[[ ]] The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and...

[[ ]] The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and computers: a transscalar entropy-dissipation from international trade to market-oriented software that thaws out competitve dynamics from the cryonics-bank of modernist corporatism. Commerce re-implements space inside itself, assembling a universe exhaustively immanent to cybercaptial functionality. Neoclassical (equilibrium) economics is subsumed into computer-based nonequilibrium market escalations, themed by artificial agencies, imperfect information, sub-optimal solutions, lock-in, increasing returns, and convergence. As digitally micro-tuned market metaprograms mesh with techoscientific soft engineering positive nonlinearity rages through the machines. Cyclonic torsion moans.

Is he right?

I'm probably not smart enough to know, but the doom and gloom over technology is getting really fucking tired

But it's only getting more justifiable

no that is just technological-determinism. so he's missing almost everything.

No, he's not. And believing that there is some kind of techno-phantom force that's out of our control is dumb. Machines and systems are human creations that operate and produce outcomes based on who built them and who is in control of determining how they are used.

not an argu-oh fuck it

>The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and computers

This seems like exactly what happened to me

Technology is nothing without a human agent. It's as simple as "guns don't kill people, people kill people." If you have a problem with technology chances are you're an old man.

>have an idea
>instead of being straightforward and describing it clearly, pull some weird half william gibson half burroughs hallucinatory fatalist prose

is that the recipe for philosophy stardom? to assert lots of incipient, basic and inflammatory bullshit with affected stylism?


>Technology is nothing without a human agent

when a nuclear reactor melts down, human agents are nothing to it lol.

what you stated is just one part of the equation. technology can overextend its function, past the parameters of human capacity to contain it. technology adapts itself to the ethos of the person wielding it, but that doesn't mean it is completely inert without human engagement you dumbshit.

This. OP made me understand the criticisms that postmodernism is unintelligible. After I untangled what the fuck that paragraph was actually saying, the first thing I thought was how much more simply it could have been written.

If you want to write esoteric poetry-prose, fine. But if you submit something to academic consideration, it should be as clear as possible. Academic inquiry is about ideas.

No, it's the effects of a hypernerd sci-fi/horror obsession and fuckton of speed.

>Academia here I come
>Academic inquiry is about ideas
He's extremely anti-academy.

Why does it have to be philosophy masked by pseudo-poetry and not just a combination of the two anyway? It clearly stems from the concept of theory-fiction present in all early Ccru writings.

this is the biggest bullshit ever
this what he said could be easily described simply and clearly instead of writing 3 tons of barely unedrstandable horseshit

Is being under the influence of amphetamines a requirement for reading him?

Kek - Talk freely, OP. Stop trying to sound clever, when what you have said is clever anyway.

>the nerd rapture
it never really was going to take off the same way

that's an excerpt from nick "fast is best" land, newfag

Im writing a book actually, faggot.

Who is responsible for the nuclear reactor meltdown? Humans. What you fear is humanity, not technology, because you are barely human yourself.

No, it's technology. And it isn't fear, Land is a cheerleader for technology steamrolling the human race, after having used them as a mere substrate for its development, guided from the future.
>Traditional schemas which oppose technics to nature, to literate culture, or to social relations, are all dominated by a phobic resistance to the side-lining of human intelligence by the coming techno sapiens.
>Capitalism is not a human invention, but a viral contagion, replicated cyberpositively across post-human space. Self-designing processes are anastrophic and convergent: doing things before they make sense. Time goes weird in tactile self-organizing space: the future is not an idea but a sensation.
I don't think he's right, but how can you offer such asinine critiques when you've obviously not read a word of him outside of the OP?

I'm not arguing what Land is or isn't saying. I'm just making my own claim. Technology has no fucking agency outside of what we've given it, which means we are responsible for whatever happens to us, and the talk about technology bringing our doom is a misnomer: WE will bring our doom, and that is all. (and only some will be doomed, not all, most likely)

He communicates more with the word "fractal" than some people could in an entire book


That's a failure of the system, not the all-consuming nature of the system as Land describes it, which is currently using human power-lust as its one-way ticket to dominance over the biological

The system is inevitable because of evolutionary pressure: the better equipped and organized group survives and those who opt out and try to stall the inevitability are BTFOed in a generation at the longest