John Green thread

>How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich.

Does john green hate niggers?

in my experience bacon sandwiches are certainly considered breakfast food

I can't stand this guy.


He's the literary genius of our generation
Proof: like all literary geniuses, he's a pedo

no shit when you add other ingredients to something it becomes a different meal do you have any other stunning revelations

So does anybody here actually like John Green? There are Harry Potter fans here, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone unironically defend John Green.

I'm looking forward to the next crash course literature. Stale and shit as the Green Meme may be, at least it's better than the bugs bunny shit.

I love him personally

Is he mentally ill?


It seems all but certain his affinity for his fanbase will lead to a terrible downfall

as much as any great, tortured artist is
I eagerly await it

I don't think anyone here actually likes him. As an author I've never read anything he's put out and therefore have no opinion. As a history youtuber he packs a lot of bias into his videos, varying from subtle to extremely meme-tier.

not in my country
>what is curry scrambled eggs as a sandwich for lunch

Probably because people here grew up with HP but not John Green.

Give it a few more years

The concept of "breakfast" is a fucking spook. It implies that we should all wake up at a similar time each day and have a meal to get ourselves energetic for work. Personally I refuse to name my meals and simply eat when I feel hungry. I don't allow my meal times or what I eat to be determined by our cultural expectations of work and time.

Probably because eggs take like 1 minute to cook and back when the majority of people were farmers you had a daily supply of eggs every morning(ish).

Fuck I hate this pseud so much

So brave, I'm sure Max would have been proud (if taking pride in achievements wasn't a spook)

does anyone else want to bounce his head off of some concrete?

I don't like him. I love him. And I don't just defend him. I protect him. Rain hurricane

have fun with an unhealthy body due to an inconsistent diet

green's original quote wasn't about bacon sandwiches you dolt. it was about sandwichs that contained bacon as one of the ingredients

Stop being so mean to my beloved vlogger, will you?

Except an inconsistent diet is literally healthier for you.

I wouldn't go that extreme. But the idea that you absolutely must eat breakfast before doing anything even if you're not hungry is a modern spook that has been totally debunked.

John is developing an entirely new methodological approach in this quite; our understandings of how definitions of concepts have an entirely independent ontological weight from those ideas themselves.

it doesnt really matter. the priblem is varied schedules thrmselves are healthier. unrelated to diet

he needs to be shot in the head. worse than bill nye

He's wrong.
Lots of sandwiches now have eggs on them.
If you want to see yourself, go to any burger joint. At least one burger will have a fried egg.
I for one used to make a rice and egg sandwich for lunch when I was living alone but still going to high school. It used leftover rice from the night before (yes, I ate rice every day) cooked with whatever I felt like throwing in, but especially spring onions, cheddar, and malt vinegar. Then, I cracked enough eggs in to make the consistency about 1:1.
I served that with smoked turkey or another meat if I had other leftovers. I suggest you all try this yourself because it is an incredible and delicious way to get rid of leftovers. Note that rice can be replaced with literally anything, even another egg dish.
He likes old hags so no he's not

I don't like him. I also hate him.

i mean in timing, your hunger comes from a biological clock that is set by your stomach. it's not flawless or well-reasoned, it can easily be tricked or messed up. Same as sleeping, you don't sleep if you need to, you decide to sleep based on a certain time and if you're tired and tiredness is dependent on a cycle. If you don't have a consistent sleep cycle you won't have a consistent tiredness cycle. These things don't relate to what you actually need, just some very basic mechanisms.

>theres still people on this earth who eat fucking cardiac arrest generator aka egg to start their day
>but no her dumb character "dislike cigarettes XD"
White people.

Do any of his books have any coloured protagonists?

If not then why not? And if not, why hasn't the sjw-left of his core fanbase spammed him for it?

Eggs aren't bad for you unless they're bad eggs.

That's not what the TV said

TV is worse for you in every way then a fresh egg. Stale eggs (you can tell because the yolk will be a pale yellow and fucking bland) are the problem.
Idiots also think whole milk is unhealthy, as if milk fat isn't incredibly nutritious. Fucking trendy women. My wife has a figure that they couldn't even dream of and eats eggs, and drinks milk, and cooks with oil. Maybe they should slow down on the ranch-covered carrots.

I've seen a few people say they like some individual book of his, but never him in general

post a pic of your fat wife


Jesse Andrews is better.

Listen to mountain goats, everybody. They're the only worthy animals in this Earth.

She's not fat.

her arteries are still clogged as fuck though. not that you should care, shes gonna hit her expiration date soon anyway. easier to just automatically getting rid of her through heart disease

> joeroganseggsandwichjpg

They aren't though
>expiry date
She just turned 18, she may not be as hot as she used to be but she's perfectly healthy.

actually made me lol

lol *browses reddit*
STOP EATING EGGS *smokes cig* *drowns in brown liquid sugar* *eats salt bar*

isn't this the guy that married a hooker or something?

Latest news: Bunch of unpublished morons shake skinny fists at successful author, try to "summon the rage of the canon"

He married a 12 year old fan

nigger what. your train of thought is so incoherent

he's an evil leftist stooge who wants you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and he thinks it's funny

No, you're just incredibly stupid

When John Greene's wife wakes up she'll have a surprise lol

>knowing im "incredibly" stupid from 3 posts on the internet
gee you must really be a next level genius

>he doesn't know how to spell incredibly
You're ESL too, I see.

Why would him quoting you mean that he doesn't know how to spell the word he just spelled correctly? Are you some kind of raging retarded faggot or something?

Who the hell still forces this dead meme upon us?

I sucked his dick once.

Is this a meme? whats so good about john fucking green?

Care to say why?

Scrambled egg, mayo and cress butty. Now it's an elevenses sandwich. Checkmate cuck boy.

>whats so good about john fucking green?
his immaculate prose, his amazing philosophical inquiries, and his heart breakingly accurate depiction of love and life

he clearly wants to bone his fans


His fans are old hags mate. Dry and bland like leftover rice before they're soaked in butter and malt vinegar.

imagine how much of a manchild you have to be in order to constantly write about teenagers as the topic of every book you write. fucking grow up

also, his glasses are squeezing his head too tight

Dude's making millions, why would he stop? Think about it for a second.

He's 100% aware he isn't writing serious literature or anything like that, he knows he is feeding the masses with mindless entertainment and what not. But what would you do in his situation? Most people in the world have to do mindless, soul crushing jobs to earn a meager salary that will help them get by every month. This guy, no matter how bad his novels are, is not only having at least a little bit of fun and creating something unique, he's also banking on it.

he's expressing common thoughts in a mediocre way with literary pretentions to act as a gateway to better literature
and he knows it
>followed him in high school

his fans are young girls
who fuck him
u jelly?

They're not young girls, they're old hags.
I started dating my girl when she was 13 so no I'm not.

breakfast is just breaking the fast of not eating overnight. if you are fasting then whatever the first meal is breakfast.

>"The thing Alaska did next scared and shocked and surprised me in a way nothing had ever ever scared or shocked or surprised me until that moment, a moment which lasted no longer than one sharp intake of breath but one I have no doubt will last my entire life. She said 'I love you'. Not 'You're cool' or 'I had a really fun time' or 'Do you always kiss like that?' I love you. As in 'I, Alaska Young, love you, Miles Halter'. As in 'I Alaska Young have not only noticed that you Miles Halter exist but I positively adore the fact that you do'. I exhaled. Alaska did too and for the first time I realized she was as scared as I was of admitting the way she felt. I stepped forward and held her hips. 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I think so!' she replied, smiling. I must have pushed her backwards because just then her body nudged the lightswitch and the room became as dark as my life was without Alaska in it. Laughing, she slipped out of my grasp and disappeared somewhere inside the room. I reached out like a blind man searching for the object that might grant him sight. Truly, I was Looking for Alaska"

-Looking for Alaska, p.124

What a mess of a paragraph.

I forgot just how bad the writing is in that book. I might have to reread it now.

Look at this synopsis.

>When it comes to relationships, everyone has a type. Colin Singleton’s type is girls named Katherine. He has dated–and been dumped by–19 Katherines. In the wake of The K-19 Debacle, Colin–an anagram-obsessed washed-up child prodigy–heads out on a road trip with his overweight, Judge Judy- loving friend Hassan. With 10,000 dollars in his pocket and a feral hog on his trail, Colin is on a mission to prove a mathematical theorem he hopes will predict the future of any relationship (and conceivably win the girl).

Literally an Avant-garde masterpiece of a premise. Tristan Tzara is eating his heart out.