Dude fuck the soviet union lmao

>dude fuck the soviet union lmao

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Name one Soviet writer who actually liked the USSR

Didn't Putin say something like "If you don't miss the Soviet Union you have no heart. If you want it back, you have no brain." ?

Suffering together brings about commaderie and looking back on it would be nostalgic.

More like
>Dude take spiritual solace in the ritual of daily struggle


Nostalgia for the Soviet Union is just confused nostalgia for their youth. They don't miss the breadlines, they miss being 21.

Seems like a pretty good message.
This, I'm shocked so many people don't realise this.


>people don't miss being part of a global superpower, they just liked being able to get it up
Worst anti-soviet meme there is

Knowing that the very same people who can send you to a Siberian GULAG on a whim also have more control over world events must be really empowering

>illiterate peasant trying to cure his scurvy with moldly rye bread and soured milk took pride in his country's "superpower" status right before he was sent to the gulags for telling a dirty joke about Stalin

Worst tankie meme there is

the author of that book was actually a soviet patriot. He just had differing opinions with the wrong people.

longing for a minecraft youtuber to mention ulysses so we can get one or two Veeky Forums threads on Veeky Forums

Yeah the USSR in the 80s definitely was full of illiterate peasants who got gulaged by Stalin's corpse

I dont care what anyone says but the Soviet union was comfy and aesthetic as FUCKKK

Nigga this is just like being in the guantanamo bay....

your moms dick is aestetic homo

BS. Of all the failed ideological movements that lead to unfathomable human misery, fascism was the most aesthetic by far

>dude fuck nazi germany lmao

Whoa... so this... is the power... of a planned economy...

>there were food shortages in communist countries so no one could like anything about those countries or even think they're preferable to the current situations in those countries
So this is the power of ideology

more like gaysthetic lmao

The difference is Night is actual fiction posing as an autobiography

>dude fuck 1930s Censorship and Purges in the Soviet Union Lmao.

If the USSR and the East Bloc had focused more on consumer goods rather than heavy industry communism might have lasted longer. They belatedly tried to do this in some countries but it was too little too late.


I can't tell if you're making a joke about the holocaust not happening or if you really don't realize that ivan denisovich was not a real man.

>le soviet union was worse than nazi germany maymay

Nobody's saying that

oops sorry read your comment wrong.

They miss Russia being a hugely important world power and influence on global politics.

Don't worry, you Americans will understand in 20 years.

They miss the sense of community and pride they used to have. Now there is no sense of community and no pride in their country. Girls are going around acting like whores and people killing eachother left and right. Back in the soviet union there was no such thing as road rage because they knew that if anyone fought in public with each other the police would punish them harshly. So it just felt safer and comfy . Even at school they would push the idea of comeradery , what do they push in the west? Gayness, cuckoldry , degeneracy, anti family and selfishness

It was a subtle dig at the fact that Wiesel is full of shit about his life experience

Community, solidarity, and national pride can exist without a controlled economy and a totalitarian security apparatus. People just remember the good and forget the bad, and more so if the bad happened when they were young and lusty.

I love reading books about people who are cold and starving whilst keeping comfy and warm and binge eating. Last time I read "one day...." I ate about 2lbs of beef brisket and drank to bottles of shiraz.

hunger by hamsun is a good novel for this also

people need to be controlled.Give people too much freedom, they will turn to evil.

take in point

Near and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, crime statistics moved sharply and uniformly upward. From 1991 to 1992, the number of officially reported crimes and the overall crime rate each showed a 27 percent increase; the crime rate nearly doubled between 1985 and 1992. By the early 1990s, theft, burglary, and other acts against property accounted for about two-thirds of all crime in Russia. Of particular concern to citizens, however, was the rapid growth of violent crime, including gruesome homicides.[3]

Daily reminder to block all tripfags

Freedom isn't the issue, it's how authority is determined and the values you're forced to live by. You need values that understand and conform to our inherent human psychology, and you need a system of authority that the masses at the very least perceive as being fair.


Social stability is possible without authoritarianism

Well yeah, all of those disgusting "intellectual" communists needed to do something to survive after they were rightfully ousted from power. Theft is the next best thing after the Party for such useless, non-working, non-productive slime.

>TFW I came to gush a little about Ivan Denisovich, and the thread is nothing but dickering over whether the Soviet state was a failure or not

Veeky Forums, I am disappoint.

Are you telling me Russia had it the best under the Tsar?

Literally every Solzenytsin thread.

That's because the economy collapsed and a lot of people were poor, not because they were less tightly controlled.

The control of people hasn't changed all that much from the USSR days, Police are harsh and have no accountability, state TV runs the discourse and opponents of Putin still end up dead or in jail.


>theft and robbery increased after the dissolution of the USSR

lol what do they think Communism is?

lmao rekt

>dude bread lmao

People defending communism never suffered it in first place

Thank you for your wonderful insight, Hobbes.