Reminder that there is no need to do heavy squats and deadlifts if your goal is aesthetics

Reminder that there is no need to do heavy squats and deadlifts if your goal is aesthetics

You have been brainwashed by pseudo SS powerlifters who like the believe that squatting and deadlifting makes you superior to your average gym goer

You should be lifting for longevity, in such a way so that you will still be lifting in 20 years time

No one should burn out Josh Hancott style

dude just didnt have the mindset

lilliebridge is back in the gym though and lifitng more than anyone on Veeky Forums ever will


How light is light?

How many sets and reps?

maybe he should stop being a pussy

Deadifting definitely doesn't feel good for the back no matter how strict my form is

He still won't make it to 60 with his absolute garbage buttwink++ form all roided up like a motherfucker

>You have been brainwashed by pseudo SS powerlifters who like the believe that squatting and deadlifting makes you superior to your average gym goer
It does

if it feels dangerous stop doing it immediately srs

Aesthetics is impossible if you're natty

Not dangerous and I haven't even reached 2pl8s but it doesn't feel 'good' like after bench or pull ups, my back usually hurts the day after. I've been scared to lift any heavier

>my back usually hurts the day after
this is not normal, fix form before you snap your shit

if your form is good and this still happens stop before you fuck yourself up

>this is not normal,

what are doms and general muscle soreness

Yeah pretty sure it's this since it's only for a day then it's fine but I think I'm going to stop deadlifting for good measure. I'll stick to squats for lower body

Man its the opposite for me. If I don't do deadlifts once a week my lowerback is complete shit, stiff and sore when I lay down in bed at night. If I do deadlift, no issues at all.

Do yoga, you'll feel like gumby after a while

Define 'heavy' and 'light'

back pain is not DOMS, those are very different feeling things

>anatomically can't squat without buttwink
>even leg press is not without its risks

how the fuck am i meant to grow my legs without blowing my spinal column out

if only there was a weighted sled in every gym, that didn't also take a millenium to load up

>One legged leg press
>Split squats
>Leg extensions

>Buttwink will blow out your spinal column
>He can't box squat, front squat, highbar, zercher squat, goblet squat.
Not gonna make it.

>Buttwink will blow out your spinal column
>what is delamination of spinal collagen
>what is disc herniation

lumbar rounding is a big no-no, unless you're a genetic anomaly that is lucky enough to have developed adapations to mitigate it (e.g. elite-level powerlifters)