If you had a gun to your head how many mcdoubles do you think you could eat within half an hour

If you had a gun to your head how many mcdoubles do you think you could eat within half an hour

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6. I hate them

7 or 8.

That's my stomach capacity.

And I'd enjoy it to. Jokes on the gunman.

6 is a reasonable number

10 easy. Maybe 12.

I've eaten 50 mcnuggets in half an hour, so I'm gonna go with about ten mcdoubles

15-20 at least

t. Fatman

i've done 10 hamburgers in an hour. whats the conversion ration to mcdoubles?

just shoot me

I'd put it at 1.6

I would try and shoot for 10. But I think Id only get through 6-8 before I felt too full or too sick.

15 easy
Would puke after tho

I would tell him not to waste his time and pull the trigger

My record is 12, but these days, probably 8 would be the max.

6, maybe 8 if I was really hungry.

>4800 calories in a siting

currently? probably 20 to 30
diet fatigue is horrifying, never cut

They'll have to shoot me to make me stop eating

Call me a limp wrist, but even if I was starving, maybe 4 and that's a pretty big maybe. I'm a bad American.

we don't have mcdonalds in canada, so i would tell him we have to drive south

20. I've done it before and I can do it again

The real question is can I get mac sauce?

Alcohol makes people capable of some amazing things.

15-20. I'm also underweight and struggle with keeping an appetite

I don't think I could get more than 7 without throwing up, not because they are that gross just my stomach capacity.

Why is Ron Perlman in a sink?

I cannot correctly answer this question without being in that situation. 7 I think.


probably around 20-30 if im allowed to vomit multiple times

You didn't specify if we're allowed to puke them up during that half hour - that makes a big difference, especially when you have a gun to your head. Also you'd have to specify a minimum target the gunman requires or he blows your brains out at the end of 30 minutes.
You suck at making threads, OP


No idea. The most I ate in a row was 15 cheeseburgers in around 10 minutes a couple times.
When I was 16-17 and hanging out with friends we'd have a laugh by going to BK or McD and ordering 40-50 cheeseburgers for the four of us.
Good times.

3 and then the grease would get me


6. 13 without ketchup.

Not one because I can't eat under duress

I've eaten maybe once this past week. Give me all of them.

Every once in a while after smoking i chow on 3-4 mcdoubles in about half an hour without a gun to my head so based on that I figure I could probably eat about 8-9

Just made me realize my normal order a white castle is 2,010 cal.

I'd just puke and then eat again.

None out of sheer principle that I'd rather die than consume something as unhealthy as a McDonald's product.

2 with some fries like normal. What's the gun all about

I'd have one or two and then tell them to shoot me and end the misery that is my life.

Yes you do, every major city has multiple. I can't speak for the middle of fucking no where Canada as I've ventured far from a major city when visiting

Like 6-10. This thread is fucking stupid and I want you to know that, OP.

Probably 2. Maybe 3

yes you do
t. edmonton

'bout tree fiddy

Does leaving the store and reentering constitute a visit ?

ive been to a mcdonalds in the yukon before


in a regular sitting
ft. alcohol

I used to be addicted to mcd's, I could easily eat 3 or 4 big macs in a sitting, so I'm sure I could fit 12-15 of the fucks if I'm in the right mood

Just take half an hour to eat a decent fucking meal and thank the man for his time.