Waman are oppressed

Waman are oppressed

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Quality thread, OP.

Hey OP, how about spending one day in your life without a cock in your mouth?

> a dystopia in which women are purely a gynecological resource because their wombs have intrinsic reproductive value
ugh yaaaas this book is soo important!

> meanwhile in the real world, sex robots and artificial wombs appear, finally challenging the gynecological monopoly one half of the population holds over the other
fucking patriarchy

artificial vaginas deserve equal rights as well

Okay, what rights do we give the artificial vagina? Considerations include that it lacks a pulse, much less a nervous system, much less sentence.

Ethically speaking, viruses have a better claim to legal rights.


Can you just fuck off?

bumping out of sheer reactionary misogyny

This is now a Harry Potter thread
Anti-Harry Potter cucks not allowed

it's not even a bad book

But retarded feminists take it seriously

It was pretty bad desu

>a van takes Offred away
>"we found some tapes but we don't know how to arrange them"
>finds freedom in smoking, an addiction, which COULDVE been poetic if she died from lung cancer or something

The entire premise is retarded as well. 30% of all Protestant clergy in America are women.

Kill yourself.

>30% of all Protestant clergy in America are women.
>Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
fucking lmao

>suggests women aren't oppressed by oppressing women

Laughing at a trash book and everyone who likes it is oppressing women?

modern day mainline protestants are basically generic progs though. abortion and sodomy ascended to the level of sacraments after protestant and liberal theologies underwent fusion post 60s

the handmaid's tale is not a dystopia but a female fantasy. The woman trapped inside every feminist cries out for male domination. The shallowness of wonder woman feminism is just a cover for daddy issues


No, women aren't oppressed, but they should be. I consider "The Handmaid's Tale" a work of utopian fiction.

artificial wombs aren't real yet are they?
