How old are you Veeky Forums?


31. It's all downhill from here.


Never give up.


24 and trying to finish college while working

I have no intention of giving up, but in a few years my natural test levels will start to drop due to age.

then just take test supplements

my dad is taking some, seems to work just fine


That's basically the plan for now.

Fuck anime posters



27, about to turn 28 pretty soon

12 but i bet i lift more than u do fagbag.



45 here.
I was blind, too, when I was your age, young one. You will see the light soon enough.


26. Started lifting in June, starting to think that that was too late and I'll never truly make it, but damnit I'm trying.



Anime and lifting is all I have.

18 (-2) wait what

25 and really feeling like I was supposed to have my shit together by now.

55. Fit as fuck. Why am I here?

Kill yourself now before it gets worse.

Adults still think you're a child and the government treats you're any middle-aged swinging dick.
Whatever, I'm just lifting to curb stop pedophiles and Zionists on the day of the rope.

honestly at this point idk im 5'3, jewish, never had any luck with girls even tho i can recite you pua and red pill bullshit.

from the outside i look normie and popular but when i come home, sit down at my computer and the facade is gone, im still that weird fat kid i was 6 years ago.

before i got bullied into aesthetic psychopathy and insecurity.

sorry for the edge but its just what im feeling rn

31 as well and NEET


>pua and red pill
How in the fuck did you get memed into thinking that was any substitute for being alpha?

i had to find a way to become alpha

except i didnt

22. Started lifting at 19 and kept dropping it. Starting from scratch again for the 3rd time

30 and NEET.

>except i didnt
No shit.
Being alpha isn't about negging bitches and having some sort of 3D chess strategy to get in her pants. Girls can pick up on that beta approach.
Alpha is knowing that nothing in the interaction matters and letting that peace of mind dictate your demeanor.
Jews always try to get some sort of formulaic strategy together for anything they try and it's great for fucking people out of their money but goes to shit with human interaction.
If you want people to actually like you, no plan is the only plan.

im at that stage user

18, barely legal




The sum from 1 to 5, plus the squareroot of 9

Shit's fucked

Turned 38 yesterday. Still feel 25

25. My brain is finally starting to work properly

Age is just a number


27, starting uni next year was supposed to start this year but been dealing with illness thats just fucked my shit up.



>tfw 23 semperfinigger
>tfw surrounded by commies and liberals
>tfw keep hearing the date Nov. 4th

Oh shit guys

Look I'll be straight up I fucking can't stand kikes but I love people who try to improve themselves. Keep lifting, work with what you have and don't worry about what you can't change, you'll do just fine. Either you'll be a skinny-fat loser at 5'3" or you'll be a jacked dude at 5'3" which would you rather be?
Dealt a shitty hand, you life depends on how you play it.

21 and already over the barcrawl shit. Just gonna lift and hang with the people close to me, talking to a girl right now but I don't care for her friends. We'll see how it goes.

Large if factual

>lifting since 2010


16 btw haHAA

22,23 in a bunch of months.

Fuck man almost 23 and I havent done anything purposeful.Nothing good.

h-hi babe

25, been lifting for 4 months. Which is great. My biggest concern is that I still have no career trajectory. Me and my gf have a daughter of 2 yrs. But were not meant to be. I'm scared to death that she'll try and take my daughter away from me when we inevitably break up.

23, sometimes I look around my gym and wonder if any of those guys are one of you guys

Same here. When I go it is mostly middle aged man so I doubt it though


38 reporting in
Not the oldest at least

25, started lifting this year, really ashamed of that

32, been on Veeky Forums since nearly the beginning. Lurked in and out of fit for years now - finally making strides to have a good body for the first time, ever (lifelong skinny/chubby fat).

Unlike some of you NEET wizard virgins, I live a happy life.

Isn't there a catch phrase? Feelin lucky or something like that?

Im just a lucky guy


34 oldfag
done and seen it all.


>and still a virgin

I wanna be an old bag that still posts anime too

18 here
I look fucking 16 or 17 tho

turning 32 on the 17th. Life has been rad. I don't lift nearly as much, but about to get back into the gym. Since i've left the gym i've been focusing on rock climbing technique. Been climbing at least 6 hours a week for the past year. At about v7 comfortably.

24 turning 25 in 2 weeks

please give a 23 year old some general life advice

Same. got one quarter left. gunna get dat 4pl8 squat and 5pl8 dead by graduation

26, physically feeling good. Mentally, not so much.

I'll be 22 in December and eat my bday cake by myself as usual

Basically me

Fuck niggers.


I win this thread

18 but I feel like I have no future to look forward to.


Showing some salt there m8...

Good degree, Decent job
Lost virginity at 15
Making gains

I don't understand NEETs, I'm weird and lazy, but I hate the idea of having to depend on someone else for everything.

Wtf you're -36?

I'm 19
browsed since 15, dont ban me

18 and kissless virgin (despite relatively ok social skills and previous female interest).

Kinda shitting myself that I haven't overcome my autism around that yet.

Nice b8 goy.


We all gonna make it bruhs


Try watching some Jordan Peterson. While I agree with some Red Pill stuff, it's dangerous to get into too much. It can damage your relationships or worse, make it obvious to women that you think less of them (which most of the time turns them off). The PUA stuff I think is worse and the time for it has passed.

I'm 26 and had a shit childhood, never really fit in, and I'm only realising now that's why I act like a complete dickhead to people sometimes. It's a defense mechanism. So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is don't do what I've done for the last 8-9 years of my adult life, as it's resulted in me being a loner. It's difficult and you and I will ALWAYS be that kid, but don't let the baggage drag you down.

Can someone post the Swole Mole for this kid? Good luck man

22 just benched 105kgx5, getting a stiffy about being this strong this young


19 but my doctor says I have the joints of a 40 year old.

Captcha: HasLuck

Agreed so much. Red pill helped me become fit in the first place and took me so far, but you have to throw it aside at some point. It's hard to not have that extremely motivating community behind you, but all it is good for is rage porn to get you to the gym if you're being a cuck. Jordan peterson is much better because it doesn't have you focus on pussy.
The only true path to getting laid is being interesting and swole. Find interesting girls who will do interesting stuff with you. The more abundance of fun and happiness and health you surround yourself with, the more pussy will flow

Read 'Models' by Mark Manson and get the fuck out there and do cool things.

>Business guy
>Slowly losing my mind but honestly I'm still working on myself and still believe in myself
>I'm in a type of job that is highly paid and highly rewarded however I rarely go out
I'm still trying and working on myself though, I wont give up since I have so much




53. Fit as fuck as well. Not as degrading to come here as /b/