What the FUUUUUUUUUUCK! My mind just melts down when I read shit like this...

What the FUUUUUUUUUUCK! My mind just melts down when I read shit like this. This is from Bertrand Russell's history of western philosophy, I literally can't even process what this is saying. I think it's a quote from Plato's dialogs.

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I can see how I'd you've never heard of thought of the problem of universals that it wouldn't make sense. Instead of reading that maybe look at the world of Ideas or Forms.

>tfw you just realized you're a brainlet
enjoy being mediocre ad infinitum

Bertrand Russell is awful. You're probably doing yourself for harm by reading him because he gets so much shit wrong, especially with Nietzsche. At the very least ignore anything he has to say about any medieval philosopher.

It is from the chapter on plato's theory of ideas, from bertrand russell's history of western philosophy. I've read every word of the book up to this point. It's just extremely difficult to process, even with some background of what it means.

>he doesn't know a romance tongue

If you put your mind to it, you can understand anything. IQ doesn't exist. Think about it: you were born with a human mind. Hundreds of neurons firing all at once, a marvelous machine of natural engineering, a Pandora's Box for the computer age of instant messaging. But you don't use it. Attention is energy. You point it at something, it's like a laser - if you've trained it. If you haven't trained your attention then your attention is like a pencil that somebody hasn't sharpened yet. Sharpen it up, what do you get? A powerful red laser. It's the same thing with your mind. When I was im high school, all the teachers called me a dumbass. They said, "You're going nowhere. Actually, you are going somewhere, and that somewhere is Nowhere Fast. Population: You. And guess who the mayor is? I would tell you, but you're not real good at remembering names, are ya, punk?" That's what I dealt with nearly every day. My torments ran the gamut from here to there. But then I realized something: I was born with a human mind same as Steve Jobs and Einstein. Am I a different species? No. That was the key realization, the epiphany, if you will. As soon as I realized this, I got on the right track, and that little old place called Nowhere Fast? Well, I was not going there anymore. I canceled that ticket. Got it refunded and got a new one to Wheresville Somebodyhood. Population: 2. Me and yours truly.

brainless freak

It's not that it doesn't make sense so much that it's presented without context.

It's like walking into the middle of a conversation about fourier transforms. You'd be able to understand and follow along IF: You already studied the mathematical foundations that set the stage for fourier transforms and have the basic knowledge required to translate the jargon into meaning; OR: the speakers explain key points in simplified ways and metaphors to assist the layman in understanding. Which of course, this excerpt doesn't do.

To understand it, you need to read other works that set up the context of what the ever loving fuck he's talking about. I ran into this problem the first time I started reading Nietzsche - he's so fucking obtuse it's maddening. I can't be fucking assed to read 30 other books just to understand your meandering bullshit Nietzsche, fuck off.

I enjoyed reading this.

What's not to get?

Consider the nature of determinism, it's a good parallel. Arguably when one electron moves, it causes or is caused by the movement of another electron on the other end of the universe. And all things move in accordance with all things. This causes all kinds of problems as espoused in the OP, which really is a question on causality and being.


read kenny's western philosophy instead

>Bertrand Russell is awful.
This. I find it painful that he elects to 'summarize' and 'conclude' thinkers far greater than himself, and he does it all with consideration to popular sentiment. All of his philosophical tests read like a fucking self help book, which is ironic, considering he actually wrote one despite being singularly unqualified to do so, being an actual literal cuck.

Kenny has a blind spot with Aquinas but otherwise he's fine

lol aquinas's 5 proofs arent as show stopping as you think faggot

>Bertrand Russell's history of western philosophy
Don't bother with it. Read Copleston's A History of Philosophy instead. It's a lot better. Although the last volume is kind of shit.


>being an actual literal cuck.
you lost all credibility here

Copleston literally believes god exists and uses his philosophical education to bolster his opinions. DISREGARDED.

You could say the same about almost every legendary philosopher.

And every man that ever had any kind of a belief/conviction.

but when i read a historical account i want something as non-bias as possible. if i read about the french revolution i don't want it to be written from a socialists perspective


Read up on his personal life. He was an actual, literal, cuck.

>As for Dora Russell, the story is incredibly perverse. Their
marriage was, at first, designed by both of them, to allow
for liberal bouts of adultery. Bertie became infamous, in the
1920s, for various writings, promoting their concept of the
“marriage of the future.” The problem is, when Dora took the
matter to heart, and started having children with another man,
Bertie went berserk, and began a lifelong campaign of hatred
and revenge against her, the which included an about-face,
against his former “liberal” views on marriage. Monk’s descriptions,
of how he dealt with Dora, from the late 1920s, on
through the rest of his life, make for gruesome reading.

it's not some secret, you can read about it on his wiki, he knowingly had his wife fuck other men