Hey gaylords, could you recommend me some really violent books? Like borderline edgelord tier

Hey gaylords, could you recommend me some really violent books? Like borderline edgelord tier.


Blood Meridian and American Psycho come to mind

Michael Gira - The Consumer

The Bible. Even edgier if you consider that only two enemies remained; one if you counted God.

Anyhting from Gary Jennings - Raptor, The Journeyer, Spangle, Aztec. Raptor and Aztec especially. He delights in describing the most fucked up scenes of rape, violence and torture you can or cannot imagine.

Comte de Lautereamomt – The Songs of Maldaror

More or less anything by Sade? Sex is a bonus.

Anything by Ryu Murakami screams "I'm an edgelord"

I wanted to read this years ago, but forgot about it. Thanks.

My diary desu

The Iliad.

Im not gay.

Yes you are.

Battle Royale.

Remained after what?

The Illiad

I read some horror novel called Reincarnage not long ago that was very violent and trashy. Read it in an afternoon.
80's slasher style gore.
Not bad if you dig that sort of shit.

Popular hits of the showa era
Story of the eye
Clockwork orange

Bullet Through Your Face

>Adam awoke from a pretty awesome dream.
Holy shit, one line in and it's got me.

If you don't know.. then I'm sure as hell not going to tell you..



Native Son

In middle school, I read a series by the guy who wrote Cirque Du Freak called "Demonata". It's about demons from alternate dimensions trying to cross over to go on killing sprees. It gets really violent and gory pretty much right off the bat, and it sustains itself pretty well for 10 short books.

I read it in middle school, so I'm probably remembering through rose colored glasses, but I remember it being very enjoyable, especially if you're looking for bloody gorefest.

OP here. Thanks for all the recommendations, famalans.

A long time ago I read some pulp piece of shit about giant mantis creatures on an island. Even as a 14 yrs retard it was quite obvious the 'author' was a fucking maniac. Literally 120 pages of descriptions of people being eaten alive and tits ripped off and yes, eaten.