Is unfried chicken a meme? I feel like it's a poor attempt at recreating a healthier version of fried chicken...

Is unfried chicken a meme? I feel like it's a poor attempt at recreating a healthier version of fried chicken, but by sacrificing a lot of the taste and texture to it. The ones I've had in the past has been fairly dry pieces of chicken, which are frankly disappointing.

any kind of chicken that isn't KFC or microwave tenders from Pigglie Wigglie is really just a coastie elitist $500 scam to make real Americans feel sad and depressed. they want us to buy dinky little Japanese cars and pay soda taxes because they think the gubmint should be in our stomachs instead of inspecting our genitals when we go pee pee where it belongs

Nothing wrong with baked chicken. Put it with paprika, hot sauce, chilli, cook for 40-50 minutes and it goes well with anything.

The problem with chicken is that it tastes good no matter what you do with it, whether you bake it, grill it, steam it, if you can accomplish that then you are most of the way there for any meal.

>over $20 for a friend chicken
>not a scam
I know you’re being retarded on purpose, but stop it.

>unfried chicken
who came up with this retarded name

>we want the health foods audience

i eat about 800 grams(1.7 lbs) of chicken every day.

If you're talking white meat then you need to do a wet brine in 7-10% salt water for atleast 24 hours to make up the moisture it loses when you're baking it.

If talking dark meat then you just need to apply a good spice rub on the skin and bake it in 2 steps, first REALLY high to brown it, and then low/medium so the fat renders and the meat gets properly cooked.

any breaded thing in the oven is bullshit though. breading needs fat to become the right kind of crispy.

Fat ass

Wet brine is just a waste of salt

At first I thought unfried chicken was american for any non-KFC chicken. But yes, probably. As a general rule, every dish or recipe that's "like X, but without all the Y!" is trash. See also: every vegan dish that imitates meat.

>any kind of chicken that isn't KFC or microwave tenders from Pigglie Wigglie is really just a coastie elitist $500 scam to make real Americans feel sad and depressed. they want us to buy dinky little Japanese cars and pay soda taxes because they think the gubmint should be in our stomachs instead of inspecting our genitals when we go pee pee where it belongs

>baking chicken for 50 minutes

what the fuck

>for a friend chicken
Ill never have a friend chicken

I had a friend chicken when I was a kid.

I eated it.

I'll be your friend user...


t. white flyover mom with shitty cooking and a family too whipped to call her out

Thanks chickanon

Do flyovers really still believe in enslaving women like that?

Today I learned that Florida is a flyover state. Literally everyone knows that wet brine is a waste.

right, because everybody knows cubans are just fucking experts on fried chicken and know better than blacks in the deep south

>Today I learned that Florida is a flyover state

It's about time.

>wet brine is a waste
Do you have an xtra chromosome or were you home schooled by evangelicals?

Every state that isn't NY or California is a flyover state. Don't take it personally. Florida is mostly terrible. We have nice weather today though.

>dry brine
it's called salt, retard


Nice samefag

>think you're talking to a chick
>it's really just a dude
The internet has changed since 90's IRC has it?


>screencaps prove anything

good shop


>no argument so I'll just post the same thing again.

>not enslaving your women

coasties everyone.

>arguing with a retard on the internet

Ah good, you've realized that you're a retard. The first step on the road to recovery is always the hardest.


Homemade baked chicken has my personal favorite texture/taste, especially the thin crispy skin. Fried is good too, but baked can't be beat for me.

Nice self portrait, looking good :)

Not the guy you're arguing with, but I think he was referencing the ancient "arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics" meme. Probably why he used the equally old "no u" meme. Maybe you are too young to remember them?

I'm so old that I've forgotten, but thanks for the reminder, whipper snapper.

>equally old "no u" meme
Man, the arguing on the internet thing was back in 1999. I think no u came well after that.

I started seeing "no u" around the same time that world of warcraft came out. It could certainly predate that, but that's when I noticed it.

I'm 31. Doubt an old fuck wouldn't be so desperate to make comebacks trying to look witty to impress his imaginary friends. If you are, that's even more embarassing than being young and ignorant. Don't really care either way though, like I said, not the guy you were arguing with.

Why reply in the first place? You shouldn't be so desperate to show of your leet knowledge to a bunch of anons in a thread about fried chicken on an anime image board website.

>leet knowledge
>basic internet history of two of the most well-known normalfag memes of the time

Don't avoid the question, why respond at all?

Dont be a fagguit


Well, if it makes you happy. I came into the thread, read OP and a few replies after, made this post: then scrolled down, saw the posts surrounding it, and noticed one side of the argument seemed to be clueless as to what the other side was doing, and informed as a courtesy.

Ah cool, thanks for helping him out.