Gaining attention and pity from your injury

>gaining attention and pity from your injury

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You'd do it too if you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars.



>tfw you didnt fall for the running jew

eh casey is much better then faggots like jake paul atleast he is a ugly motherfucker who makes pretty interesting videos every now and then

Only cucks run from trouble


There is nothing worse than run cucks user. Don't be a run cuck

It's a vlog so anything that happens he talks about. Its not so much pity as its documenting his life.

If you were a talented extrovert that regularly makes videos about your life, you would.

that's what you get for running at 150-160 cadence with sporadic training

>soldiers run into battle
>heroes run into catastrophes
>athletes run to the olympic gold
h-heh y-you wouldn't w-want to fall for the r-running jew, amirite?

Lol is that Casey Neistat

We fucking warned him about cardio, its his fault for falling for gains goblin

>clickbait title
>doesn't actually find out that he can never run again

>comparing shit with shit

Who else /rowing masterrace/ here? Enjoy your busted knees, runcucks

Imagine this guy rolling past you as you walk to the store

>heel striking

not even once

Around the same time that they figure out that squatting inevitably blows out your knees and deadlifting fucks up your back, every time.

If you watched the update video (I just did because of this post) he is 100% fine to keep running. It's not going to damage his knee.

>earnestly watching vlogs

can't even squat or deadlift 200lbs lmao you're not even a man

>pussies run from danger
>cowards run from strong men willing to stand
>criminals run from crime scenes

jeezus fuckin click-bait title....doesn't find out he can never run again

>tfw fell for the running jew but was always smart enough to keep it at 5ks

I think I'll be fine, my grandpa's been running 5ks 3x a week since his 20s and he's 83, still has his knees and still runs. But my aunt who does marathons has the knees of a corpse.

I think there's a point in terms of distance where you do more damage to your body in one go than it can repair in the recovery time you give it before your next run.

I don't need to be a daily consumer of vlogs to know the relative content in them much like you don't need to always suck dicks to know how much cum you can drink.

just walking wont hurt me in any way right guise?

If you're obese or have pronation issues that need corrected by orthotics walking can very well destroy your knees.

Otherwise you should be fine. Fatties should never do walking/running for their cardio, swimming, biking, or even just high rep fast lifting would be better.

you ever see him talk to his wife and kids?

they can't stand him, there is a reason he spends almost no time at home, he's as ugly inside as he is out.

He actually doesn't have knee damage from running, he fucking lied for attention

did you guys even watch the follow up? there is nothing serious wrong with his knees, he can keep running.

>athletes run into combat
Wrong. These days they drive, fly, parachute. They do everything but "run" into combat
Why? Because the only people who run are cucks from their bull

This guy looks like a ballsack lmfaoooo

So what's up with this guy, fetal alcohol syndrome or what?

>Why do people run despite the inevitable consequences?
Why do lazy faggots like you use any excuse possible to do ACTUAL WORK instead of just fucking off in the gym all the time?
>brags about how much he can squat/dl/bench
>can't run 5 miles without needing an ambulance ride to the ER
How fucking weak are you?

Why is this goblin famous?

Looks nothing like FAS, he's just ugly

No, just ethnically Jewish

Wow guys. Good job posting LIMITED INFORMATION on this subject

This photo and title is a throwback to an INJURY he had 10 YEARS AGO from a MOTORCYCLE where the doctor told him he could never run again

It is not clickbait

In the video he talks about his RESILIENCE and how he trained hard to overcome his injury

Two days later he posted a vlog about how the results came in from the doctor this week and he is fine, just a little click in the knee

>running 60-80 miles a week for a decade, after breaking his legs
What a fucking retard holy shit
did he really not expect anything bad would happen?

He still has fucked up knees caused by running. You don't grind down the cartilage in your knees for no reason.

>Dude, like never say never man! Just live it up and fuck the consequences XD!


That's what you get for telling people who to vote for

but nothing bad did happen

> Listen dude bro man go back to eating your fake muscle steroids in the gym ok? Man's have been running for millenniums and its the most natural thing in the world like breathing

none of them run for long distance though. they run for short bursts.

Then you're a retard, you have no reason to be prideful, roll around in the mud and take your fortune

As long as my lungs last longer than my dick... no problems.

>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.
>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities
>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration
>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.
>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.
>People who claim the "it ruins your knees" anecdote are now a laughing stock and are open game for ridicule for the ridiculous amount of studies proving otherwise.

Pro-smoking "science" existed that "proved" there was no link between smoking and cancer... until everyone was dying of cancer. Same here... all your fag "sciency" links are boring, when the pic in OP is the undeniable result of years of running. You must be some kind of prosthetics shill.

Cardio is godly faggots,he fucked up because he is frail or did something wrong stop trying to confuse new fags with your muh gains goblin cardio bullshit retard.

We were literally designed to run long distance humans are runners by nature the real cucks here are all the idiots buying into the cardio kills gains bullshit,you are the one buying into this jewish meme idiots.

So what does ruin your knees? Saw relatives get theirs replaced in their 50's most of them only slightly overweight. Kind of expected them to last a bit longer. Is it strictly a matter of genetics?

Someone should break his knees for real

>We were literally designed to run long distance
Persistence hunters didn't run on concrete for hours every day while wearing shoes that promote poor running form. They were also at least 50lbs lighter than most casual runners.

>inb4 a picture of olympic level marathon runners
Not average runners and you know it.

>most of them only slightly overweight
>Is it strictly a matter of genetics

It just feels too good desu

After the 2km mark, running feels like being high

Jake AKA vlogchad

Legit has the best life rn

also, ancient hunting was mainly sneak up on animal, injure animal with bow or spear, follow animal until it dies

Fucking right about the deadlifts (dont squat because soccer already fucked my right knee)

No, reading Rippentits will not magically give you perfect form

And yes, without perfect form (which you'll never have because your shit ass gym has no proper coaches), you WILL get a back injury

Its a matter of when, not if

>its another powerlifting cuck destroys his hip/shoulder/knee/back from lifting heavy all the time episode

Why do people do what they love despite the inevitable consequences?

Just get running shoes

who knows OP.
track "athletes" are mentally ill betas that simply couldn't cut it in any other sport.
shame it gets taken so seriously.

The idea that running is bad for you is flawed, considering that humans are pretty much built for long-distance running.

Poor form. If you watch anywhere in his videos where he runs, he is a heel striker. A heel strike is a big fucking NO. In the rare cases he is not heel striking, he's toe running, which is a big cause of Achilles tendonitis.

Also, he did not ruin his knees. His follow-up video on 10/03 just had some inflammation from his IT Band rubbing against his knee. Maybe OP should learn to stop his selection bias:

running is for losers
swimming is the best form of cardio

Arthritis probably.

Running shoes cover up your poor form which will come back to haunt you later on. I see it on my friends who run, pretty much all of them have poor form.

Friend number one is the "autistic runnings kills my gains/knees" lifter. He runs very slowly with low cadence, he is also obviously heavy, very bad for your knees. He also insists on squatting and deadlifting even though he has been struggling with a hamstring injury for almost a year. Well memed by the fitness community.

Friend number two is a more serious runner but his knees always hurt after longer runs if he is not wearing his super duper shoes. No wonder, his knees shake when he walks/runs and the shoes just cover up his problems. He might eventually blow out his knees.

So wear running shoes and don't run with shit form

>Running shoes cover up your poor form which will come back to haunt you later on.
I know the whole minimalist phase was just a meme, but this is the exact reason why I always suggest everyone to at least do one run per week wearing minimalist shoes. If you fuck up your form in them, you'll know it extremely soon after you start running.

>minimalist shoes

That's my point, but learning proper running form without paying attention because you don't feel the problem is hard. It is hard to do on your own and you need input from other people.



I use the stationary bike so I can browse Veeky Forums while doing cardio

>long strides
>running past knee pains
>not resting/recovering
>150ish steps pr. minute
>probably runs in whatever shoes he thought looked cool at the time

He was asking for it. Running is a perfectly fine form of exercise, but as with all other things, learning just a bit of technique will get you far.

Does pussy ass strenches to strengthen knees ? He should of just done squats and ghr.

Our boi Hemingway?

I do a light jog of only 22 miles a week
At what point does it become dangerous?
30 miles?40?


Nice meme Jason, cant shoot me over the internet

running is way more dangerous than crossfit, our society's memes on both topics are retarded.

Fuck off cuck. Lots of lifters paralyze and kill themselves performing various lifts, in fact there were two deaths this past month.

check out this running jew

Even the fastest land mammal refuses to run long distance because it too, knows its a meme and will fuck up knees. Short distance full speed sprints is where its at

> that heel strike
> foot landing way in front of hip
> 60-80 miles/week
It's a miracle he's not fucked himself until now

Whether you like casey or not his vlogs are objectively great

No, they refuse to run long distance because all they have is the animalistic part of their brain that controls fight or flight; you dont see antelope pondering the mcfucking nature of our universe. Its just eat, sleep, reproduce, OH FUCK PREDATOR RUN, repeat/get eaten. They dont run long distance because all fight or flight dictates is getting out of the immediate danger area. Most predators that take down bif game are ambush predators, and thats because they have to use the advantage of surprise otherwise the predator would get fucked up.
Animals dont have conscious thought/self awareness anywhere near the scale of humans. This is why humans thousands of years ago were such good predators; animals cannot moderate themselves, its either OH FUCK FIGHT or OH FUCK RUN, and in the OH FUCK RUN state they want to get out of barney ASAP, hence they put on the burners and get out as fast as possible without any thought to longevity. When they finally stop running half a mile later, they think they are safe, when all of a sudden that upright naked meatbag is right behind them, and the animal is too tired to run again. Hence why humans are great endurance hunters, because we can moderate ourselves, work in groups, and most importantly our bodies are very well adapted to continued exertion over long distances, i.e sweating, breaking down energy stores and so forth.

according to few studies the threshold distance for an adult man is about 8km (but I don't remember how many times a week because I am an idiot)

Abos in Aussieland are literally built for running.

So what is the best way to run if you want it to compliment your lifting?
Is HIIT the kindest on your knees, and what about running uphill? I want to get into running and I have a few grassy plains near me that I can run back and forth on, also a small hill where we used to do PE during elementary school.

Just run, why the fuck thinking about shit like HIIT if you just want to run? HIIT is meant for people who want to boost their anaerobic capacity, thats only helpful if you already got a good base, means your aerobic capacity is already trained on a high level

>HIIT is meant for people who want to boost their anaerobic capacity
Well to be fair I always hold my breath when lifting, only breathe if I go over 6 reps. Wouldn't a running regime based on intensity be superior than one based on endurance, especially when thinking about it complementing your lifting?

I think it's genetic or random or something. I am 22 years old and at least a little arthritic in knees, feet, hands, wrists, elbows and back. No single injury to pinpoint. Nobody knows the cause of arthritis.


>nobody takes the bait
proud of you Veeky Forums

>without perfect form (which you'll never have because your shit ass gym has no proper coaches)
Not being able to perfect the deadlift, one of the simplest barbell lifts. Never gonna make it.

And yet he did roll past you.

Jealous yet?

still don't know what the fuck this guy does aside from film timelapses, drone vids and play them over low-fi music interspersed with nothing dialogue