What do you eat after a workout Veeky Forums?

What do you eat after a workout Veeky Forums?

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Complete cookie and can of coconut water.

Costco/Kirkland brand protein bar
4g net carbs 22g protein 190 calories
Shit's cash

>thinking chocolate bars are healthy because they have '20g protein' on

About 300g sweet potatoes and 400g chicken breast.

> can of coconut water
Dude I'm in college. I can't afford coconut water

Whey, oats, peanut butter, banana, milk smoothie

plain Greek yogurt with stevia and cinnamon
its okay i guess

It's $2 if you live near an earth fare.

Usually I eat food, OP

>shit's cash
you going to slam some dunks too faggot?

It's like a dollar bud

A turkey sandwich

I'm not that fortunate. Might try to get some off amazon

Doesn't whey fuck up your kidneys?

I don't have time in the morning to blend that together

Simple. I like it

>Doesn't whey fuck up your kidneys?

big mac and fries with some water to wash it down

20 nuggets and a milkshake

Bs if you think you don't have time. It takes 30 seconds tops. Plus you can mix a tub at a time. You're never going to make it

I take a shower then go to bed. No time for food.

banana and fatty protein source like protein bar/eggs with butter/fish with butter/chicken with butter

>It’s important to know that consuming too much whey protein can lead to increases in body fat, and it puts an extra strain on your kidneys.

wtf is bad about this?

A scoop of whey has the same amount of protein as the chocolate bar in the OP. That article is talking about the retards who take like 5+ scoops a day. That shit isn't good even the sticky says that.

Enjoy your smelly frequent farts

Eating excessive protein can aggrivate pre-existing kidney problems if you don't exercise yes, but whey in particular is no worse than any other protein source in this regard.

Your mom's pussy

I found Veeky Forums's halloween costume

Are there any benefits to coconut water?

Tuna or Kanga, 2 scoops whey, tall glass of water

chicken breast or boiled eggs or tuna and banana

>Clif Bars

Isn't that shit like 30 grams of sugar per bar?

Why would you eat that garbage? It's like eating donuts.


I just checked.

21 grams of sugar. Clif protein bars are shit.

>I'm not that fortunate. Might try to get some off amazon

No point then. The only reason I get it is so that I get to talk to the QT cashiers at the health food store.

unless you have a kidney disease there's nothing wrong with consuming whey.
whey is a better source of protein than any other food i can think of.
there are so many retards like you on this board who have been lifting

>whey is a better source of protein than any other food i can think of.

It's funny when people who've been lifting for 3 months think they're experts.

fried tilapia
chocolate powder
breads sometimes

intermitent fasting ftw

I eat one of those chocolate mint clif builder's bars every saturday morning before i do my soccer refereeing for the day (where i usually run ~12 miles for the day) because i need to have something compact like that

Pasta and chicken

Not just the sugar, it's all cheap soy and wheat protein.

It's all soy, find something whey based

cutting: chicken + broccoli

bulking: chicken/steak + potato/rice/pasta

>protein bar with soy protein

Enjoy your mantits

are there any actual good protein bars then? i just went to the store and grabbed the best looking bar

Because youre a retard

Fitcrunch chef irvine

2 scoops and a can of kippered herring for a total of 100 grams of protein.

>I can't afford coconut water
you can just suck dick for free and obtain life force to power you recovery. Just come to a agreement with someone and suck him off before workouts, you both benefit. can you imagine trillions of DNA repairing your muscle fibers and making you stronger than ever thought possible

>Not becoming limit breaker user

Frozen bag of vegetables, comprised of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Protein comes solely from chicken.

The fact you can't take a picture right-side up,

>complete cookie

If those are the protein cookies you know that's a scam right? They are being sued or something for not actually containing the protein they advertise.

enjoy becoming a soyboy

did someone say two scoops?

No Cow bars, RX bars, Paleo Protein bars
Take your pick, I like RX the best but they turn into rocks if you don't eat them soon enough

most protein bars contain soy
quest bars are great though, get them if you can

Prove us wrong, its got a 100 protein digestability score, lots of branched chain amino acids and is absorbed quickly. There is a reason it's a post workout necessity.

ITT: retard beginner lifters argue that protein is somehow bad

Already had a protein shake, eating halo top before I pass out.

>I can't afford coconut water bro
>Eats McDonalds three times a week