Okay so we have Papa John's in Europe now and I tried to order one

Okay so we have Papa John's in Europe now and I tried to order one
Holy fuck this is the first time in my life I considered dumping a pizza in the trash
What the fuck

what europe are you talking about?


oh. we've had it in england for at least a decade.

Why would you think fast food pizza would ever be good?

Oh right, I didn't know, I thought they started coming overseas last year

I mean fucking hell dude I don't expect a culinary sensation but I also didn't expect to have to choose between being hungry and eating this bullshit at 20:00

cool not your blog yuropoor nobody cares. keep eating fast food you fat faggot


if you didn't eat all the pizza you can't have an opinion on it, it'd be like eating some sugar and saying chocolate chip cookies are bad because the sugar tasted bad. It's the ingredients together that makes the concoction consumable so dig that pizza out of the trash and finish it tubby

All American chain brand pizza is shit, but 2 for Tuesday's is hard to resist sometimes when you're tired and hungry.

wow europe got cucked again what a dumb dumb island

Yeah, papa johns is garbage. Most fast food pizza is. Next time, instead of settling for mediocrity, maybe plan ahead so you’re not choosing between trash and hunger. This is your fault, not papa johns.

papa johns being any good is just alt-reich memes

europe is not an island
if anything the u.s. is

wow they even got cucked out of being an island by the usa


The whole world is an island.
>-.t triggered BLM

Papa Johns is absolute shit, Even Little Caesars hot 'n ready is better

Next time just get a frozen pizza or something

I tried it too. It's worse than the pizza they sell at Camden Market in London. Utter crap.

This is P4P4-J0HN-209, serial number X34298B. Step away from the pizza. Throwing away pizza is a class 4 offense. You have 30 seconds to comply.



Papa John's is ass, sweetie. Don't @ me.

Lol I've been saying for years frozen pizzas from the grocery are better than papas and a euro still tries it oh boy am i laffin

It really is the worse. The sauce is weirdly sweet and all the toppings are garbage.

@ me.

>live nextdoor to Italy
>order Italian food from shitty american fast food restaurant
>dont like it
>act surprised

Wait, what???

I'm a yuro too and didn't think our (Sweden) pizzas were anything special. That's until I ate at Domino's once when I was abroad. Holy shit, I've never had anything remotely as bad ever.

I'm not a fan of McDonald's or Burger King, but it's at least passable food. I don't get how Domino's can stay in business.

U are a crappy country

tasting real good pizza can be a shock when you've never had any in your life.

>I don't get how Domino's can stay in business.

Younger more "Americanized" generations exposed to its advertising and American pop culture. Globalization my man, welcome to the future. In the Middle East you can get a fucking pizza hut cheesy pizza with cheese burgers as the crust with a fucking salad thrown on top