Why did you hoose to be a NEET?

Why did you hoose to be a NEET?

Why not speedread all Veeky Forums?

Why are NEET's superior?

NEETdom is overrated and consuming shit without producing more is one of the worst characteristics of mass culture.

If you spend half your time working, and half your time recovering from work with lazy media because you're too tired for anything else, then what time do you have left to learn, create, discover, enjoy, or play?

And what do you give back to the world? What is point of gaining knowledge if one can't spread it? Being a leech may be pleasurable, but there is no virtue involved.

Don't have a job that's so tiring

Is Anarchism the ultimate NEET ideology?

"The drive to "advance"- I think you have to ask exactly what that means. If you mean a drive to produce more, well, who wants it? Is that necessarily the right thing to do? It's not obvious. In fact, in many areas it is probably the wrong thing to do- maybe it would be a good thing if there weren't the same drive to produce. People have to be driven to have certain wants in our system- why? Why not leave them alone so they can just be happy do other things?" Noam Chomsky, On Anarchism pg.33/34

>tfw my NEET life ends on Monday
Gonna miss all the free time, but I'm actually more productive when I have a clear structure to base my daily routine around

Why do you think labour can only exist as a forced sort of work? Can people not act without being threatened?
"The anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, surveying the data on contemporary hunter-gatherers, exploded the Hobbesian myth in an article entitled "The Original Affluent Society." They work a lot less than we do, and their work is hard to distinguish from what we regard as play. Sahlins concluded that "hunters and gatherers work less than we do; and rather than a continuous travail, the food quest is intermittent, leisure abundant, and there is a greater amount of sleep in the daytime per capita per year than in any other condition of society." They worked an average of four hours a day, assuming they were "working" at all. Their "labor," as it appears to us, was skilled labor which exercised their physical and intellectual capacities; unskilled labor on any large scale, as Sahlins says, is impossible except under industrialism."

All jobs eat the soul, damage the body, and dull the mind. Even specialists who train endlessly in their craft suffer in every other aspect of personal growth.

Why are you unable to build your own structure, and what is the purpose of your production?

Consuming shit is how you get ideas for producing new shit.

I don't believe I've ever hoosed in my life.

I didn't really choose to be a NEET. It's not like I woke up one day and decided I want to sit in my underwear all day on the internet. Last year I had just failed my A-Levels so I spent September to July working at a call-centre studying to repeat a shitload of exams, I quit my job like 2 months before exams started so I could just study full time (not exactly what happened though). I wasn't really expecting to pass so I imagined myself doing the same thing this year but I did pass so now I have a year of nothing to do before I start university. I spent a couple of months after exams living off the few bob I had saved up but now that's run out I'm trying to get a new job so I can spend the year saving up for gyno surgery.

>Why not speedread all Veeky Forums?
Because when you're NEET all you want to do is shitpost, watch anime and play video games.

>Why are NEET's superior?
They're not being a NEET sucks. There's something to be said for having unlimited time and work without a shadow of a doubt is horrible. But the real downside to being a NEET is the isolation, like you wind up spending weeks interacting with virtually no one except Veeky Forums so you get a bit removed from reality.

>being a NEET sucks
This is only true if you suck anyways.

I'll be more specific so it isn't a shitpost. As I neet I have an active and healthy social life, long term goals, short term goals, and creative outlets.
If all you want to do is shitpost, watch anime, and play video games, that's more of personal failure, than a failure of free time.

I'm not arguing for being a wageslave, but being a NEET is in no way similar to being a hunter-gatherer. Early tribal groups didn't work frequently, but they did work for the good of the tribe. Don't equiveat leeching off of parents and welfare to tribal participation.

You're very likely right on that but that isn't my problem with being a NEET, I'm complaining about that. I'm citing that as the reason why I don't just speedread all Veeky Forums.

My complaint with being a NEET is that the lack of contact with other people gives me a very distorted sense of living and makes it all the harder to relate to them when I'm back in the real world.

Don't equate all neetdom with welfare leeching or parental leeching, and don't dis welfare leeching because it's one of the few sane alternatives to wage slavery an individual can choose in the west.
Labouring for the good of your own tribe(or community), by your own rules, at your own pace, labour that is engaging physically and mentally, this is my long term hope for society but until that post-civ wonderland comes about all I can offer to people is grasping at whatever little true leisure they can. Avoiding low effort, long hours, low satisfaction, jobs, is a major part of that.

The lack of contact with other people is a personal decision that you made, not a result of having more free time.

Yeah, the decision to be a NEET. I have very little money, no car and live in the Irish countryside. And the thing about being 19 in Ireland is the only purely social activity is drinking or smoking weed, which costs money that I often don't have.

This could easily be solved by getting a job, which I'm already in the process of.

Didn't really choose to be NEET, i've just never enjoyed being here and don't want to experience life.

If I can do this stuff as a poor small town neet with avoidant personality disorder, I really doubt the neetdom was to blame. I knew plenty of people who rarely if ever pay for their weed, they just hang out and it gets passed to them like it gets passed to everyone.

>Dude, just show up and scobe people's weed.
Yeah, nah. I'm not gonna be that guy.

Then don't. Make friends. Stop self isolating and pinning it fully on things that are an inconvenience, an obstacle, a roadblock, but not a tidal wave of impossible challenges.

More or less this. I view my current NEET status as compensation for the shitty lot I've been dealt.

>Then don't.
Precisely what I'm doing.

Now fuck off and stop trying to justify your lifestyle to me.

No, what you're doing is blaming your own personal failures and your own decision to be a friendless outcast who spends his days masturbating to anime and shitposting exclusively on neetdom. I am a neet while still having all of that which you feel is out of reach for neets.
I'm not justifying my lifestyle to you, at this point I'm rubbing my lifestyle in your face.

I'm 35 and never had a job. I receive SSI disability. I read a lot of philosophy and books in my free time.

Come for a bit or else I'll shit. If you do, this high and mighty person will think you very kind, will give you a smack behind, will kiss your hands, my dear, shoot off a gun in the rear, embrace you warmly, mind, and wash your front and behind, pay you all his debts to the uttermost groat, and shoot off one with a rousing note, perhaps even let something drop from his boat.

You don't need to say free time if all your time is free.

Thirty fucking five, how? I'm 19 and while I'm indefinitely a NEET I can't imagine it going on for that long. I'll blow my brains out before then.

You can try adding some structure to your life, some creative outlet, make some friends. Not everything has to be about sating addictions.



That's what I was doing the first six months. It was pretty draining in all honesty.

What about the lifestyle makes you depressed? I have no desire to form social relationships, so if that's the issue I can't relate.

If you found your own pace and your own schedule draining you would hate minwage but I'll leave it to you to discover that.

I'd be depressed and losing my mind no matter what I was doing with my life. That's both the best and most succinct answer.

Despite the definite lack of structure with NEETdom I feel the exact same way I did back in highschool two years ago.

Ever consider therapy?

Yeah, it's never helped. I've had to have seen at least a dozen over the years.

The real kicker? I'm noticing some serious overlaps with myself and my 25 year old brother, from insecurities and character flaws to broad aspirations and stimulus responses, etc. Even though he's gone through some transformative phases in his life all of these aspects still persist with him, and I can tell. That just indicates to me that it truly never gets any fucking better and life's gonna be shitty unless I somehow miraculously diverge from the path he went down. But I don't know, I'm such an overanalyzing fuck I'll probably inadvertently fuck myself over even if I do improve my life a bit. That's what happened during my first few months of NEETdom in all honesty.

I know I know, "woe is me" but fuck it. I'm struggling to sound coherent because I'm drunk

Reach and you will not grasp

>unironically defending NEETs
Worst part of my life so far. I had no drive, learned nothing, and didn't interact with anyone. Working finally got me on a schedule and helped me lose some weight.

No, you'd just have to put effort into your life to get anywhere in an anarchistic world, it'd probably be extremely cut-throat. NEETs rely social services and familial ties to survive, in other words, society and its strictures.

I've been a NEET for 10 months, with nothing to show for it. Stuck in mental cycles and unable to get a job or really do anything, mostly due social anxiety. I feel like even if I worked 60hr weeks I would still have more time and drive to do things that I want to do. Can't even get the lowest possible work, even the shittiest min-wage, no-skill job requires references and prior experience/qualifications.

I have no money, I hate NEETdom and I want to die.

That's your fault though. Don't blame it on other things.

>learned nothing

This has zero to do with other NEET aspies and everything to do with your brainlet status.

Also to answer OPs post NEET life is super shit and hyping it up is a massive meme but some of us just have to stick with it for differing lengths of time for differing reasons; some physical, some mental.

This is not true? It can be true sure but it's far from being some sort of universal truth, that perception is mostly a chan culture or poor apartment dweller thing.

Not having a job didn't give you social anxiety disorder.

I know it's shitty, but are you able to get some voluntary work? A few months could help you get your foot in the door somewhere

I know this is crazy sounding but, maybe he should fix his personal mental problems that caused him to misuse neetdom before turning to drugs like unskilled labour.

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I'm a far more useless piece of shit when I have lots of free time compared to when I don't. When i work, I get up early, put my hours in, cook food, workout, read books.

When I have free time I spend it on Veeky Forums.