Who's your favourite book-tuber?

Who's your favourite book-tuber?

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Am I confusing dates or has she started making videos again

she has

I'm kind of envious of the people who take chances on new releases/random books they see in a book store.

Because my time is limited and I have other hobbies than reading (like watching films) I pretty much only read classics and fantasy/sci-fi authors that I already know I like, or are regarded as classics within the genre that I haven't gotten around to yet.


What compels a person to become a book-tuber?

Why have you done this

lel at the top comment

I did that at first. There were some stinkers but I discovered some decent stuff too. I have a back log of classics now after discovering Veeky Forums, but I should probably get back to it and discover contemporary literature.

I'm glad she is back
That episode showed how inane and pathetic are the people in this board, in a fucking literature board where people boast about reading Proust, Tolstoy and Joyce this was a clear, dazzling proof of how you faggots never read any of these authors

zero empathy, the sense of humor of a retarded kid and the moral base of a low life ruffian

I hate you people so much

Like Caligula (you) would that user had a single neck so that (you) could lop it off at a single blow?

wat. The obvious conclusion to make here is that reading great literature doesn't make you a good person. I hate the phrase mental gymnastics, but I feel like it is truly the most appropriate term to describe your thought process here.

>Tolstoy, Proust and Joyce are know for their empathy towards another human being
>I looooove their works guys, I trully understands those book but lets bully little girls in the interwebs, we are legion lul

neck yourself senpai


>I have to agree with someone to understand and appreciate them
are you 5?


I don't watch any.

I have no idea what you're even talking about. Someone must've jammed your trigger.

Can't stand her voice but I like her breasts

so you don't like her at all?

I commented that four months ago and have no recollection of doing so

That smoking hot australian chick


Slit your wrists.

>Proust, Tolstoy and Joyce
Wouldn't we have raped her if we were following through on those? Proposing marriage is hardly harsh.

I lift and read for my sweet and pure waifu Carli Claire.

That British girl Annie who's struggling to make ends meet and has decided to go back to school at 26 years of age and not get married to a struggling writer.

I want to hug her and tell her it's gonna be ok :/



>rated pg13, maybe R, very scandalous

I love her somuch
