ITT: good looking authors

ITT: good looking authors

Chekhov was aesthetic af



Oh crap guys.. I accidentally *WANDERED* in this thread.


aka Nut Handsome


>she was ugly af

>one eye on the street and one on the hoes



Thats not even remotely good looking user. He looks like the persian guy who owns the subway near my house.




I laughed at this way more than I probably should have.

>implying you wouldn't


badass. Not his most handsome pic though.

Surprised no one posted this bird yet.

Novalis was quite pretty for a guy.



Why wasn't this dude the first post?

my literary waifu

Beautiful and profound, Clarice. Clarice of my dreams and nightmares.


This really.

Nietzsche in his prime had a fantasy-tier mustache.

Look at that thing. It's otherworldly.

>in her element among the cold steel of indifference towards humanity and its collective desitnation


plow a field for 2 days you tiresomely rich faggot

>you'll never pin down a young F. Scott Fitzgerald and start to remove his shoes as he begs, "n-no, user, please..."
>his sensitive toes curling in trepidation as you slide his socks off
>you look back over at Francis, his turned, trembling face blushing hotly, before returning attention to his vulnerable feet to tickle and torment them


I want to fuck him so bad. I don't even like his poetry, but I obsessively read pages and pages of it just to imagine slipping my tongue into his tender boipuss while he recites his work in his sexy little voice.

>not posting the man, the myth, the chad.

my swedish poet waifu

Eileen Chang


I just want to nibble his satellite dishes


>tfw I will never look as aesthetic as a young Roberto Calasso at any point in my life


Only true answer.



