What are some books about sexuality and politics? I'm looking to find out why conservatives are homos...

What are some books about sexuality and politics? I'm looking to find out why conservatives are homos. Homosexuality is prevalent in every fascist regime and its a well documented fact that the English political elite are all homosexuals as well.

work long hours and no family life and a willingness to take stimulants for extended periods. it's also why they're lawyers, mathematicians and writers.


I bet this thread was created by a jew. They love to pathologize normal behavior (masculinity, traditional values, rule of law) with abnormality because they're a sick people who want to destroy everything good about the world.

That's not a book
If I were a Jew who wanted to promote "abnormality" why would I ask about the sexuality of reactionaries?

conservatives isn't what's good in the world.

Klaus Theweleit Männerphantasien

Are you suggesting that buttfucking falls under the umbrellas of masculinity and traditional values?

Libido Dominandi

>flattering and aesthetic uniforms made by Hugo Boss
>highly exaggerated notions of brotherhood and masculinity
>sexual repression for the sake of eradicating degeneracy
You tell me user, you tell me.

Separate aesthetic standarts for men and women coupled with homogenuity as a virtue give predictable results. Evola tried to fix it with celestial androgenuity, but that is very eschatonic and it's not really clear how to get there.


Homosexuals are superior. What more is there to it?

It's not gay, it's just for boosting morale. Like the Sacred Band of Thebes.

More seriously, you should cast a more discerning eye while distinguishing political movements, OP. Fascism is a phenomenon very distinct from conservatism. Fascist movements thrive because of their youth, violence and vitality. They are radical. They destroy so they can make something new.

Conservatism, on the other hand, is more established and respectable. The conservatives of a society might be fighting a losing battle, because they never make any advances. They are most often the refuge of the old and the well-established. Depending on whether times are good or bad, they may have the confidence of the working class - but if not, the workers turn to more energetic political philosophies with larger promises, like fascism or Communism.

The historian John Lukacs described the internal oppositions within a lot of European countries during the fascist era as a struggle between two Rights, rather than between Left and Right. In Nazi Germany, the Nazis had to gain the confidence of, and then ultimately subdue, the conservatives in parliament. The ruling classes were alienated by street violence and the Beer Hall Putsch, so the Nazis gained power through the system. The Conservatives thought they'd be able to keep the Nazis on their leash, but the opposite happened.
Christians were another challenge for the Nazis. Half the Protestant church fell under party control while the other half resisted and formed the Confessing Church, and protests by German Christians against euthanasia, Anti-Semitism and other social initiatives made the Nazis step back a few times. Many traditionalists, reactionaries and conservatives were assassinated and killed - some during the Night of the Long Knives.

I would question the notion of Nazism being 'conservative' in any way at all. If you want to understand it you have to avoid left-right reductionism. Liberalism and socialism might both be "left", but they have almost nothing to do with each other.

In Britain, it was Chamberlain vs. Churchill.
In France, Petain vs. de Gaulle.

Not trying to discount or undermine the role of left-wing resistance to Nazism. Emphasis on the nuances within the Right is more relevant to the conversation.

Someone didn't start with the greeks. Buttfucking and homolust is the literal foundation of western civilization.

This. Nazism is more left- than right-wing.

But socialism also tends to be more socially conservative. If you look at socialist societies they tend to have a focus on family and traditional values, no faggotry and degeneracy.

Yeah. But there's still a difference between men fucking each other (they were mostly fucking younger boys) like the Greeks and gay parades/SJWs.

Simplifying these issues to some binary options is pleb tier. We need to discard the whole left/right dichotomy if we want to really understand (current) politics.

I disagree, but I do think the idea of the left-right spectrum tends to break down and become less and less useful the broader you try to apply it, the more things you try to bring under its compass. It's basically useful for a rough assessment of two sides in a parliamentary democracy, or whatever, but beyond that it gets shitty. A lot of it depends on what factors one decides are most important in deciding whether something is "left" or "right", on what tips the balance. So many things have elements of both chauvinism and universalism, egalitarianism and hierarchy in them. I think, on a lot of levels, left and right are more terms of self-identification for team playing than anything else. I kinda wish the obsession with it would die.

>Jewish hermeneutics of gay suspicion

Not a real paradigm. Right wing reactionaries throw fags of buildings.

Conservatives are fags though

I agree with that right/left dichotomy is too simplistic. Even when there are traits that match with higher probability with being on one or the other side.
I think it is too complex to put accurately in words but useful I think is considering that there is not only left and right but also revolutionary and conservative (i.e. against the status quo or in favor of it).

politics being a result of sexual pathology/frustration is a pseud interpretation

Back to /pol/

How about you first prove that fascists are "conservative"

Hardmode: without saying that everything that isn't Marxist is conservative

>I'm looking to find out why conservatives are homos.
All British conservatives, and a lot of labour politicians, went to private boarding schools, which were/ are buggery central.

Of course nazis where leftists, this why they send all the communists to concentration camps right after they were elected to power and banned the communist party.

Why would the Jews make a post on some website that will only be seen by a couple hundred people?

They control the media, the publishing industry (both fiction and non-fiction). In other words all information

If they really wanted you to beleive something there wouldn't be an alternative =p You only resist them because they want you to sweetheart

You don't know what the hasbara is? The internet, for now, is a difficult medium to control. There are tons of jews, paid and free, who post on the chans and most other websites to monitor, and try to control, speech about jews. These are the little jews doing the bidding of the big jews. When someone is talking about jews on lit and a poster or two swings in fast talking about conspiracy theories and spewing very vile stuff, these are usually jews coming to their kinsmens' defense. It's a tribal reaction. Jews know as well as anyone that this is a war of information between those of us trying inform other whites about jews, and jews who want to stop that intellectual transmission from happening.


If this is not ironic shit-posting it is absolute proof of a severe case of paranoia. But I'm sure calling the bell-ringers paranoid is itself part of the conspiracy.

Your first day on the internet, pal?

Thank you for correcting the record.

I know you did it for free, but did you know you could earn moderate amounts of shekels if you went pro?

>using the internet tough guy attitude to act smug about your mental illness

>but did you know you could earn moderate amounts of shekels if you went pro?

No I didn't. Where do sign up? Do you have one of those referential links that gives you rewards if you recruit people?


>English political elite
Stop just throwing words together

Every fucking thread with this shit.

>people like this actually exist

This shit thread warranted it. Now are you going produce some substance in response or just cry like a bitch?

maybe if it triggers you you'd be more happy at reddit

nice thread



Communists killed more fellow communists than anyone else, actually

The epic of Gilgamesh