Celebrities with great taste?

Celebrities with great taste?


celebrities are rich plebs


>t. poor patrician

Who dat?


Is that Turco's Book of Forms in the teal binding? And an Oxford of Dante... in ENGLISH? Pleb con-fuckin-firmed.

I like Stewart, though. Would prolapse her bagina. What's up with the lock charm, she's always wearing it. BSDM, so edgy.


Yes, yes, but how many copies can she fit up her ass?

If she can fit in her brain as much spirit as matter she has up her ass, then she is a scary human indeed.



>Great taste


staged af

imagine taking a picture like that

fucking narcissists in my fucking species!?

days raycis

We get it, you're a pseud


She didn't read. Like her pseud boyfriend, and all-round bluffer and charlatan John Fitzgerald Kennedy, she probably never finished a book in her life.

She did, however, like anal, so it's not all bad.