>Women are physically weaker than m-



Veeky Forums BTFO

is it true that nordic women rape pajeets

Looks easy as fuck. I'm not impressed honestly.

She still is not anywhere on the level of Drew Dreschel or Issac Caldera

That's the easiest Ninja Warrior course I've seen.

Look at the American one this year. It's 100 times worse.

Yeah because the ultra crazy cliffhanger + vertical limit combo is sooooo easy

*On Average

dressed like a slut

Why did they open with the X-Men First Class soundtrack?

I wonder how much big Japanese cock she took while in japan

Jessie Brapp is a stuntwoman. Maybe she did stunts for the movie.

She lost immediately at the most difficult one she tried and she had trouble lifting 50kg doors

I know this is bait but fuckit, I'll bite.

Jessie Graff is an animal tho. She has more functional strength than 99.999% of female human beings and even this is but a joke when you compare her to men of the same level. just take a look at her lifts and the the ninja warrior times, she has been bested by men on countless occasions. Sure she is stronger than the average male but saying that hence women are equal or better would be flawed logic. Same as saying that because one millionaire in ghana has more money than the average swiss ghana is the wealthier country.

Looks easy

Looks fun as hell desu, would try.

Seeing as how Japs all have tiny dicks, likely zero.

She's built like a Na'vi

That isnt a strength contest. Ninja warrior is a crossfit competition.

congratulations, thousands out of the hundreds of millions of women can compete with males

She's still a woman, the greatest woman in the world is only as good as a mid tier man.
If she was great, she'd be a man.

She's Jewish

Wtf I watched all of it and then she failed. Talk about anticlimactic

*low tier

>women are the real lifters of weights. Women lose to their husbands, their fathers, their sons in competition
t. Hilldawg

i wish tv was more like this here
