Who on Veeky Forums has never tasted good quality Foie Gras ?

Who on Veeky Forums has never tasted good quality Foie Gras ?

If not, why ?

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I've never seen it sold

Country ?

I have no interest in the expensive garbage that rich people eat. If I am going to spend the money, I'll spend it on something that is pleasant to look at, smell, and has a texture that isn't related to butter.

I don't know if it was good by an expert's measure but the tiny portion I had at a fancy banquet was the finest, richest liver I've ever had.

>expensive garbage that rich people eat
If you make it yourself, it's really affordable
> pleasant to look at
Can be cooked and arranged to look good
> texture like butter
what ?


because its shit

If you want something pleasant to look at, try the Rossini steak.

It's beef filet with foie gras poelé on top. It's food porn.

Plebiest thing someone can ever say.

are you ok, kid?

>what ?
this is my response to your entire post

>make foie gras yourself

American's don't even know what it is

I had foie gras at 3-star La Bouitte in France back in... I want to say 1998, maybe 1999. They were maybe only 2-star back then, I'm not sure.

Anyway, would not recommend and will not eat again unless somebody else is paying and the menu is up to somebody else.

I'm not vegetarian but I'm not a sadist either, I don't want ducks tortured for my benefit. If somebody else has already paid for it then whatever, but I'm not going to pay a single cent towards that business.

If foie gras was some sort of divine treat, maybe I'd take the L on morality and indulge but it's just not that much better than other things.

It's easy dude I'm even doing it this weekend since I couldn't last year

Well I couldn't you last year?
Surely it isn't because it's hard to do or something right?

kek. why do you care?

duck genocide happened due to so-called "epidemy" of an harmless disease in my country.
basically market grasping on straws to inflate prices.

Yes it's easy. I'm not talking about feeding the duck but buying it raw and cook it. It's much cheaper and you can season it as you like with different salts and peppers or even spices

It's better to buy entire already fattened ducks and prepare fucktons of duck related products alongside.

fuuuuuck. my friend just made me try some at a French restaurant for the first time in my life. that shit was heavenly

>Falling for PETA misinformation
Ducks also naturally gorge themselves. The process to do it naturally is just too time consuming:

I wonder if you could make human foie gras since fatties love being fat.

I live on the Oregon Coast, but no restaurant near me makes it. I’m takin my wife 4 hours away to Portland so we can eat it. She hates the whole “tortured duck” aspect, but I’m fittin to change her mind.

I’m not gonna lie, this is my secret fantasy. I’ve always wanted to try human organ meat. Is there some third world country out there that can make this dream a reality for me?

It wouldn't be too hard. Think of all the free range fat people in America and Mexico. Most of them probably have feeder fetishes. Probably be easier to do it in Mexico though.

live in a fairly busy city in the toronto area in canada, only one of the restaurants in the entire city serves it, and it's their "thing" and they put it on almost every dish, so I imagine the quality is pretty sub-par

honestly sucks, when i lived in the states every other restaurant had a fois gras dish, every organic butcher had it by the pound, now I gotta drive to bumfuck nowhere ontario to get a decent cut of meat

In the US there is only two* places that produce foie, people at home buy it from the same two producers so you don't have to worry about quality, it's restaurant quality.

*I say two because I don't know what the fuck california is doing, they ban it every couple of years then overrride the ban then ban it...repeat.

I live foie gras, I used to work in fine dining, but I've also had it at more casual spots. Its all about respect, foie gras on a burger, no. On poutine, yes.

I bet you live foie gras you silly fat goose.

there's a few small producers besides dartagnan and Hudson valley
got me

>foie gras poelé
Hey frenchie how to you poele?
I knot it translate to butter roasted but very few places do that. Clarify please.

dartagnan resells hudson.
La belle is the other producer.
I don't know of any others that have any sort of consistency.

No, poêlé means “pan fry”.
High heat pan, slap the slice of foie gras, turn it over, et voilà. Takes a few seconds. No need to add butter, it’s fat enough. And tastes like heaven.

Ok, I got confused. In America we would call that saute. poele would mean the classical preparation from Escoffier to "butter roast"


>not building your own duck forcefeeding apparatus

It's banned in this cuck state.

Unfortunately I wasn't born rich with a lot of daddy's money to throw around, so I can't appreciate the sophisticated complexity of a price tag, and foie gras is just overpriced buttery pate to me the same way caviar is just salty fishy semen tasting gel balls

I thought they'd reversed that? (I assume you're talking about CA.)

They reenforced it in 2017.

That sucks. Just moved here a year ago, right when they raised the tax on a pack of cigarettes by $2.

>fittin to
Just say finna


>Choosing to live in Commiefornia

They may have banned foie gras, but before that they were only one of two states that actually produced it. I'd take California over some hick state any day.

Anything west of the mississippi is shit.

Never had good, bad, or otherwise foie gras

What the fuck is East of the Mississippi other than flyover land, New England, and the fucking South?

foie gras producers

What is west of the mississippi other than federal lands and the place where they make movies?

A lot.

yeah, lots.

>the entire west coast is la

...and federal lands.

To be fair, commiefornians have been steadily moving up the west coast. Oregon is basically turning into a satellite state.

Almost nowhere on the West coast is federal land. The fuck are you on about?

A hilarious amount of north Californians want to split off; partially because the coast is a hellhole and the regulations on industries are so tight that they keep leaving.

They have a massive amount of income, but a much larger poverty rate. Smart people want out.


You literally just proved my point. Do think Nevada is on the coast or something?

>i can't see green
Are you colorblind?

Looks like LA and federal land to me.

There's this thing called the Rockies, but it sure as fuck isn't on the coast. I doubt you've ever even been west of the Mississippi.

>more than half of Oregon and California
>almost all of the Olympic pen.

>eastern california
>eastern oregon

Might as well be Texas, and definitely doesn't count as the West coast.

>the place where they turn New York comic books into movies.


Almost as barbaric as gooks cooking dogs alive. Neck yourself.

it’s illegal here

There is literally nothing wrong with raising and killing animals for food. If you feel so sorry for some fat geese, go drink soymilk with your vegan buttbuddies

>i've never tried it
>i hate it

I don't like gras because I worked in a lab where we ground liver to extract a protein all day so now the smell of liver makes me nauseous. I'm sure it's a delicacy for a reason though.

>I worked in a lab where we ground liver to extract a protein all day
Sounds like shit work, you should have went to college.

This was in college

i wanna say i saw an article recently that a place in japan opened up recently that does this.

obviously it is expensive as fuck. and i'd get yourself on a plane over there ASAP because i'm sure there will be a huge push by the conservative japanese public to shut it down

oh nevermind, i just looked it up and snopes says its bullshit

>I don't like gras

Liver is "foie". Gras just means fat.

>nothing wrong with sticking a tube down a goose's throat and forcefeeding it for years

>forcefeeding it for years

They only do it for something like a couple of weeks before slaughter. Duck and geese gorge themselves for the Winter already, and the jury is still out on whether or not the gavage is even painful/cruel in any way.

t. nouveau riche

Foie gras is best served by itself or with a simple sauce. It's a very rich taste that you want to experience in isolation. Putting foie gras on a steak with all that other shit is pants-on-head retarded and a complete waste.

>jury is out
>videos show geese flocking to get forcefed
Oh, I mean 'forcefed'
Applying human standards to non human physiology is a mistake
I think its super rich and savory properties pair wonderfully with baked fruit
Mangoes and apples for instance pair so well;
Hiding /clusterfucking quality meat like some Kobe foie burgers at turbo faglord joints activates my almonds tho

Have you OP? Another stupid survey thread where OP doesn't answer it's own question but expects others to answer them.

You better be putting hatched score marks on that cut of foie.

t. jamais riche

the only reason you think you want to experience it in isolation is because it's expensive

if that doesn't matter to you you're very happy to have it stuffed up a duck's jacksy or blended into a cake frosting

that is not sauteeing. to sautee something is to stir/toss it in a pan, and keep it moving, at a high heat.

t. palais de merde

La raison pour laquelle tu bouffes ton foie gras seul c'est parce que ya rien de meilleur, quoi que tu foutes avec c'est juste inférieur au produit de base.
Après tu peux continuer de faire LARP en sortant des phrases de merde style "ohlol c cher t jalou", mais ça ne fait que prouver d'autant plus que t'en bouffes que très rarement parce que non, le bon foie gras bah c'est pas cher en France.

t. mec qui prépare son propre foie gras en grosse quantités pour tenir tous les ptits dej depuis 15 ans.

that motherfucker is the one who brought up the phrase 'nouveau' riche you pretentious ass. you can nitpick all you want but all i'm saying is that foie gras is an ingredient like any other despite the cultural pedestal it gets put on outside western europe.

French is the worst of the romance tongues. Please stop typing it on this website.

The one being a pretentious asshole is the one non-ironically putting it on a pedestal and using it like a """luxury ingredient""" because it's marketed as such.

Great news, I wasn't using it as a "Romance tongue" rather as a way to shittalk with 300% efficiency.
Spoiler : English is a pussy language that makes it almost impossible to properly shittalk due to being limited to a few swear words that have lost all of of their meaning due to how casually everyone spouts them at the first occasion.

>using it like a """luxury ingredient""" because it's marketed as such.
when an ingredient is considered luxurious, you get a lot of people who think it should be the star of every dish it's put in. they are constrained by the price or reputation of the ingredient. they are the people who criticise dishes like tournedos rossini.

It's a fucking goose mate, not a person. Geese are treated as pests around here. Exterminators poison their eggs in the spring so they won't hatch.

not in english.

But what the user said is exactly what "saute" means. Why would you look up cooking instructions in a dictionary?

Are you trolling?

Because I don't have an electronic copy of Herings Dictionary :(

here is herold mcgee - on food and cooking on how to prepare foie and he says to saute.

then he misspoke, because that's not sauteeing.

>written language

woops, i guess i just misspoke.

I agree, be we are getting used to you "misspeaking" as you've done it on multiple occasions.

That's why i like being french

Not that hard.
Get a few pet ducks and overfeed them for like 6 months until they become fat asshole.

Then kill them and harvest their fattened livers.
Also, you can get some delicious meat and lots of duck fat for cooking.

Toss it into steamed vegetables with salt and pepper.
Infuse it with garlic and spread it on bread like butter.

Duck fat is delicious.