Board about literature

>board about literature
>99% are illiterate idiots who don't read but want recommendation
>only memes
>/pol/ vol. 2

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Yes, it's a travesty, Veeky Forums used to be good. I blame Peterson for convincing some of the /pol/ crowd that they're all literary n' shit.


You sure about that?


nuh uh




wypierdalaj na wykop kmiotku

This, fuck the niggers at /pol/.
They should fuck off to Veeky Forums and let me discuss books withou the

it started long before Peterson but he certainly exacerbated it

Ale morde zamknij

You just did it yourself, you fucking hypocrite.

This is a metathread, idiot

Nah. Kill yourself.

>/litpol/ - Like /pol/ but we pretend to read books.

Oh no there are people here who arent windowlicking liberals!!! Why cantnypu guys be more like reddit??? Waah waah goo goo

If anything this place has too many underageb& virgin leftist who lionize retards like zizek

Fancy a winter getaway?

>only 2 political views and, analogically, 2 parties
Kill yourself, I beg you, Sir.

>Veeky Forums used to be good back when it was just a liberal echo chamber
New Veeky Forums > old Veeky Forums

Why is it that people feel like they have a valid opinion in literature and continental philosophy without even reading a book, I don't see a similar crowd to peterson's fanbase in STEM fields or analytic philosophy

>can't even pronounce it correctly

At least it's not like the fucking piece of shit that is /tv/. I want a board to discuss real cinema, not a place full of marvel shit and big brother viewers.

International forums are the worst because of timelines.
Go to some less known chan and discuss at night.

>he wants to discuss movies

we've got ourselves an intellectual

timezones* lol

>no YA
>no genre fiction
>the only remains of old school forums
>only place on internet where genuine literature is at least mentioned
>only place in the world where genuine literature is at least mentioned
>/mu/tizens come and ask for a classical music advice

at least old Veeky Forums actually discussed literature like it was intended

>only place in the world where genuine literature is at least mentioned
Higher education
>only place on internet where genuine literature is at least mentioned

Math and science are more intimidating to stupid people. They will openly admit to "not being able to do math" but everyone can read making literature seem more accessible. Even though they can only read at about the same level they can do math at.

Please do find me a single fucking chan with Balkan timeline which discusses in English.

OK I also used timeline, this is a kek.

Hello Krleza

It's the chillruns, friend.

That's why he reads Plato

>I don't see a similar crowd to peterson's fanbase in STEM fields
that's pretty much new atheism in a nutshell

i thought the science meme died in 2016 when the post-ideological world ended?

empty political ideologies like atheism and science don't fly anymore on 2016+1

that would be great but there are still many people with that silly mindset

>/pol/ shows up ranting about zionism and jews
>people rip him a new asshole by logic and facts
>ignores the arguments and winds his idiocy up again

At some point mods need to realize it is becoming outright spam

i think that's not sustainable anymore. most of those communities are fragmenting and openly embracing their actual ideological frame, as now labeling mainstream politics as "common sense" or "logic" doesn't work anymore

for example Sam Harris had to purge at some point all his trump followers and had to define himself as a mainstream democrat with some quirky opinions about islam. now he has the issue that many of the followers that remain fell for the multicultural meme and get mad when he speaks with Douglas Murray.

it'll be interesting to see how much longer he can play "the rational man" meme while retaining an audience

>Veeky Forums

except Veeky Forums was always a catholic board

Old Veeky Forums consisted of more leftists (especially anarchists) than liberals, and it was much better than new Veeky Forums. You /pol/sters don't care much for reading, I've noticed.

we need to bring back reading for porn; i see what you're saying mr fish.

gide once said that 'Fish die belly upward, and rise to the surface. It's their way of falling.' you should think about that as i bump you, mr fish, because i know you killed a thread for this and haven't read the counterfeiters.

You leftists don't like being disagreed with , I've noticed.

anarchism is a meme, empty ideology. at least communists have a concrete (and empirically genocidal and wrong) path to the utopia

>he doesn't realize memes are the new literature

well he got dubs so it would be rude to argue anyway


Harris got viciously attacked for daring to have a podcast discussing the taboo of IQ differences across races. That was Episode 73 of the Waking Up podcast with Charles Murray as guest. He then talked about the irrational reaction to it in the beginning of Episode 77 and also touched on the subject with his guest Siddhartha Mukherjee in that episode.

>path to the utopia
>path to utopia
learn greek, you fucking nigger.

not and agrumend

Does anyone?

>It's a tankie vs anarkiddie thread
Neat. But you're both still niggers

I do. It always opens up new paths of discovery.

>German fascist thinks his culture was peak fascism
nigger pls

>Italian """"Stallion""""
Still better than Anglos

yes, that's just Harris autism showing, which he does from time to time, i don't think he knew what he was doing. it is clear why the mainstream consensus was that there's no benefit to discussing IQ differences between the races, and the reason was not that it was "bogus science", like everybody like to pretend and jerk-off to Stephen Jay Gould "crushing" Murray.

though it was the left who opened the can of worms when they started to push for equality of outcome, and cry "oppression" every time a difference of % occurs anywhere. that's going to ruin the fine balance that kept that consensus...

>correlation between IQ and race

What a fucking twit.

The controversy was about the fact that he discussed it with Charles Murray in particular, notorious racist charlatan. There are many acceptable ways to discuss these topics, doing so with a budding KKK member is not one of them.

>There are many acceptable ways to discuss these topics
No, there aren't.

fascism isn't race-based. nazism wasn't fascism, it just looks a lot like it because both movements were totalitarian in nature.

And because nazism splintered away from fascism. And fascism is chauvinistic, so racist too. Just not antisemitic.

Do you think that no academic in the US is studying these topics? How dense are you?

Sam Harris could have been a serious person by inviting an actual expert, and discuss with him about the current understanding of IQ, race and heritability. These are not loaded arguments, they can be approached rationally, without having to imply every 2 seconds that you are not advocating for the segregation of black people. This goes all out of the window if the guy you have invited is Charles "That cross! burn it!" Murray.

>in 2016 when the post-ideological world ended?
Fuck man, I didn't get the memo, what happened?

Yes, it is possible to study such topics in academia at least to some degree. For Sam Harris to have a podcast about it is not possibe without a backlash, no matter what. Has there ever been such a podcast by someone else prominent? Because if not, then the argument you can have such a podcast without a backlash is wishful thinking. A lot of people in academia would not want to participate in a public discussion in fear of being branded racists or bigots. Don't forget the backlash against the podcast with Murray was intellectually dishonest and the flagship article of the backlash wilfully ignored things that were said on the podcast. So the backlash was anything but reasonable.

Your own argument against Murray is an ad hominem. Maybe he is a "notorious racist charlatan" and "budding KKK member" like you claim, I wouldn't know, but surely you should be able to mount a more convincing argument against him based on what he said on the podcast or has written. If not, your argument must be very weak.

Thanks for being gratuitously insulting for no reason though.


fucking lel

>Fascism isn't anti-semitic
In many ways it is. Even the Lehi
would be considered anti-semites by Jews for having been fascists. Fascism does not condone the absolute majority of Jews regardless of if it's Nazism or not.

in 2008 the neoliberal "common-sense" narrative collapsed, people took a while to realize it

well it collapsed a few more times, like after the Iraq war, and it's mock repetition in Libya. the multicultural meme also collapsed once people realized that you can't import 30 year old guys with hairy balls and brainwash them into democratic, tolerant citizens by giving them a 10 hour language course.

it's a collection of events that crushed the Fukuyama dream of the end of history

>Your own argument against Murray is an ad hominem.
A Southern racist (and his rscism is well documented) writes am unscientific best seller book that argue for the inherent inferiority of other races through faulty usage of statistics and a childish understanding of hereditability, which on the other was a misunderstanding of completely obsolete notions about genetics. Decades later he still tries to cash in with internet celebrities.
Also keep glossing over the fact that Sma Harris could have invited literally anyone else and there would have been no major backlash. You say that academics kight not want to talk with you: I say that when your audiences counts millions of people you'll always find an expert willing to educate his listeners about our current understanding of these topics. But no, they would have blamed him anyway, so let's invite the racist guy with no training whatsoever in any STEM field (Murray is a political scientist), whose works have been debunked for decades now.
And let's also pretend that 2+2 equals 5.

Up next: the Armenian Genocide, with guest Tayip Recep Erdogan.
Later: transgender issues in our new technological era with a phone interview by a very special guest: Ted Kaczynski

Pinocchiiiiooooo maaaannn

Well, I'd still love to hear an argument against what was said on that podcast rather than a personal attack on Murray. That the whole backlash was about the person implies there was no argument (aside from the intellectually dishonest one that Harris addressed).

I do believe Sam Harris has in fact read Murray's work, and certainly the more (in)famous one(s), and it seems highly unlikely he would've had Murray on his podcast if he in fact found corroboration for the progressive groupthink that Murray's work is biased and racist and bigoted. I haven't read The Bell Curve myself, but I trust Harris's conception of the content more than I would trust what progressives say based on what other progressives say based on a knee-jerk response to a taboo violation that seems to be fundamental to criticism of said book. (Which is not to say the book's content is beyond criticism of course.) After all, Sam Harris is hardly a Nuh-Tzee himself, and although I disagree with him on some things, I do trust his gran autismo on this topic.

You have no idea how the world works cocksucker. Why the fuck would you have a science illiterate racist on a discussion on racism? Why would you have fucking Arafat on a panel about the Judaic religion? Or Castro on one about American foreign policy? Do you get it?

You sure sound like a social progressive. Full of hate and incapable of calm rational discussion. Into the trash you go.

hi where are the argumend

>social progressive
>full of hate

>he says defending a KKK tier illiterate actual racist
Top kek

Yes, you've made many ad hominem attacks on Murray and now reflect those ad hominems against me as well. Repeating such attacks over and again doesn't turn them into a rational argument. Your use of hateful language is consistent, and that's something you might want to consider when you're lying awake in your bed before falling asleep.

posts like yours won't stand any chance once autism goes into overdrive, that's why the progressive takeover of Silicon Valley won't last, too many autists like James Damore to keep up appearances for a long time

you leftists messed up when you started the equality of outcome meme instead of the sustainable "pretending" that went on before. it won't last now.

>hey man that asshole is a self declared racist
>having him on a panel about races is dumb

You don't know how fallacies work. If we're talking about an individual, remarks and criticism are not ad hominem attacks: they're the fucking point of the discussion.
It's as if we were talking about nature and you, like the cocksucker you are, kept interrupting me by saying "APPEAL TO NATURE APPEAL TO NATURE APPEAL TO NATURE".

Nope. All your arguments were ad hominem attacks with zero substance. Just different ways of calling someone a racist. Nothing else. Your attempts at discussion in general are so completely driven by emotion it is somewhat humorous to see you trying to lecture me about fallacies. For your sake I hope you're still a kid.

He is a racist, he has no qualification to talk about IQ, race and heritability and his main work has been debunked decades ago.
Now tell me: why would you invite this person to talk about race, IQ and genetics? Why him and not a random guy from a bar?

Just an user passing by:
Are you saying we should just ban people who have unpleasant views on the world completely from speaking? Just lock them out of discussion? Or was this just about the particular case talked about in this thread.
Why not take him to the panel? If his arguments are flawed, shouldn't you be able to show why they are flawed? I don't understand why you would want your ideological enemy not to talk. If you have a platform, you have the same power as him, you have the power to show why he is wrong about his views. You should be able to show everyone that the emperor has no clothes.

Murray's work has not been debunked and his ideas are extremely mild. You should stop flinging the fake word "racist" around like it means something, accept that you are the intolerant dunce witch-hunter of this day, and then try to change your behavior. But I know you won't. I just hope you aren't white. Whites shouldn't be this stupid in the present environment.

No one has talked about banning, you are just trying to legitimize any possible criticism, even the valid ones. After all, criticism is integral part of free speech.

>If his arguments are flawed, shouldn't you be able to show why they are flawed?
Because Harris is not a geneticist nor a psychologist, therefore he can't possibly assess wether the technical informations he's roesented with are true or false. If you are going to invite amateurs (again, Murray is NOT a scientist) have the decency to invite an expert so that he can stop him from blatantly lie, either directly or by omission, to the public. You don't "debate" biology.

Regardless, what did Sam Harris do? Fuxking nothing: he gave a platform to this reprehensible character, talked with him gracefully for hours and 2 weeks later he disavowed him after he "discovered" what kind of loon he invited on his show.
So there it is: your ideal scenario does not even apply to what actually happened.

>implying basement dwellers care about timezones

Not him, but Wikipedia says that The Bell Curve has been debunked in 1996 by APA.

Just report them when you see them. They tried last year to take over, but people report. The users of lit this year seems to be lazy as fuck who can't take some time to report

What part? It's a massive book based on statistics. The statement doesn't make sense. Anything claiming something in it was "debunked" probably means that X changed slightly after further testing, which is not grounds for "debunking." We live in the fake age of equality and talking about racial difference is heretical and taboo because brainwashed utopians are under the absurd delusion that they're going to undo thousands of years of evolutionary conditioning. It's total insanity devoid of reason.

>implying Veeky Forums users care about metaphysics and timelines

>later he disavowed him after he "discovered" what kind of loon he invited on his show.
When did he "disavow" Murray?
Definitely not on episode 75:
nor episode 77 (relevant part from 10:45 onward):

I'm one of those ''/pol/'' guys and I bet I've read more books this year than any of you.

Did you mistake infographics for books?

fascism is state based. has been since roman stoicism.

Klansman multiracial pegging dojinshi with optional himmler tentacle choose your own adventure novelettes don't count
