What are some novels or short stories that involve people digging holes and living underground...

What are some novels or short stories that involve people digging holes and living underground? Since as long as I can remember I've had this literary fetish. I will also accept people shrinking themselves to live in crazy small places. Don't tell me I'm the only one who wants shit like this.

mole detected

Hi, can you tell me where to find the mole people?


Metro 2033?

>I will also accept people shrinking themselves to live in crazy small places.

I'm guessing you've read Kafka's The Burrow?

That's fucked up. I was expecting her to shove them up her pussy tho

Thicc af

>people digging holes and living underground
The Hobbit
The Wind in the Willows
Watership Down

>Watership Down

Oh shit that's perfect for OP

It's got such a comfy fort vibe

Oddly you also might like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

The Woman in the Dunes

OP mentioned it was his 'fetish'. "The Burrow" has got to be one of the most fetishistic short stories ever written.

City of ember

Abraham Merritt, The Moonpool (pub. dom)
Roshwald, Modecai, Level 7
Frank Herbert, The Hive
Hamilton, Edmund, The Monsters of Jotunheim

The Hive probably fits your request best, but it is quite disturbing.

Not me, I want to live in the pitch black depths of the ocean on Europa.

Oh, and if you don't restrict yourself to caves and burrows but are OK with whole subterranean worlds try th short story "Marrow" by Robert Reed, or "Matter" by Iain M. Banks.

There are actually stories about that - Spy in Europa by Alastair Reynolds, and Sea Change with Monsters byPaul J McAuley. Pic related to latter.

Check out Maxime Chattam and his "promesse de nuit" there should be a translation. Great depicting of layers underground. The more hardcore homeless elites are below. Just like elites in skyscrapers are high.

I remember someone in a thread once said they wanted to write a book like Moby Dick but about mining instead of whaling. That'd be right up your alley if only it existed


First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells
Giant ant-men living in the moon.

There is nothing more aesthetically and spiritually stimulating to me than the idea of kissing a cute boy on the lips and i'm never going to do it.