Is 'It' good, Veeky Forums?

Is 'It' good, Veeky Forums?

>Stephen King

Never. Very definition of normie core trash.


I enjoyed it, it's a comfy read through the kid parts, it is normie but fuck you I like it

What a shit cover.

It's ok, like all Stephen king. It is a fun read but it is the literary equivalent of watching tv.

Read 100 pages and find out. It goes down very, very easily.

It's probably his best horror story. I personally really love IT, but it's got a lot of flaws.

You could probably cut about 200 pages out of the book, easily, without really changing the story. King has a nasty habit of writing chapters that really have nothing to do with anything, like describing someone taking a plane ride and all the events taking place on the plane, including the stewardesses and their personalities, and the only point to this chapter is to illustrate that a guy is preparing to remember something about his childhood, which actually is pertinent to the story. He actually has a lot of chapters like this. It even follows a pattern, guy doing something that doesn't matter for 6 pages before he flashes back to something that does matter, skip to other guy doing something that doesn't matter at all before he flashes back to something that does.

Of all the kids, Ritchie is extremely annoying. I think king set it up that he wanted to have a really funny child character, and then realized that he himself is painfully unfunny, so then he keeps attempting to be funny with the character, while throwing disclaimers all throughout the text that everyone knows the character isn't funny but they just humor him. The character still never stops, and comes across as pretty spastic, adhd, and just plain annoying. Funnily enough, Harry Anderson's character from the 1990 tv movie actually really nails the character and shows just how annoying and pathetically unfunny the character is.

Overall though, I really like IT.

something something sewer orgy

How does it feel to be wrong and a samefag at the same time?

Is "what" good?

Is that an actual thing in the book? I'm not gonna read it just to find out.

yes a bunch of children have sex with each other in the sewer

Can't spell lit without it.

you guys didn't do that as kids?

also can't spell shit without it

I'm not sure about how it feels to be a samefag, but I'm sure you can tell us about how it feels to be wrong.

O shit you got me

It was a couple years ago when I was first getting into Veeky Forums where there was a Stephen King thread every week. At least those threads discussed his other works, and at that time I could contribute something like recommending The Long Walk or 11/22/63. But now the only threads we see are these and something about the gangbang scene.

Read Aristotle instead OP

>1000 page book about a spoopy clown/lovecraft-lite

Yes it's very good. It's amazing. King is a great writer, and not a complete fucking hack at all.

Stop talking about couple years ago. Provide thread as a proof.

I'm reading it now and I'm enjoying it. Started it the other day and I'm already 300pages in. It's not hard to get through at all.

Only the kid parts.

Stephen King likes kids' parts too

any of you lads read The Stand? I remember loving it when I was 14 or so and I'm interested to see if it holds up

I love IT, but The Stand is one of the worst novels I've ever read. Really, really hated it. Some people like it though, I dunno.

Yes, but the best King novel I've read is Pet Semetary.

>It's ok, like all Stephen king. It is a fun read but it is the literary equivalent of watching tv.
Why will people so easily admit this fact about Stephen King, but then turn around and act like J. K. Rowling is a literary genius? Not on Veeky Forums, I mean in real life. My own mother insists that Harry Potter is excellently written and should be read in school.

Stop pretending to be me

read this instead

yes, very.

Harry Potter is at least knowingly directed towards children, we have lower standards for what qualifies as a good kids book. Stephen King on the other hand actually thinks he writes adult literature.

>Because King didn't wish this to be viewed as a lewd scene, the narrative explicitly states that the act of intimacy with each of the boys' helps to further strengthen their friendship; and Beverly only experiences orgasm while having intercourse with Bill Denbrough and Ben Hanscom.

Well that makes it all fine then

Can confirm, this is pretty great but a fairly slow start. When it gets going though, it gets going real good.

but he's not wrong.

>you are.

Stephen king IS pleb tier garbage.

I read nearly all his work in middle school or high-school and it was fun then, but it is not good.

Sure he's had a hit or two, but fuck if you wrote 200 + stories you'r bound to write something OK once in a while.

Still mad/sad what happened to the gunslinger.

>King writes him self into the story
>kills off major antagonist of 7+ books on a whim
>lets a black guy play Roland in the movie.

Also Doctor Sleep, had to be one of the biggest let downs,who writes a sequel 40 years after the release of the first book?

>gets bored and kills all the bad guys with a marry sue
>the end.
>Easy there Stephen, dont want to work to hard.

This. King himself said he considers himself the "big mac and fries" of literature

you saying you don't like big macs and fries?

I like pussy but it doesn't mean that I'd put a hooker on the same level as a qt waifu
>inb4 all women are whooahs

Awesome cover.

As for the book, I have not read it. But I imagine if a more talented author did a thorough revision of It I'm sure it would easily be a 10/10.

King is a storyteller, not a writer.

I think he is a better writer than Lovecraft.

Yes, it does have some genuinely creepy moments, such as bills dead brother coming alive in his school photo and Beverly hearing voices in her sink drain.
Plus it has the very memorable "tell your friends I'm the last of a dying race, the only survivor of a dying planet, i have come to rob all the women, rape all the men and learn to do the peppermint twist." Overall it is a good novel.

>king set it up that he wanted to have a really funny child character, and then realized that he himself is painfully unfunny
>he keeps attempting to be funny with the character, while throwing disclaimers all throughout the text that everyone knows the character isn't funny but they just humor him
>the character still never stops, and comes across as pretty spastic, adhd, and just plain annoying.

So after all that youre basically saying King did what he set out to do?

Seeing as how this poster was retarded enough to actually have an anime picture on his PC ready to go, id tell OP to not take anything "he" says seriously

Regards someone who hasnt and probably wont read anything from King

Really, that's not saying much. Fuck, just about anyone is a better writer than HP Lovecraft.