What MBTI are you guys? Im wondering what the predominent one is. INTP personally.

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This is Veeky Forums - Literature. You were supposed to add "Books for this feel?" at the end of the post to make it relevant to the board.


I haven't taken this bullshit test in a minute, but I remember it being IN something J or something or the other. INTJ? I don't know. Taking that shit seriously is so goofy and ridiculous to me. Try not to let it define your goals and current endeavors.

Also known as the God tier personality

INTP desu aka permavirgin

Let's post our favourite work alongside our type



OMYQ here.

Take the test here


War and Peace

Moby Dick


pic related

literally horoscopes for people who think they're too good for horoscopes

>this spoke zarathustra

yeah nah

The poetry of W.B. Yeats and Plato's dialogues

You misguided, impoverished little person. Take greater time to study Jung's theories, and you'll find his genius terrifying and his theories wonderfully astute. They aren't akin to """calculating""" the impacts of mystic movements of planets and stellar bodies, which are too many to number, and, therefore, whose energetic ramifications on our persons is beyond man's ability to consider. Nor is it an attempt to predict the future - though certain things about a person's likely choices can be inferred from a combination of (1) knowing them, (2) knowing their type, and (3) roughly understanding where they stand in their process of maturation. Jung's theories are insightful observations which are an attempt to see beyond word and deed into the psyche and explain it. A bloody good attempt.

Try not to trip on your arrogance on your way out.

t. loveless autistic virgin

I was INTP until a year ago. Now I'm INFP and my motivation has deteriorated and my feels have escalated. Life still sux

>horoscopes for lower management students
At least I can sage

ISTP here. i dont actually read i just come here to see what r the good books to reccomend to others when they bring up reading

Also an INPT.

I was getting a second opinion for schizoid personality disorder at one point but I didn't attend.


Why did you post Jung? He has nothing to do with your gay millennialist quiz.

I fucking hate the MBTI with a burning passion

You cannot switch types. You were either always an INFP, or are still an INTP.

INFP. I'm OK with it

Temple of the Golden Pavilion


tfw infj but loveless and not feeling very god tier

Attaching Jung to the MBTI element of your tumblr bio is like attaching Nietzsche to an atheist Facebook page.

In time man, have faith

>You cannot switch types.

Can you not, can peoples personalities not change?


Someone says it is God tier type, I don't know man sometimes I feel like it is the worst of all types

We are just observant (or at least it's me), from my perspective in a group I'm the one who is likeable by everyone but other than that no one calls you directly, no one consider you more than a certain level

If me and my other close friends join a group of friends my name is never spoken loud (stupid example), "hey hi user!" I have to talk first always 'cause if not no one talk to me, and not because I'm a "looser" or "aloof" but just because the way I am I'm not perceived interesting by a first look

Most of the times I don't mind on this but sometimes makes me think

Another infj that relate to this?

Mbti is flawed 50% of the population change types on a regular basis

Eumeswil and Invisible Cities
Opposite for me. No group, but can always have a conversation with acquaintances.

I totally get what you mean but you have to appreciate we're not on this Earth to have a good time and us especially. We observe because someone needs to be observent and its not pretty what we see and thats what frightens people and why they don't want to see themselves in you. But you may be the only person they ever see themselves in when the time comes and you need to be ready for that. When that time comes you'll be more than a fucking name to them.

After all what name does God have and what does he do but observe

While it doesn't start out that way, its similar for me. When I find a new circle of friends I feel as if I end up being the center for a long time, largely because the way I meet people is through what I'm good at... for example a class project, I pull people together and organize it and we end up friends afterwards, or in a video game I'm particularly skilled at and my friends want to learn from me/want me to help them.

In the end though, they end up having more fun with each other than with me, even if I've been there for them to talk them out of suicide, it ends up they get closer and closer and I fade into the distance whether or not I try to keep up with them.

Several times in my life now, one time even costing the love of my life, I've just walked out of a circle of friends and hardly ever saw it affect those I left behind.

I personally brag a lot, but I mean this as humbly as I can, I feel as if there's a lot to me, a lot of things I know/do, I collect hobbies, but nobody ever cares to learn more about me than who I am on the surface, I guess that's what you mean by "not perceived interesting by a first look."

If you'd like someone to talk to, I don't mind.

You're a disgrace to us. kys

When the time comes, its us who they'll know best

You saying that's as a DFW meme?

>I personally brag a lot, but I mean this as humbly as I can, I feel as if there's a lot to me, a lot of things I know/do, I collect hobbies, but nobody ever cares to learn more about me than who I am on the surface, I guess that's what you mean by "not perceived interesting by a first look.

you guessed right and i can relate completely with your post

It sucks that people just scrape the surface, but all my potential, knowledge, skill are under and not visible

and it is difficult to show up all this because the way i am, is weird to me to sow up my self 'cause it seems to me to be an ego show

The few friends i have are all superficial acquaintances. Iìve honestly stopped caring much about showing people my "true self" or some crap. I
think they would find my obscure interests a turn off and who wouldn't honestly. It's a pretty sad life right now.

I tried taking one of those personality tests, but I didn't agree with my result. I think I'm not able to think truthfully about myself.

It's a real shame too, because on top of all that, I never can find anyone with similar passions to me. I meet people through shallow things, and if I ever try to show that beneath-the-surface stuff it's boring to them.

It makes me wonder, do the vast majority of people feel that way? that they've got a rich inner life that nobody can connect with them over? The thought that others might deal with it too is frustrating to me, personally.

What obscure interests are you talking about?
Some of mine are linguistics, medical studies, computer hardware, and some spur-of-the-moment ones.

And of course a bunch that would be obscure off this website, but are pretty common despite the board.

I don't bother having friends anymore. In fact I see having "friends" as an unmanly contrivance of modern life fit only for gangsters and women

The tests aren't so accurate because a lot of the things we'd likely flip-flop on. I did get the result I agree with, but really it's the reading and the details that convinced me.

Read the descriptions of the different types, you'll find parts in each you think attribute to you or that you wish you had, but likely there will be one type that almost fits everything you know about yourself, even some patterns you weren't aware you had.

right now mostly philosophical (especially eastern) and literary interests which may not seem that odd to you, but i try to keep it hidden from the turbo-normies because i'm afraid of what they think.

Unfortunately i care too much about other peoples opinions. (auxiliary Fe i guess).

You should dump your 'friends', you don't need them and you'll feel so much better when you wiped your hands clean of them

Eastern philosophy sounds pretty interesting actually!

I've read a little bit about Theravada Buddhism because I heard of a concept called "the four immeasurables," and at that time in my life I was trying to find a way to be a more empathetic/compassionate individual.

I'm the best personality type. Which one is that?


You're basically superman + hitler

i had the same problem in the past but one day simply i had enough of the question and now i don't mind of what other thinks it is just not my problem

maybe one day the same things will happen to you, related pic can help you in this i believe

Jesus Christ is this bait? Unironically fuck off you reddit weakling

well, is not that simple to get enough of the problem as you say, but i agree with you that a pity of nihilism can help if this is what you want to say with that pic

Stuck in a...INTP-->ENTP-->ENTJ-->INTJ-->INTP...cycle of despair. Call for help.

Where do I start with Jung?

Even worst, people make MBTI just use jung idea archetype to believe people could be classification in 16 categories.


It's good to see plenty of elite individuals here on Veeky Forums.

Did the test a few years ago but don't remember what I got back then. (I did the test the same way you would do a "What kind of bread are you" test)

Last year I did the test twice, with 8 months between them, and I got twice INFP. Reading through it, I do recognize myself in many of these things.


Just took it and got INFP.

Should I kill myself?

The only unacceptable result is "S". That's the retard letter.

what a bunch of shit fucking questions

I am also INTP or was last time I took the test. Seems to be really common on Veeky Forums for some reason.

This is a shit test, no can be certain of their own self-awareness to know beyond "E/I".


I don't belong.

You mean that you think that when answering the questions, you won't be honest with yourself, or what? That aside, I really enjoy Jung's descriptions of personality types, better than his better known esoteric stuff. I also noticed that Jung tends to be really down on neurotic types for some reason, perhaps because he also was one.

What I think my reaction to a situation will be is different from what will actually happen is what I was trying to say

Right most likely but that would be the case for any personality test 是吗?


Most who read literature are INTP, it's the thinking mans personality type


I've gotten INTP before, but I type myself as INFP.

Two of my closest friends are INTPs, and one is an INTJ.
With my INTJ friend, we'll talk about one topic for lengthy periods of time in which he'll do most of the talking.
With my INTP friends, our conversations go from place to place, much like us, as we often randomly do things without thinking about it, such as going to the store or taking a walk. This is hard for my INTJ friend, I think. He doesn't just do something spur of the moment; he is methodical in almost everything he does. If he does "prospect", it's as though he's planned to. He's a really funny guy, but people often put him in the category of "serial killer" due to his serious and quiet composure, which is something I relate to because I often am tagged the same way by the general public (Which is I believe predominantly ESTJ, ISTJ, ISFJ.)

INFPs get a bad wrap. I know some very obnoxious ones who are extremely self-centered and devoid of reason. Not all are this way though.

I recommend Thomas Ligotti - Teatro Grottesco

There is a spectrum for every type, so quiet possibly you could be "the exception that proves the rule".

I was INTP when I was a high inhibition low testosterone fat teenager, now I just want to fight people in the street

I usually get INTP or INTJ. I like reading Kierkegaard and Marshall McLuhan.

Why is this test so widespread? Ask any pseud what their Meyer Briggs is and they'll cream themselves as they're enlightening you with their own intelligence before moving on to talking about Jordan Peterson and how dragons are "metatrue"

And why do people take it so seriously? Same with people talking about Type A and Type B personalities. Do you think you can just categorize all people into some nice little organized box and make sense of this world. It's not so easy, kiddo.

You're right, but sometimes people just want to talk about themselves and have a little fun.

Sometimes I think I'm the anti-fun personality type, whichever one that is.

Peterson is a Big Five researcher and rejects MBTI

>Peterson is a Big Five researcher


Pretty much any INXX


I've been exclusively reading about Art and Art History for the past two years. Nothing else.

>Storm of Steel


The Chad to all you sissy INTP bitchboys


who here /enfp/ masterrace

Not me but I wish I had an enfp gf

shut the fuck up you stupid gay faggot

This test is trash, I got ISTJ. The test fails to account my crippling depression fueled by my drug habit, and the fact that I'm not sleeping well. There isn't a category for somebody trying to write a book, who hasn't been laid in two years.

John Cheever's Collected Stories

O my favorite work is Ada or Ador, a Family Chronicle.
>its about by Vladimir Nabokov.

>mfw you make to many mistakes for just posting.

Where is the rope when you need to neck urself.

More like an MMPI for people who don't think they're mentally ill desu.

same here. i never read, maybe sometimes, but im at a less than 3 books a year rate. mostly come here to osmosis smart guy culture

Petersburg - Andrei Bely

Seemingly only ISTJ here.
I like dystopias. A lot.


Early Netherlandish Art, get on it if you haven't already mate


East of Eden