I'm watching a bunch of "how to steam veggies" tutorials on youtube, and none of them mention salting

I'm watching a bunch of "how to steam veggies" tutorials on youtube, and none of them mention salting.
This is the only cooking method I've seen where the veggies aren't salted, why is this?
Do you guys salt your steamed veggies?

Slightly understeam them, salt, them, and saute them in butter.

why cant you just salt and steam tho?

I mean you can. I'm guessing most of these recipes are trying to be health conscious (thus steaming over frying or anything else) and are, similarly, also excluding salt.

I sprinkle fine salt and lemon juice on mine after steaming. give the fine salt a bit of time to dissolve from the lemon juice.

oh and then finish with a sprinkle of maldon sea salt. Don't let this "melt" as it gives it nice crunch.

hm well from what i've read about salt it's actually good for you if you're using moderate amounts on your veggies, as opposed to getting 5000mg from your bigmac

but i suppose i could understand the sentiment


One way of purifying sea water to make it drinkable is to boil it and collect the steam. This makes it drinkable by removing the salt. Therefor it's safe to assume that steam is saltless.

Add salt later when they're cooked.

Most people who steam vegetables are hypochondriacs who are afraid of anything (especially salt) other than water and vegetables.

Salt is healthy for you why are people so brainwashed

Steamed vegetables are trash. Roasting is infinitely superior

1950's studies linked eating over 2mg/day to cardiovascular diseases.

*thats not a lot, like 2 teaspoons.

right but even if steam is saltless, i dont understand why you cant salt the vegetables before steaming them, instead of after

roasting probably tastes better, but steaming is healthier
at least in the case of cruciferous veggies like broccoli (i think)

bruh 2 teaspoons of salt is 12000mg lol, not 2
i'm sure there are some old studies linking sodium to cardiovascular issues but it's not 2mg
the current recommendation is 2 to 6 grams of salt a day or something

>i dont understand why you cant salt the vegetables before steaming them, instead of after
Maybe the steam will wash the salt off. I mean, steam cleaning is a thing.

good point
guess i'll have to test it out

salt the water you're steaming them with and then there's no need to salt them
wa la

doesn't work like that

If you salt vegetables and let them sit, they'll start to get wilted as the salt draws out moisture. Depending on how long you let your vegetables steam that may or may not make a difference.

but isn't that the case with any cooking method? not just steaming?

Yeah, the steam doesn't have salt in it because the salt is left behind. In this case, it would be left on your food, wouldn't it? The salt being on your food is the desirable thing about using salt, I'd think.

yeah, exactly
the dissolved salt rides up on the steam until it falls off at some point, usually when it bumps into your food


i've never even heard about people salting their veggies
is this an american thing?
ps sodium is only unhealthy if you're eating like shit

salt to taste you cretin

no its an everyone that knows how to cook thing

Veggies need to be salty. Salt your veggies. Only salt. No butter or other shitty things

Not according to google.

i'm not sure what ur referring to
we were talking about salt not sodium

veggies are supposed to be the healty part of the meal

So the middle column; 2g of SODIUM = 1 teaspoon salt.

i didn't say anything to the contrary

I thought you were this guy
>bruh 2 teaspoons of salt is 12000mg lol, not 2

yeah i was, but i was talking about salt not sodium
if you were talking about sodium my mistake
but your figures would still be off

Or you could season shit properly, eat twice as much while enjoying the taste, and cut out bland carby filler.

Are you saying a teaspoon of salt is 1200mg?
I depends on kosher or fine i guess.

But google says a teaspoon of salt is 5gram and 2000g NA

You understand that if 1 teaspoon is 2000mg of sodium, two teaspoons is not going to be 12000mg, right?

Yeah, I don't get his numbers either.
I do know sodium is about 40% of salt by weight but still he isn't making sense.

i was saying a teaspoon of salt is 6 grams
pulled from the same stat that's at the bottom of your pic
but the top part of your pic explains that that's just a rounded figure

why are you talking about sodium in response to a post of me saying i'm not talking about sodium

i think the point of productive conversation has reached its brink

i will bow out of this conversation gracefully

>i was saying a teaspoon of salt is 6 grams
>bruh 2 teaspoons of salt is 12000mg lol, not 2

Yeah, that's not what you said

I prefer olive oil. Olive oil + seasoning salt + brussels sprouts + cooking on a pan = caramelized salty goodness in healthy vegetable form

i usually salt them a bit after i've steamed them. not sure why though, just a habit

Blanch in boiling salty water first
Serve with a drizzle of olive oil or butter