Is this the most TRIGGERED book review on the internet?

Is this the most TRIGGERED book review on the internet?

>Anyway, let's talk some more about Paul, our white messiah
>I really have nothing more to say. I AM glad I took the time to wade through this shitstorm of misogyny and orientalism.
>The other thing that makes this book unreadable is Frank Herbert's I-Tarzan-You-Jane approach to gender:
>Man has the mighty penis. Mighty penis does the thrusting action. Woman has the sacred hole. Sacred hole is warm and open for mighty penis penetration. Thanks for clearing that up, Frank.
>And then there's the world-building. It is So. Fucking. Lazy. Half the words are lifted from Arabic and Arab Fremen culture is the result of a scavenger rampage through Islamic concepts, scraps of Buddhism, and Frank Hebert's Orientalist curiosities all cobbled together into a cringe-inducing whole. The main subject of this book, the sand niggers (crossed out) Fremen
>The ragheads (crossed out) Fremen also do this thing where two men will fight to the death and

Other urls found in this thread:

>white messiah
Paul is a swarthy sand-nigger.

They prefer the term, 'Sandfrican-American'.

this is a review from goodreads on V for Vendetta by a sjw and it pissed me off


So I read this book because people seem to think it is this great political tome and V is this great revolutionary character. I couldn't disagree more:

1. This graphic novel is deeply sexist. The main female character is weak, spineless and insipid, drawn in this awful vaguely tarty style, and used as less an actual character, and more as a plot point. V saves her from being raped and murdered - and I could get into a diatribe here about how much I dislike sexual violence being used for entertainment, but I'll save it for a later point - only to be tortured into seeing things his way and working with him, which brings me to...

2. V is for Vendetta people, not anarchist revolution. The character is driven by rage and a desire for personal revenge, not a free society. Also, the political rantings are vague, shallow, boring, and, um, sort of senseless ranting. Also, getting back to the sexism, the character breaks up with justice because SHE is a WHORE, he seriously says this, and decides to get it on with anarchy. First of all, revolution without justice, hello different totalitarian state. Second, fuck you Alan Moore, really, we're sexualizing the rev now? Never forget ladies, who you fuck is more important than who you are or what you think.

3. Poorly drawn. A lot of the art was hard to follow, which sort of defeats the purpose of the pictures telling a story in a graphic novel.

4. Rape is not entertainment. It's not funny, it's not sexy. There are other ways to establish bad characters and fucked up social structures.

5. Mostly though, I stopped reading it because I got bored. I didn't find any of the characters to be that interesting or well developed and I wasn't terribly interested in the storyline, so I quit.

>Why do gender roles exist in a novel where humanity has reverted to feudalism?
>Why are there Islamic, Buddhist and Christian influences in a setting where humanity tried to create a bastardised amalgam of all major faiths?

No, he's house atreides and born on caladan and the result of several hundred generations of bene gesserit breeding. It's unquestionable that Paul is white considering his lineage and the descriptions of his family.

When it comes to Leto II, chani's own heritage isn't entirely fremen either.

>We can't wonder about whether and how Jesus Christ Paul will become the messiah of the people because the princess has already told us before we've begun the book.

I'm not raging at this OP, I'm just laughing at how clueless this guy is.

This is virtue signalling at best. It's pretty clear this person either hasn't read the whole book, or is just picking bits and pieces of it to fit his narrative

This part alone tells me everything
> It's unclear how the Imperial forces have blocked all outbound flights to Saudi Arabia, but we'll take it on faith.

That's been covered multiple times in the book.

Then there's that part where he starts bitching about Paul being perfect and having no flaws. This is part one of a series. The character will continue to develop. I haven't read messiah yet , but it's on my list and from my understanding Pauls character changes pretty drastically after that book.

>First of all, revolution without justice, hello different totalitarian state

He literally never got to the end


>And then there's the world-building. It is So. Fucking. Lazy. Half the words are lifted from Arabic

you're right. he should have invented totally new words that didn't bear any relation to existing languages and had lots of consonants and apostrophes. the sort of shit you get when you faceplant the keyboard after an all-night drinking binge.

you simple forest turd. die face down in a sandpit.

"Sexual violence for entertainment", any piece of media with rape in it is intrinsically for entertainment purposes, got it

No it's not but
>courthouse finale ends with a guy getting speared

Top bants

> main female character is weak, spineless and insipid
> the book is literally about her liberation, education and redemption as she takes over from V

> waaah there's other ways to establish bad meanie-bo-beanie characters but don't make them too mean!!!


He literally becomes Hitler. Well not really but there is a scene where he speaks to Stilgar about Hitler, praising him for his genocidal trailblazing.

The worms will destroy the evidence.

It's been ages since I last read it but wasn't the entire point that V was a retarded and delusional cunt who was no better than any terrorist?

>We can't wonder about whether and how Paul will become the messiah of the people because the princess has already told us before we've begun the book.

Wait this person watched the movie and didn't read the book but is attributing their review of the movie to the book......

This person didn't read the book.

He's not praising him he just sees himself for what he became: a bloody despot.

Arakeen's just a city on arrakis.

rakis-american or dune-american

There are prefaces at the start of every chapter, mostly from Princess Irulan. I don't recall her spoiling the ending in any of those, however. Not in the first book at any rate.

It does happen in the second book though. You know from the start that Paul dies or fails in some way, and that there is great tragedy involved. Which is part of the point, it's giving the reader some of the prescience Paul has, seeing the future in the way Paul does; here's a thread that leads to an end for you. You know there's an end, but how did you get there?

It's one of the specific things herbert was trying to tackle. If you can see the future - what does it actually mean for you?

>be me
>read this review
>check his profile
>5 stars to ready player one
Every time

I literally can't tell if the review is being written for the first book or the second book.


"Basically, the plot seems to involve men mentally castrated by a domineering woman who could just as easily be labeled "Bitch" as she could "Big Nurse." Enter main character--who, in my tattered, yellow-paged, 70's copy, directly labels him as "the hero of [the book]" on the back cover--a man that pretty much shakes the men up to the supposed feminization of American culture and how it's destroying their identities as males. (Read here: a huge characterization of the male ego is to dominate the female with opposites all around.)"

This one is pretty triggered too.

That's the second book though

The first book is about him realizing he'll become Hitler and ineffectually trying to avoid it.

I've just started reading the second book now. Well - I read them all when I was a kid, but now I'm an adult so I'm re-reading them again. There's a lot of good lessons in dune that have, in retrospect, made me very glad I read the series as a child.

In point of fact, one of the big things I took away from the first novel was to behave like a human, and not an animal. Take for example, cleaning your home. You can be lazy and leave dishes laying around, but is that human behaviour, or is that animal behaviour? Is lashing out in anger the appropriate response, or an animal instinct?

It's the sort of thinking that I'd instill in every person if I could. Self control and introspection are what make humanity different from the rest of the animal life on the planet.

I'm pretty sure they don't mean that as in rape itself being entertaining.

I don't know your guys opinion on one flew over the cuckoo's nest

but it pissed a lot of feminists off many because of the fact of a little bit of racism and sexism but it does not deserve one star

After page 150 out 272, I couldn't keep reading, I skimmed through to the end. It was torture. I do not understand how this is a favorite classic taught in schools! The writer is a misogynist racist who believes that women (the new matriarchy, he labels it) and black people (the black boys working under the matriarchy) are after castrating little poor helpless white males, and yes he says 'ball-cutters'. The good women are the prostitutes, they help them out, and they are honest and nice, not like the matriarchal women. Oh, it's so awful, and I have been VERY PATIENT, I was Job, until I couldn't take it any longer. This is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy overrated, it's poorly written, not enjoyable, makes no sense, is based on hatred of women and black people, and there is no rebellion whatsoever about this Irish gambler (go figure why it was an Irish and an Indian, I don't feel like knowing, enough is enough!)
I am DONE with Kesey, and I am once more disappointed by English

Someone has some serious issues.

but she's literally whitey too

I feel like you're the one that got triggered.

going to post a few from the gift that keeps on giving, the Heart of Darkness goodreads page



"It's a classic" They said.

"Just watch Apocalypse Now." They said.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

I'm not even kidding when I say I was assigned this godforsaken piece of shit THREE TIMES in my school career. Everysinglefuckingtime I rage quit, just skimmed the cliff-notes version, and took my C+ with grace and thankfulness, thinking, HOPING, this time would be the last.

If my eyes never lay upon this epic disappointment of a book again in my lifetime, and every lifetime after, IT WOULD STILL BE TOO SOON.

It's been 9 damn years, and it still haunts me.

-Samantha from Lexington

Never in all my life has 100 little pages made me contemplate suicide...violent suicide. i had to finish it. i had no choice (yay college!). every page was literally painful.

am i supposed to feel sorry for him? because i don't. i feel sorry for all of Africa getting invaded with dumbasses like this guy. oh and in case you didn't get it...the "heart of darkness" is like this super deep megametaphor of all metaphors. and in case it wasn't clear enough, conrad will spend many many useless words clearly explaining the layers of depth his metaphor can take. oh heart is dark...and i'm also in the middle of Africa...and it's dark...and depressing...get it...get it...
-Sarah Fisher from Bloomington

Proving yet again that doing a concept first will get you immortalized, while doing it WELL will make you an unknown and forgotten writer at best, I also learned that in Conrad's time, people could drone on and on with metaphors and it wasn't considered cliched, but "art." I blame this book and others like it for some of the most painful literature created by students and professional writers alike.

It was like raking my fingernails across a chalkboard while breathing in a pail of flaming cat hair and drinking spoiled milk, meanwhile Conrad is screaming DARKNESS DARKNESS OOOH LOOK AT MY METAPHOR ABOUT THE DARKNESSSSSSSSSSS like a fucking goth on a loudspeaker.
-some bitch from Elgin

What caused British women to become this way? Was liberation a mistake?

bonus from a stimulus-damaged weeb listening to the audiobook from Tokyo

V is a transsexual.

There. I said it.

b-but his aquiline nose...?

>What caused British women to become this way? Was liberation a mistake?

This is what happens when you "liberate" women from their role as domestics, which they actually enjoyed and organically fit into, and don't give them any alternative to it other than the expectation that they act like men do and take on male civilization as their own.

Women used to confine this shit to their tea times and work out their cunty emotions by despising one another privately. Now they think they are being "Citizens" when they take to the Internet to share horrid opinions on Goodreads or tweet obsessively about how the hairstylist is snubbing them. They have nothing to do.

My fucking sides, spot on

This is why sjw are the scum of earth. Fucking God.
Literaly cant enjoy anything and needs to destroyer the joy of others.

I took away the same lessons. I think I've often had a Bene Gesserit Mother threatening me with her Gom Jabar at my neck if I don't stop acting like an animal. I think the message was a stand in for Christian theology. Maybe that's why people are hating on it so much these days. All modern fictions are being sanitized of God. Small wonder it's all shit.


Why did you keep reading? I actually think that the written "ugh" is the clearet indicator that whatever follows is going to be terrible.

Fair point. What would a citizen of Arrakis be? Arrakian? Arrakonian?

How is she destroying anyone's joy? This shit's hilarious

Didn't he have green eyes as well? Or was that only mentioned for Lady Jessica?

This is as good a place as any: Why do you all think Herbert threw in the jews in Chapterhouse? I found it totally random. Just to note how they survive anything, like roaches?

Yes, she is, because this type of human garbage goes arround bossing publishers, readers and writters.

This. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and in the case of these type of know-it-all scum, they push their aggressive beliefs onto everyone and anything, and weak-kneed publishers and writers will pander to them rather than deal with them.

Yes. Same as Rorschach.

>five points of disagreement
>Roman numeral is V

deepest lore

How could you possibly read Dune and think herbert has a low opinion of the fremen I don't know.
Yes, I know that people read Dune and somehow don't pick up how fucking right wing it is, but still..

These type of people are the least objective of them all. They see what they want to see.

Seems a bit unfair. The worst types of women I know are still the types who fit into the traditional gender role of 'homemaker'. They're really bitchy and try to control everybody's lives, usually sneering at anybody who enters their life because a bit of difference to them is anathema. Not saying that well-off middle class women who control the media and influence through opinion are better but fuck traditional gender roles. Sure you love your mom but I don't think you'd want a girl who sat at home all day making tea because they'd be awful in ways you can only imagine.

Bit of projection, I know.

>When it comes to Leto II, chani's own heritage isn't entirely fremen either.

What proof is there that the fremen aren't white?

>I don't think you'd want a girl who sat at home all day making tea

Yeah, I would

I''m not surprised redditors don't know how to read dune. they're more obsessed with and prefer autistic world building and bad dialogue like game of thrones than overarching spirituality.

the same type of people who write these reviews are the type of people who can't into david lynch's kino and want the book to turn into an HBO series 'muh game of thrones'

>reviewer is from Pakistan
how the FUCK has he not been killed by the hajis yet