What books should I read if I wish to reach Enlightenment?

What books should I read if I wish to reach Enlightenment?

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

This is the one where the main character meets THE Buddha, right?

Where he points out a flaw in the Buddha's teaching and the Buddha replies "You're clever. Beware of being too clever."

Yeah, naw senpai, I'm good.

No books at all. This is doctrine. I am not kidding.

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want something more generalized, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.

Well you have to start with the Dhammapada, but really take your time, digesting each syllable, otherwise Kurt Cobain might not be waiting for you when you die! ;P

The Bible.

The Bible, Jung, A History of Religious Ideas, Beyond Good and Evil,

Eventually, sure, but they help along the way. It's like what Witty said about his philosophy being a ladder you throw away after climbing up.

That thing where you allow the existential horror of your pitiful worldview to overwhelm you, and commit psychic suicide to try and exit the cycle of reincarnation that characterizes your entire religion?

Oh no wait I'm thinking of Nirvana, Enlightenment is just when you reach the point of WANTING Nirvana. Well, you could try watching A Serbian Film, that movie made me want to kill my own soul and cease existing.

Any book you want

>that movie made me want to kill my own soul and cease existing.
weakass faggot

whats that fat fuck finding so funny

no such thing

You're pain. You hold onto it even though it hurts you?

Everything. It's all just a joke.

>You're pain
b-but that isn't funny at all

what the fuck budai

Whoa, really made my noggin go joggin'


Such a Duddha

>You're pain

Indeed, I am pain


easy on the moksha...

>THE Buddha
>not realizing the plurality of buddhas
cmon son

In much the same way there are many prophets in Islam, if you say THE Prophet, everyone knows who you're talking about.

Same with Buddhism, say THE Buddha, and one man comes to the mind of every Buddhist out there.

Its kinda of different as there is no such concept as Gautama being the last legitimate one and everyone who says otherwise is false

A Course in Miracles. It's a self study thing, so no religions or dogma to get caught up in. It has a workbook that guides you through the thought system, and it's not based on dos and do nots in the world, but on what you do with your mind.

My diary desu

Those who declare themselves enlightened only demonstrate their lack of ability to imagine the extent of what they do not know.

Only thing you should be reading to reach Nirvana is the tramp stamp of a roastie as you cum.

the original buddha, by "enlightenment" just meant something like 'understanding the middle way', 'grasping the middle way'.

Westerns think it's like this massive spiritual 'insight relization' where you become this entirely different ascended spiritual being in a single breath or some shit


buddhism is the most 'cuck yourself out of existence' life-denying faggot loser religion on planet earth. waa waa life sux but I've been raised believing in samsara so I can't just kill myself or I'll go to the hungry ghost realm so I better just stare at walls thinkig about how shit life is waa waa ablo abloo abloo (in a chink accent)

get rekt you fucking eastern gook chink nip slant cunts. strive or die bitch

There's several different versions of Buddhism and most are not this


Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

What if you're universally declared by the world as Enlightened?

>There's several different versions of Buddhism and most are not this
Yes, but only one canonical orthodox version and that one is exactly this. And if you're going to believe in some bullshit adulterated fake religion, why pick a boring gook one?


enlightenment is not about knowing


Irrelevant. What other people think of you is none of your business.
Ah, so it's simple sedation you're after.

(serious answer)
- The Pali Canon. Avoid the Tibetan book of the dead and other retcons preached by wannabe /x/fags.
- Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
- Kant's Critique of Practical Reason, Critique of Pure Reason, and Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. Avoid his works on ethics and theology.
- Schopenhauer's On The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and both volumes of The World as Will and Representation.

Avoid Nietzsche's ramblings. Avoid Hegelian philosophy, especially Marxist and Fascist derived bullshit. Stirner is okay if taken lightly. Avoid transhumanism. Avoid Abrahamic scripture and fanon, especially the Quran. Plato is optional but highly flawed. Aristotle is generally good.

Don't take any of these works as dogma, but also do not entirely disregard the ethos of the wise. Realize that many arbitrary concepts used are beneficial if later discarded in the path to understanding. The primary advantage of Buddhism over Kantian and Schopenhauer's philosophy is that it emphasises praxis - enlightenment is not just composed of wisdom, but the compassion, reflection and action it motivates. Schopenhauer was empatically a system-builder and not advocating a lifestyle. Read Kant *before* Schopenhauer; I really can't stress this enough. Don't read shit books.

Politics is generally the obsession of power hungry and neurotic people. Focus on the personal scope of your own life as it exists in relation to what you see as the wider world, rather than imposing the former on the latter.

subs trash
enlightenment=new perspectives or attaining an understanding of the universe
Give up on understanding a boundless thing in an encase skull
If you want better perspective: History of Western Philosophy
De Rerum Naturae
L'haƮne the film

We are limited and homeless beings capriced and bent on saving ourselves via meaning, glory, and knowledge. All of these pieces evicerate these ideas to their core.

>buddhism is the most 'cuck yourself out of existence' life-denying faggot loser religion on planet earth.

On the contrary, embracing Maya is the greatest denial one can undertake. Buddhism deconstructs the boundaries between the determiner and determined, subject and object. Your Nietzschean worship of the apparent is just emotional platitudes that bloat the ego to distract one from suffering, rather than truly transcending it. Sophism in its purest form.

>waa waa life sux but I've been raised believing in samsara so I can't just kill myself or I'll go to the hungry ghost realm

Nibbana is not seeking to cease existence. Suicide is just as futile as pointless as embracing suffering.

Nobody is literally reincarnated. Rebirth is not reincarnation, but the perpetuation of life neither totally similar or dissimilar from what came before it. You fail to understand the Buddhist concept of the self as impermanent and amalgamated.

Buddhism also did not preach asceticism. He practiced it for years, and considered it as unwise as wanton hedonism.

>strive or die bitch

You'll end up doing both regardless. Adding the word "bitch" to the end of that retarded dichotomy is just cringeworthy tough-guy-harsh-truth posturing.

I swear, Buddhism is the religion with the most critiques from plebs without any knowledge of even its most basic concepts and distinctions.

Just take some DMT, you'll attain enlightenment in the span of 5 minutes I kid you not.

I'll also add that Nietzsche (the one who originally framed Christianity and Buddhism as "life denying", which is parroted by ubermenschen teenagers) had not read any actual Buddhist scripture and just judged it secondhand from Schopenhauer's personality and vague secondhand impressions. Literally the equivalent of Veeky Forumsfags reading Wikipedia articles and attempting to critique the original works they describe today.

Psychedelic drugs are not a rare candy that levels up enlightenment. They're at best a form of mentally dangerous entertainment that produces easily gotten delusions of having real insight. Terrence McKenna produced no thought of real substance and died of brain cancer. Alan Watts was an obfuscating entertainer with garnishes of real wisdom that lived a life as a plastic monk and profited greatly from the hippie counterculture.

There's a good reason Buddha advocated against drugs as one of the five precepts. They limit self control, impede coherent thought, overexaggerate mental connections to a schizophrenic level, often spiral into hedonism, encourage egotistical confirmation biases and can outright cause insanity in heavier users. So many psychedelic users are evangelists about this dangerous and ultimately indulgent form of recreation. People like Phillip K Dick saw dozens of people crumble around them into death or psychosis because of these kinds of carefree attitudes.

The same can be said of all religions.

This illusion

Read the vedas, most texts after the vedas are peoples p.o.v's of them. A lot of them stress moralism (this is when karma become like a judgment thing)
If you want a profound experience, you want to awaken kundalini
p.s. - karma only does what YOU think it does

1) Drugs aren't a religion. Your analogy is gay.
2) The nature of religions is not monolithic and varies massively in character by teachings.
3) I really doubt you or anyone else knows enough about most religions to say that with any credibility.

came here to post this

>Drugs aren't a religion. Your analogy is gay.

But religion is a drug, the analogy is in reverse.

Brian Ruhes book on Buddhism is a great primer for researching actual Buddhism and not the animal feed that you think is buddhism.