>drunken snaptchats
everyone that posts after me is gay faggot
why do the ad's on this site keep advocating i mate with asians?
>gay faggot
a bit redundant there buddy
cunt. i smirked
apparently, because you're a gay faggot
fucken yeah buuudy
Redundancy is emphasis, you gay homosex goblin
like you wouldn't
emphasis? emphasize deez nuts!
my team, yeeeeah maaaaang
either you pricks are all ausfags or you are all USfags - ti e wise i can't decide what's worse - of it's you nvm
It's the ausfags, but don't worry they are going to pass out soon
/deenz/ nuts
that'd be nice, i've been up since yesteerday. rape me?
sardine detail
It's my favorite fishy from Runescape :)
i'm more of a command and conquer red alert 2 sorta guy. but yeah runescape
Same reason that every time I try to book a flight it assumes I'm looking for a trans-continental flight
I played Starcraft Brood War for most of my life, only because I grew up in Korea
man i'm already outta here,m why the hell aren't you??
C&C RA2 forever. i've moved countries, states, etc and will onl;y ever live C&C RA2.
Toba-sensei is my spirit animal
who Australia here>? or where are you - cunts?
Yep, once you find "the game" it's your #1 game forever.
I miss when game boxes were big
huuuugh fuck yeah man medal of honor underground on PS2
Post current time where u are and whether or not you're drunk
>8:43 AM
New Zealand but I just ran out of beer
8.43. of course
sorry to read that mang, options?
cry about it? idk, go to sleep I guess. thanks for your sympathy
hello brethren
been drunk since i woke up. fuck steve smith cheating cunt
hey man -acdc on the ears, bourbon on the gullet. what you doin?
Australians need to go to sleep
I suck dick.
7:51 and I'm on my way aaaaannnnd my sponsor is taking me to breakfast and a meeting at 10:30.
piss off cunt
make him work for it legend