Deux-mille dix-sept

>Deux-mille dix-sept
>Il ne parle pas Français.

Feels good lads.

p sure two thousand doesn't have a hyphen in french senpai

Je n'est parle pas gay


tu es un coq lecher

>4 20 10 9
>90 9 what's that?

This is the only french phrase I know and I only learned it to say that. Besides that I know few scattered French words. Not much to show for 6 years (admittedly casual, elementary school) education.

It's not even correct senpai

Of course it's not. Socialized education at least in these lands is pretty fucking bad.

he got macaroni'd

Au contraire, I think he looks disgusted to have to shake the tfwmommygf's hand.

>les américains ne pourront jamais lire Proust et Céline dans leur version originales

>leur version originales
my brain hurts

Bombycinans in vacuo!

Je puex lire des livres en français et comprendre presque tout, mais je ne puex pas ecouter et coprendre ce qui se dit. De plus, ma prononciation est terrible kek.

Any tips on how you managed that user? Wanna work on French as my third language as I'm entertaining a PhD a few years onward, and reading well would suit my needs.

Do you speak a romance language natively? That could be very helpful from the beginning. I speak spanish and it really helped in knowing the meaning of words and also the structure of both languages is similar. Nontheless, english has a lot of words of frenc origin.

First i took a basic french course in college. If you can't do that, just get a grammar book and you'll learn all the things i learned in the course. Watch videos on how to pronounce the words on youtube, too.

Get Duolingo and Lingvist on your start practicing on those two. Lingvist helped me greatly in my reading comprehesion, but i would advise you start with it after some having some knowledge in french.

Get a Kindle. The built in dictionary with help you a lot when reading literature. You can easily get freench books on the internet too.

Try as much as you can to inmerse yourself in the language; wathc videos, movies, listen to music, etc. Aside from reading literature, i like to read (in french of course) wkipedia articles to kill time.

Go on /int/ in those language learning threads. You can find there a lot of material to help you in your learning process.

>deux-mille Dix-sept
>votre français commence a mourir grace a un culture Canadiens qui ne l'estime pas
>groupe cela avec la vie d'un bavard et vous commence a connaître mon monde unilingue perpetuelle

Au moins je peux lire Rimbaud assez facilement

after you spend awhile studying the fundamentals of the language, i find it really beneficial to play video games in french for vocabulary, listening skills, and immersion. i tried to do it about a year and a half ago and couldn't understand a word, but i tried again after 1 year of uni courses and i can make out the gist of what people are trying to say without pausing the game and looking up words. it's great for learning lots of minor vocabulary words and phrases. I keep a pen and paper by my monitor while i play and look up vocab i don't understand. it's still alot of fun to play and it doesn't feel as tasking as it once was to listen to another language. Fallout and the elder scrolls games are great in french, and the language adds to the mystique of the game. also, it's a way of not hating yourself for playing video games.

the key to learning a language though is consistent work/practice (and GOOD work/practice) and keeping yourself entertained by the process. if you can hang around francophones or take college courses then you'll progress much faster.

mais encore, je parle francais de la merde. n'ecoutez-moi pas!
>cvq je n'ai pas d'cherie quebbecois

Écoute-moi bien, petit. Si tu crois qu'en lisant Barthes dans le texte entre deux sessions de branlette sur des clips de Vincent Delerm, ton acception phénoménologique du réel va s'acérer, le tout pendant que ton père soixante-huitard reconverti à l'islamosceptisme par Houellebecq noie les implications déchirantes de son échec parental dans du vin rouge, tu te mets le doigt dans l'œil. Le seul mérite de ton langage de baltringue intercontinentale est d'avoir permis à quelques âmes damnées de profiter de chattes de touristes trentenaires fascinée par un abscons mythos parisien mis en place selon les intentions démoniaques d'une caste américano-socialo-baklavo-fallafello-sioniste. Ton seul mérite, à toi, et d'être la preuve vivante de notre égarement.


>er kann Deutsch nicht sprechen
Ich kann auch nicht.

>Þeir tala ekki reiprennandi Íslensku

Faut le savoir hein

>tfw learning languages for fun because the state pays you to study in my country
das fühlt sich gut an frère wesh