No matter how hard you try, you will never hold close to your chest what you desire the most

>No matter how hard you try, you will never hold close to your chest what you desire the most.

How does existing on a hedonic treadmill make you feel? Put it into words.

I'm going to try, even if I can't find it. Why? If I stop looking, then I have no purpose. Also, as naive as it is, I refuse to believe that my search will end in failure. I will find it, it will be horrifying, but I will be able to use it to help those that I have met along the way. The end is coming, but it won't be my end.

but relationships are proven to make people happy user

And why do you think divorce rates in western countries are like 50% within the first 3 years. Everyone wants the next best relationship. The moment you clasp your hands around what you thought you wanted, you will want something else.

I can confirm this, being in a more or less stable and more or less satisfying 10+ years relationship with someone I never craved to begin with. The stoics are sadly right, it's a good life, not striving to "live"

If, even after entering into a loving relationship, I am still unhappy, I will renounce all striving and never burn any more

Some day we're all going to be gone.

In the mean time, good food and alcohol is pretty tasty, music sounds nice and art/nature/the sex we find attractive are nice to look at, and entertaining things are entertaining.

Distraction till the day we all die.

>Everything is just a distraction
From what, nigger?

The hedonic treadmill idea shouldn't be taken too seriously. It's impossible to be 100% euphoric consistently, but it's not like nothing makes a difference. You can probably remember times in your own life when you were more or less happy on a day to day basis.

The knowledge that the ever reaching hand of death, come to snuff the flame from the top of that Pier One Imports scented candle that symbolizes your life is one day going to arrive.


Fucking stupid hedonists just don't get it.

I held her close to me on thursday and friday. It felt pretty damn good

Pro-tip: Epicurus was a hedonist.

"You made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

>addicted to delusion and slave morality
Nigga you're on an even worse treadmill

Until you free yourself you will never be ready.

>Implying Christianity isn't true


"Lord, grant me chastity, but not yet!"

Who is the artist here, if you don't mind me asking?

>implying I'm not living the aesthetical until I hit rock bottom because it is the only way to reach the ethical authentically

barron trump


i was going to call you a dickhead but i typed it into google anyway

not bad