Does Veeky Forums use the sauna after a workout?

Does Veeky Forums use the sauna after a workout?

no because i'm usually hungry after my workout and don't want to spend my time in there instead of eating

What sauna?

>dehydrating yourself after working out


Is this a trick? I heard all finns were banned from the 4chin.

I recently started after 5x5 and I feel great, my mind is also sharp as fuck now.

why would I pass up an opportunity to show off my dick user ? mixed gender sauna is the best.

I use it even if I don't work out
home sauna master race

I don't know my mind is kinda fucked up after a sauna, like my memory retention isn't that good, am I the only one who noticed this?

No because I'm not gay

If you're unsure about saunas, google "heat shock proteins" -- potential cool stuff there!

I like dry saunas, but then the concern over excessive EM exposure makes me hesitate.

I can't. I have rosacea.

You Finn, brah? Do tell us more of those places....

>not eating in the sauna.
Never gonna make it.

I recently started sitting in there for 5 minutes after my workout. Drink 12oz water before going in and just sit and roast, then soon after take a cool shower. Feels good man and my bacne has cleared up significantly

>not cooking in the sauna

Never gonna make it

Go but twice a week I go tanning after. Comfy as fuck to lie on those beds after blasting legs.

Not after gym as I'm a home gym scrub, but
on holiday I went in every day after a full day mountain biking.
Follow that with a bit of hot tub action and I felt amazing.
That holiday and a week or two after my skin was the best it's ever been.

Plan to build my own sauna and maybe hot tub one day.

I have rosacea but I use a sauna six days a week. Haven't noticed any change in the rosacea or anything.

This is why I don't go go sauna pick up some gook skin condition

Pic related uses the sauna sometimes

I didn't get it from the sauna, obviously. But it's funny you mention gooks since I'm living in Japan.
They're super clean in the sauna because it's part of communal bathing culture, so I'm not concerned about getting skin conditions.

no thanks, I'm not zyzz

>not drinking enough water
also, done correctoy, the sauna stays so humid that your body gets wet from all the water in the air and keeps you from sweating too much so you're not only a dehydrated faggot but you're also wrong.
did you stay in too long? i use a thermometer to make sure my body temp never goes above 104F
the acne argument works your skins heats up a lot which kills acne

I have tachycardia so no.

Americans aren't naked in the sauna?

dif user here, I can't use the sauna because i have dermatographia and so any drying or heating of my skin causes it to become prone to swelling up... feels excruciating too.. I can't even go swimming because the chlorine dries me out.



Pick only one.

I'm Canadian. I cover up with a towel but I've also seen people wear swim trunks in. Faggots.

>start sitting in sauna after workouts before an ice cold shower
>feel great
>one day, I open the door to the small sauna and find a large, older man, fully clothed, doing these kind of 'bouncing' stretches
>does this for half an hour, the sound of his breathing is almost deafening
>after getting out and showering I see the same man, now stark naked, walking around and having a conversation in front of the locker room door about his granddaughters college choices

>His gym doesn't have a steam room

Pleb as fuck.

>going in the meme room

enjoy sweating out your gains

My steam room doesn’t have a gym.


Wet steam room is goat af bois
dry sauna is just a hell box. Big difference

>getting a sinus infection

I use the sauna most days, I feel like it helps my recovery.

But today, some random bro was moaning HARD in the sauna. I couldnt stand it, and everyone in the sauna was giving each other looks. Dude was sounding like he was about to bust a nut. Maybe he was having a heart attack or something and was trying to communicate.

the steam room feels great but I can't help but feel I'm being preyed upon by nosy, horny, old gay dudes

check craigslist missed connections and notice how many of the sightings are at spas, locker rooms, saunas, etc


Never. Never will either.
I saw a dude doing calf raises in the sauna today and it's this type of shit that makes me want to kill myself on a regular basis.

t. poorfag manlet fitness patrons

Majority of them have the floor covered in spunk from pricks jerking off or that couple that thinks they are being discrete

Saunas have merits but fuck the people who ruin them so no one else can use them

Jesus, where the fuck do you live?

How come saunas are all over the place but there isn't a mainstream refrigerating equivalent?
>Cold bathes.


no but i have a space heater

If I wanted to be inside a breeding ground for bacteria, I would fuck your mom

Any of you do the cold sauna?

Do you feel any effects from it, or is it just a stupid gimmick?

yes. every time.

i workout in my sauna

theyre called showers m8

>not making immune system gainz

I don't wanna end up like Zyzz.

going to the sauna after workout...

>beta normie shit

going to a public bath where there is very hot water and very cold water.
alternate sitting in each over and over again

>true enlightenment

this is the number one thing i miss about living in korea...

its a shame americans are so ashamed of showing their ding a lings to others.

im in korea right now, saunas ware what i will miss the most when i leave next year

Joe Rogan swear they are good for heat protein.

Are you on one of the US military bases? I went to school in yongsan from 2nd grade to senior year.

im an English teacher at a small school, it's hard to find people to go to Saunas with and i don't like going alone

>people to go to Saunas with
nigga are you gay or some shit youre not gonna stay in there for more than 20 minutes anyways like wtf

>get sun tan on the rooftop for 15 minutes
>work out
>sauna for 5 minutes
>drink lots of water

My skin is now shinny as fuck

Rosacea is not contagious

>doing things by yourself
wow you must be a total creep, everybody knows that only creeps do anything alone!

>bout to get naked in a hot steamy room
>fuck if only i could find another man to come with me


It helps acne?
I have a few spots on my face and on my back, not bad, but ugly.

I literally have a sauna in my gaming room.

>sitting in the autism chamber
I don't think so

My apartment had its own bath house so it was pretty easy to go by myself.

Youre retarded, we arent talking about the american "sauna", we are talking about a public bath kind of sauna. Youre retarded.

"Im american", the post.

I visit saunas, but with a different purpose

And what purpose is that, user?

Homoerotic mutual masturbation


Took your time.

Actually Swedish with Finnish parents, but you know, real recognize real and you guys recognizing some faggotry right now

Saunas in America don't seem to get very hot. I'm lucky enough to have some finnish family with there own sauna that I used back home.

How hot is hot?
The one at my gym goes up to 220.


That sounds about right. My criteria for a sauna is that it should sting your skin and burn your nostrils.

I'm not Finnish or a 70 y/o homosexual so no

Yes. There is a shared sauna in the top floor of the apartment building where I live. It is great.

It is actually quite common to use sauna for cooking.

Can I get some sauna benefits by having hot baths instead?