How many times a week should I been doing squats? I been doing them just once a week

How many times a week should I been doing squats? I been doing them just once a week.

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>bash the fash

That bar doesn´t even have any weight in it, why dont you make squats in another place, maybe someone else is waiting for the squat rack.
>inb4 bait

Squat Every Day

4x a week

How do you even get legs as skinny as those god damn

So how many times should I squat? I think I posted the wrong webm.

I reckon I could snap its femur with my bare hands.

> smith machine
> squats

London? just being skinny?

Triple dose of AIDS

I was afraid of watching this till the end because I thought his legs would just break.

6 times a week if you aren't a pussy

I squat 2-3 times a week depending on if I can be fucked doing it after deadlifting

eating disorder

Depends entirely upon your program and goals, it's like asking how many days a week should you go to work

that smug face though. Makes me laugh every single time.

eating disorder, cigarettes, drugs, gay diseases.

2 or 3 times a week if you want to progress more

It is a FtM transexual femme whatever that fucker is, its a tiny woman thats it

>you will never pussy pad Smith machine squat 0kg

Go vegan, suck dick and vote democrat.

Eat a diet heavy in soy