leaks, and it hasn't been fixed for decades.
It's a public university in a capital city. There aren't enough seats in the classrooms, sometimes not enough tables and we put the textbooks and notebooks on our laps and we write like that. In one of the amphitheatres there's a sparrow nest, and the sparrows once somehow pushed some pebbles and a student almost got a skull fracture.

I won't even mention the other billion finesses. Come and witness, infernal Narnia of miserable opressed masochistic stoics.

For Whom The Bell Tolls

>either be super successful or kill himself
Both. Boom!

History major at UF
Meh, it's a means to an end
The Will to Power

What's up? Fellow winner here.


>prestigious grad schemes because you went to Oxbridge
not sure how "literally" true this is. I would say it certainly helps with application processes
even though it shouldn't

I got into one of the two and i'm dumb as shit

I'm at a community college in SoCal. I'm studying Psychology. Why else would I fucking study something full time? Dorian Gray.

>tfw you'll never be 19 again
>tfw you'll never get to undo your decision to go into STEM instead of some interesting humanities degree
>tfw you feel intellectually stunted from being a lab rat 60 hours a week and reading nothing but lab manuals and journal articles

STEM is a fucking meme don't do it god damn do not do it

>tfw 20
>wanted to go into STEM because it guarantees my future almost inevitably
>said fuck it and went into humanities
It's fun but people can be some real fags.

are you the same sex that posts on /shugazi/? I'm in second year

Me too but M.A.Sc Aerospace Engineerinf.

Some community college. Electrical Engineering.
It's okay, though I haven't really gone deep into it yet.
The Catcher in the Rye

>tfw when 21
>Starting college in 2 weeks
>About to fall for the Stem meme
>But why the fuck would I pay money to study what I already read for recreation

>But why the fuck would I pay money to study what I already read for recreation
Because you will be able to get a 6 figure job due to the degree.
That's the STEM meme.

ivyshit has a terrible quality of education.

Hey lads
I'm starting at Auckland in February, hoping to major in physics

Am I still alone? Nobody ever responds to me.

Taking a special course on ecotheology starting on the 31st, planned a few others too. It means I can't take writing courses until next year, but I think it's worth it.