Worth reading or is it /pol/ tier garbage?

worth reading or is it /pol/ tier garbage?

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Read it and come to your own conclusion you sheep

Basically this. Pirate copies are plentiful, so you don't have to spend any money (the shill would probably jizz himself at the opportunity to spread it, for that matter). I read the first three chapters or so and lost interest; it's basically a book-form presentation of those infographics where le jew owns all the media companies or whatever whilst rubbing his hands.

>I read the first three chapters or so and lost interest; it's basically a book-form presentation of those infographics where le jew owns all the media companies or whatever whilst rubbing his hands.
From your description I feel certain you've read exactly 0% of it.

Well you would say that, wouldn't you, random-user-with-no-vested-interests.

>/pol/ tier garbage


>The more I think about the term “group evolutionary strategy,” in fact, the more I wonder if it is not complete nonsense. From an evolutionary point of view, would not the optimum strategy for almost any European Jew at almost any point from AD 79 to AD 1800 or so have been conversion to Christianity? Rather than learning to argue fine points of theology, would not a better strategy have been to learn, say, fencing or Latin? Sure, the Jews held together as a group across 2,000 years. The gypsies held together pretty well, too, across many centuries, yet their “group evolutionary strategy” was the opposite of the Jews’ at almost every point. And the Jewish over-representation in important power centers of Gentile host societies became possible only after Jewish emancipation—which, like abolition of the slave trade, was an entirely white-Gentile project! Did the genes of 12th-century Jews “know” emancipation was going to happen 700 years on? How? If they did not, what was the point of their “evolutionary strategy”? There is a whiff of teleology about this whole business.

It's pretty obvious you aren't telling the truth. Your description is inaccurate and sounds like a fabrication.

>it's basically a book-form presentation of those infographics where le jew owns all the media companies or whatever whilst rubbing his hands.

But it is true that the Jews dominate the media, see:


>If they did not, what was the point of their “evolutionary strategy”?
Doesn't seem TAC hired the smartest guy to give the refutation. The strategy is very straightforwardly in-group preference reinforced through culture and religion. That's how you end up with what we have now, which are institutions stacked to the brim with jews and few of anyone else.

Dude, the Soviet Union's 5-year plans failed constantly. But a bunch of jews sticking to a plan for some 1700 years? Totally plausible!


You don't understand how group selection works, do you?

Why be anti-Semitic in 2017?

Are you jealous because Jewish writers are more talented than you (pic related)?


>Force jews into low-tier jobs like arts and entertainment
>Be surprised when there are a bunch of jews in arts and entertainment

Wind-sowers, when will they learn

Jews are literally worms.

this unironically

Their shit helps everything grow?

How is this supposed to work as an anti-white-supremacy meme, when its means of caricaturing the white guy who thinks Greeks were his ancestors (a line of argument which could, by itself, work well) is to give him the "big lips" associated with anti-black racism? Did anyone think this through?


Grow? Jews are soldiers of death, everything they touch dies. Their ascent coincides with western civilization going down the shitter and our countries getting invaded.

>our countries

>Not the smartest guy to give a refutation

>Everything they touch dies
A Jew invented the Polio vaccine

And everyone thought Einstein was a moron until after he got a job in a Swiss patent office.

what use would patents be to Einstein?

Bullshit! His parents bought him better math books, because the school's was totall /p(o)l/eb tier.

i liked it.

don't forget banking and finance
>banking with interest is unclean, gotta keep my hands off that filthy money, forget all the blood I've spilled in wars and the children I've burned alive, it's the interest rate that's gonna make St. Peter say "Yo hol' up!", let the big nosed christkillers handle that and if I don't wanna pay back my debts well who knows maybe a pogrom will mysteriously happen wink wink nudge nudge
>hundreds of years pass like this
>why are there jews in every financial institution it must be a conspiracy it's not like there's a thing called generational business/wealth

it makes fun of the white racist by giving him the big lips he makes fun of black people for having
it's "by your logic" in meme form

It's a great, well-researched book by an actual academic. All the people who claim to "debunk" it in fact barely engage with the content

Kevin go to sleep

You are feeling very sleepy... 3... 2... 1... You're under. You want to read this book. The prose is majestic and the ideas discussed will allow you to transcend to a hitherto unimaginable reality. The plot has many twists and turns, the characters are dreamlike in quality. This book will set you free. 3... 2... 1... You're back in the room.

I have been awakened. I will now read this book.

>Controll the world through intelligence and manipulation
wow wtf I love G*d's chosen people now

It's one week end worth of reading.

>From an evolutionary point of view, would not the optimum strategy for almost any European Jew at almost any point from AD 79 to AD 1800 or so have been conversion to Christianity?
I'm not surprised that someone dismissing the book doesn't understand the very basic of identity. This is on the same level as saying "we multikulti now and you can't do anything about it so stop being upset". Has it occurred to the american conservative that you can desire to preserve our identity, and that goes above other considerations. Then you have a problem of optimization under constraints.
I am only half sold on the whole thing, but how much of a brainlet does one have to be not to understand this? It's not even new, it's the same thing said by Lazare long ago.
>american conservative
Alright, now I see.

I think the question wouldn't be raised if there was representation by other groups in media. Publishing houses are almost all completely owned and run by Jews. That alone is enough to get give pause to the idea of Jewish writers being "more talented".

This is seen over and over and over in so many areas. It has reached the point where people are starting to question the validity of the id3a that Jews are simply "more talented". That, in turn, gives rise to the thought, "How many non-Jewish voices have never been heard because of this?".

That doesn't have to be seen as being "anti-semetic". But, if course, it will.

>That, in turn, gives rise to the thought, "How many non-Jewish voices have never been heard because of this?"
>my alternate dimension ww2 novel in which hitler becomes the embodiment of jesus christ on earth has been rejected by the hebrews AGAIN

The Jews that convert stop being Jewish, they boil off. Thus only the clannish stock comprise Jewry after centuries of defection.

If I control 95% of major publishing houses and media conglomerates; what is the possibility that your message - a message I don't like - is going to get out? Zero?

It would be the same if any one group dominated. That why we had anti-trust laws and anti-monopoly laws. But they aren't enforced anf anyone who speaks out against them is an awful Nazi, white supremacist, bigot, just shoot him in the head.

You can take your stance until the end of time (and I'm sure you will) but more and more people, i.e., "normies", are starting to wake-up and realise that they have no voice. That's not anti-semitism. That's not not a longing for Hitler (which you immediately went to). That's human nature and goes beyond race, color, or creed.

>forbidding jews to work in publishing is an anti-trust law
keep going lad, this is pure gold

reddit the post

"reddit the post" the post

""reddit the post" the post" the post

EDIT: Wow, thanks for the gold. :) Seriously surprised, haha.

Stop being a rat.

A quick googling says acadmia laughs at the book and the author refuses to address any counter points from them because they are "all Jews"

If this was the case in some 300 purges, why don't the Jews just not consent to be usurious for a living? If it ends up with them getting kicked out of the country, can't they just not engage in frowned-upon behaviour?

>One form of economic antisemitism in the medieval period were legal restrictions imposed on the occupations and professions of Jews. Local rulers and church officials closed many professions to the Jews, pushing them into marginal occupations considered socially inferior, such as tax and rent collecting and moneylending, tolerated then as a "necessary evil".

Jews also have a reputation for lying, which can be seen in this post. MacDonald continually says he was open to reviews but that there was essentially a gag order around it, meaning it was ignored by the academic establishment. Why? Because he's right, which is why there has never been any serious refutation.

No one ever said that, Noselord. Everyone should be able to publish.

>No one ever said that, Noselord.
yes, because when you plainly say it it looks retarded to people
but when you start bullshitting about anti-trust laws while never connecting them to the fact that if enacted they would mean forbidding jews from working in publishing, finance, media etc. (because what other method would you have of applying anti-monopoly laws to working people) gullible idiots that aren't good at reading comprehension (AKA most people) will fall for it
that's the way these things go, couch it in "acceptable" language and when you get into power let the mask fall away

>acadmia laughs at the book

This is just an appeal to authority.

>the author refuses to address any counter points from them because they are "all Jews"

Not true, by the way: kevinmacdonald.net/replies.htm

>This is just an appeal to authority.
>by an actual academic

The only reason jews were around in the first place was because of their banking and finance skills. No one has was ever in need of jewish fishermen or farmers.

It really doesn't deserve all the hate. Any book you could possibly write on this topic would have to walk on extremely delicate eggshells to avoid being called antisemitic. MacDonald even sticks to the safest, most uncontroversial, most well-cited assertions.

He doesn't kick any unnecessary hornets' nests by talking about blatantly Jewish political movements and figures which would satisfy his four criteria for inclusion, such as the Rothschild family, the Manhattan Project, or Ayn Rand and the Objectivists.

It's really a good piece of scholarship, but it has been blacklisted by history because it doesn't meet insane standards of semitophilia.

Oh really?

Jews run the majority of publishing companies, like other industries, it's not hard to see why they excel in those certain areas.

>No one has was ever in need of jewish fishermen or farmers
and to be completely sure of that the good people of europe decided to forbid them those trades

Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws definetely at the heart of the matter. When six media outlets controls the music, movies, news, newspapers, publishing houses, etc., and they are all one group pushing the virtue of the same group; it's a problem.

Right now, all you're doing is lashing out, i.e., "crying as they strike you".

You're just another perpetually offended Noselord trying desperately to "prove" how wrong the subhuman goyim are. Stop. You've been discovered and not at all by my words. By yours.

Goys: No you Jews cannot do these minimal low skill labor jobs! Here take these jobs that deal with the managment of our nation's money, the managment of our big industries, and also all the jobs in art (you know the thing best at spreading propaganda). The slave jobs are for us

>not one word about what these anti-monopoly laws would look like
>pompous writing with dramatic pauses
you are a caricuture of a man

>When six media outlets controls the music, movies, news, newspapers, publishing houses, etc., and they are all one group

But they arn't they are 6 media groups.

>pushing the virtue
Let me guess the gay agenda in Frozen?

>the same group
White, straight, CIS males?

And you're a caricature of a rat.

do you really have to ask

this is why the nazi is not protected under any free speech, freedom of expression bullshit
his goal is crushing the same laws that enable those freedoms
it's a glitch in democracy and these people always use it and it always ends the same way but still the spineless liberal bootlickers protect their right to disseminate filth

Everytime you reply, all you accomplish is to reinforce the foundation of what I've said. You're now just being an angry Noselord trying and failing to prove a point that you've already disproven with your previous responses. Congratulations, you played yourself.

"... you will know him when he cries out in pain as he strikes you".

Oh no. I've been found out! What are you going to do it about it. Ring the town bell and banishment for poisoning your wells?

You're both shitting up this thread.

when you read book you'll be surprised lol

Anytime you want to chime in and suggest that any one group controlling the narrative of what is "good" is a fundamentally bad idea, feel free. Until then, either accept that you have six media groups that own all the major (and most minor) publishing houses telling you that it's just "their group" that is talented. Go on back to sleep. Aren't you you so sleepy because of this whole thing?


Go fuck yourself, Kevin.

" ... and you will know him when he cries in pain as he strikes you".

>Until then, either accept that you have six media groups that own all the major (and most minor) publishing houses telling you that it's just "their group" that is talented.
I certainly do. I just thought this thread would be about MacDonald's fantastic book.

You're right. I responded to an off-topic post many times. I actually own CoC but I haven't actually read it yet. I came here looking for opinions on it and got sidetracked by nonsense. Apologies.

Actual good post.

It's definitely worth reading. His theories are interesting and, as far as I'm concerned, the most plausible explanation for how the phenomena of jewish influence/power and how they act has come to be.

>From an evolutionary point of view, would not the optimum strategy for almost any European Jew at almost any point from AD 79 to AD 1800 or so have been conversion to Christianity?
That's like saying "surely it would be the best strategy for a daredevil not to take such risks?" or "surely it would be the best strategy for blacks in America to stop shooting each other?"

Yet people do these things. The people who are bad at them die. But those who excel at them survive, and they often pass these skills on to their offspring. Especially if we're talking about a group, an identity, who pass down their ideas and traditions.

>The gypsies held together pretty well, too, across many centuries, yet their “group evolutionary strategy” was the opposite of the Jews’ at almost every point.
Different groups pursue different strategies? NO SHIT!!!

if you wanna know who is in power, first find out who you are not allowed to criticize

Well there's piles of literature and entire websites dedicated to criticizing the Jews. But you can't refuse to bake the gays their cakes.

most of those books are banned. you can be arrested for denying the holocaust in most countries with a prison sentence longer than murder. the daily stormer now is being refused dns service.


culture of critgue more like culture of cocksukicng

they slowly consume any organism they can and then let it rot from the inside

Good point, maybe if we force them into non-landowning careers like banking and investing, then the Jews will learn their place.

lol, being refused dns service has nothing to do with "who is in power" you thumb-sucking retard. individual people/organizations don't want to be affiliated with their bullshit because they're imbecilic racists.

It's a meme about Nords and their own memes of Romans/Greeks being blonde and Nordic looking.

And niggers dominate basketball. What's your point?

It's a trace from another meme

You dont know history so why do you talk about it?

Why dont you attempt to show proof that Jews were not forced into dealing with money-lending in Europe, and that it wasnt the guilds and the clergy doing this to the jews

I bet you forgot guilds even existed. Or that Catholics even gave a shit about sin, greed being one of them in a time before capitalism

Try criticizing judaism, jewish people or israel on social media and see how your peers react :)

Jesus Christ, what is a Court Jew you fucking idiot?


why were the jews in europe?

they were slave traders from north africa and the byzantine empire who wanted to avoid taxes.

they arrived in europe with large sums of gold. to avoid them influencing domestoc politics, the agreement was that they could make a living by lending the gold and isolating themselves from politics.

when they BROKE THAT PROMISE and started trying to get kings overthrown, they were expelled

they were bad guesta. the muslims werent even killing thrm. they enjoyed privileged status in the muslin world and TRADED SLAVES. they came to europe to avoid taxes. literally. and then complained about discrimination in europe when some of their slave trading was banned and punished

Oh you cant read. Must suck to be that dumb. Let me show you again

>Why dont you attempt to show proof


everything about this is well documented, then made illegal

the ovens and "gas chambers" at auschwotz were made by the soviets after the germans were defeated

try criticising black people on social media and see how your peers react :)

>lol, being refused dns service has nothing to do with "who is in power"
Wrong. Power isn't just about direct control from a CEO or politician. It's also about setting trends in a society of what's acceptable and what isn't.

try criticising white people on social media and see how your peers react :)
wait, that's the fashionable thing to do

Just to clarify, because I gotta go. I'm not really into Jewish conspiracies that much, although I do think Jews take care of themselves.
But broadly speaking, you could say that "those who won WW2" are in power and they tend to be "anti-Nazi", which also means "pro-Jew".
Anything that even remotely resembles Nazism (nationalism, European ethnic consciousness, ...) gets flagged and rejected.
Because not doing that would be "un-American". (People have short memories and can't remember all the "bad" and very American things before WW2, but yeah.)

But why is it that gentile editors don't compile "best of" lists and compilations in which jews are massively over-represented. Why is it that Jewish editors turn 2% of the population into ~50% of the "best" writers in the country?